
Title: Letting go

Summary: Kagome is abducted by Naraku and held prisoner for two years. When Kagome kills Naraku, she becomes possessed. Can she fight the battle within her or will she succumb to the darkness.

Pairing: Sesshomaru and Kagome

Genre: Romance/DramaDisclaimer: I Do Not Own Inuyasha!

She couldn't bear the pain much longer. The amount of poison in her system was making her weak and soon enough she would pass out. But she fought it the son of a bitch wasn't going to win, not this time. He circled her drinking in her naked form covered in blood he licked his lips as he swung his whip against her back. She screamed, her back singed in pain. Two more hits followed cracking against her bottom and legs. She screamed again this time biting her lip, blood ran down her chin.

Naraku let out a menacing laugh. He loved to torture her ever since he captured her two years ago. He lusted after the miko and every time he had the nerve to grab her inappropriately she called forth her miko powers and purified the hell out of his hands. In return she was whipped until he was satisfied. Her body tried to heal itself but the poison fought back. She was slipping…losing control. She was losing consciousness from the loss of blood that pooled at the bottom of her feet. Her body went limp.

Naraku lusted after her, now the sight of blood rolling down the curve of her breasts, dripping from her toes made him want her even more. He knew if he laid one finger on her she would try to puri- wait a minute did she pass out! At the thought he became angered and rapidly whipped her against her flesh. She woke and her piercing screams rippled through the castle. He advanced upon her and pulled her up by the hair.

"MIKO!! What did I tell you" his eyes red

Kagome just glared at him the hatred glowing in her eyes.

"Go tohell"she spit in his face.

He slapped her and continued his mindless rage on her body. She screamed in agony. her limbs were numb It seemed she was so full of poison that it seeped out of her wounds, a blazing trail along her skin even though not much was left anyway.

Naraku was content with himself for the time being. Her body was deformed and pieces of skin hung. He liked this new whip he acquired. He had it made from the most venomous of all creatures. It would do him well in the future. In the meantime he always ended this little excitement with the miko looking through Kanna's mirror. He wondered what they would see today.

"Kanna" setting his whip aside. The white haired child appeared.

"Show her the monk and demon slayer"

Kanna stood in front of Kagome her white mirror swirled with black before she saw Sango and Miroku. They were in the village of Edo in Kaede's hut drinking tea. They were speaking about normal things. Topics that didn't involve her even Shippo seemed happy enough but there was not a sight of sadness in his face. Did any of them even think about her? Tears welled in her eyes she didn't dare let them fall.

"You see miko, they have forgotten all about you" patting Kanna on the head "Even that little kit of your has found a new playmate"

The mirror swirled again and she knew who was coming up next. She turned her head. She couldn't bear to look at him anymore. If it wasn't for Inuyasha she wouldn't be here. Every time she looked in the mirror he was either confessing his love to Kikyo or had her up against a tree somewhere. After he put her through so much why couldn't she just let go. Naraku's claws punctured her chin as he forced her to look in to the mirror.

Thankfully, Inuyasha and Kikyo weren't in the act but they sat in his favorite tree nearby the well. Inuyasha gazed into the sunset as he held Kikyo in his arms. She closed her eyes briefly before engaging in a kiss with Inuyasha. He had so much love for her though he denied it every time Kagome confronted him about it. He even confessed that he cared for her not Kikyo and she was a fool to fall for it.

"I love you" he whispered before they both fell to sleep.

His words resonated through her head. He loves her! In all of her encounters with him and Kikyo the three words never escaped his lips. Something inside her heart snapped and she fell into darkness…


Sesshomaru and the group camped at a large clearing in the northern lands. Rin managed to find the spot because it was filled with flowers and butterflies. He ordered Jaken to go back to his castle and report of any news of Naraku's previous whereabouts. He knew that there weren't any but he took his chances.

He leaned against a tree leaving Rin in plain view of his sight. He rested shutting his eyes. Where was Naraku it's been almost two years since he has made an attack. Two years could he have gone in hiding or waiting for an attack that required more time and efficiency than the others? That always ended in failure maybe. Whatever it was he wanted to know.

The sound of laughter interrupted his thoughts. He cracked an eye open. Rin was playing with Ah Un in the bed of flowers. She picked up numerous of them in her hand and threw them above her falling like sheets of snow. He would have to return home soon. There was work to be done. He closed his eyes and waited for Jaken to return.

You know we wouldn't have to go through all this if you would've listen to me

He was not in the mood to deal with his inner demon.

What do you want?

You know what I want but clearly you commence to ignore me.

If you continue to act the way you do then….

I am a beast. Untamed. And don't try to change the subject. You should have killed Naraku when you had the chance instead of spending your revenge on the half breed for taking your arm!

SILENCE! He growled at his beast

Or what you'll kill me. I am tired of laying up with those whores in the castle. If you would've listened Naraku would be dead and we would have our mate by now.

If I would've listened to you I would be somewhere destroying villages

Hn. At least it would've gotten us somewhere

Sesshomaru was suddenly annoyed. His beast often wrecked his mind with finding a mate but he didn't bother with it. Every female he encountered was awed by his beauty, wealth and power. He didn't need a leech in his domain but someone he could have worth fighting, someone who could calm his beast, someone that actually gave him a challenge for once.

He thought back to all the women his beast called to him to mate with. None of them was at least half decent of what he pictured but one stood out the most. To his astonishment it was the half breed's wench, the miko. She dressed very scandalous showing her legs in her weird bottom cut very short but every thing else about her was innocent and pure. He could hardly contain his beast when he is in her presence. He never stayed long much due to his idiot brother rambling.

It's been a while since he has seen her and thought this visit would torment his beast for treating him so. Jaken returned with no information which he already knew and he called Rin and Ah Un forth.

"Where are we going now lord Sesshomaru" twirling a bush of flowers in her hands.

"This Sesshomaru figured you miss the miko that my brother travels with"

Her big eyes shined bright "We're going to see lady Kagome and Shippo" she yelled happily "you hear that Jaken we're leaving to go meet our other friends"

The imp waved his stick at her head" friends those are our enemies you stupid girl, although I am curios, Lord Sessh-"They were already gone down the path. The imp ran to catch up "oh, I hate when they do that.


In the village of Edo Sango and Miroku sat in Kaede's hut drinking tea. They were talking amongst themselves to better ease their minds. There wasn't much to talk about but there was a hint of sadness in the air. Kagome has not returned to them for two years now. Inuyasha went to her home and she wasn't there either which meant that she was still in the past.

They encouraged Shippo to go outside to play with the children in the village. He needed some lifting up, he missed Kagome more than any one of them. But he said nothing as he went outside.

Miroku sat next to Sango. He wondered where she could've gone they searched high and low for her. They even had Koga on the lookout. He was enraged to find out that she was missing then he yelled at Inuyasha as usual. But this time was different. She just didn't go home and come right back. She left and she never made it to the well. Miroku's tea had gone cold but he still drank the rest that was left. He looked at Sango though she barely touched hers.

"Sango" at first she didn't respond her mind far away.

"Sango" he touched her shoulder and her big brown eyes looked at him.

She fingered the locket Kagome gave her from her time. It had a picture of her and Kagome that she took with her camera. Miroku wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Do you think she's dead" her question pulled at him.

"No, that is the one option we must not take" he cupped her chin" Kagome is well and alive"

She wiped the tears she tried to hide from him "How do you know that Miroku" her voice soft.

"If she was dead the well would have closed off, we just have to look harder"

She knew he was right if she was dead then the well would have been closed completely. Where could she be?

"But where else could she be we walked around this place for two years! Two years! Miroku don't you think we would've had a clue—"she gripped his hand and tears stained her face. "You don't think Naraku has her do you"

The worried look on her face told him that's exactly what he thought. Naraku or Sesshomaru. He took a look outside and saw Shippo playing with the children he was momentarily distracted. "Come" he pulled Sango up and headed down to the bone eater's well. He scanned the area to see if Inuyasha was around. Likely he wasn't. He hadn't been around much and whenever he did he smelled of dead carcass and clay. So that meant he had been with Kikyo

He sensed another demonic aura far down south of the village. It was the familiar aura of Sesshomaru and his group. He ignored Sango questions and pulled her farther down the road where there was the big lily field of the next village. There off in the distance, Sesshomaru leaned against the tree while the little girl Rin played in the flowers.

"You think that Sesshomaru would tell us if he'd seen her"

"I don't' know if he hasn't then we know for sure that she was taken by Naraku" he continued to walk. Rin was running with joy picking flowers and throwing them in the air. Jaken was besides her scolding her but she paid no attention. She was taller than they last seen her but she basically looked the same. Rin caught sight of them and ran towards them with her fistful of flowers. "Lady Sango what a surprise to see you, we were just coming to visit"

"Oh you were" it took Sango by surprise.

"Yes, umm where's lady Kagome and Shippo."

Sango kneeled down on her knees her eye leveled with Rin" well Rin Shippo is at the village and Kagome... Is not with us now that is why we came to see Sesshomaru"

"Oh…okay" she turned to her flower bed

Sango didn't want her to think that they haven't thought about her so she nodded to Miroku to go and talk to Sesshomaru. He was still leaned against the tree his eyes closed. Before Miroku even said a word his eyes opened and he regained his posture. He still looked the same since he last saw him.

"Where is the miko?"

"Well lord Sesshomaru that is why we came to you" Miroku said "we haven't seen Kagome in two years. at first we thought she had gotten angry at Inuyasha again and left for home but when he went to retrieve her she never made it there"

Sesshomaru hadn't said a word for a moment. Two years that is quite a coincidence.

"Naraku has been absent for two years, did you know" Miroku asked knowing very well that Sesshomaru would know.

Miroku shifted at Sesshomaru glazed look in his eyes they were thinly lined with red. "Yes then it is what we feared but we have searched everyone and we have not found Naraku's barrier. And even if we did there would be no way to dispel it without Inuyasha."

"And where is the half-breed." He snarled

"He…is with Kikyo" from Sesshomaru's action it seemed as if he would explode and he braced himself but nothing happen. He looked and Sesshomaru was calm. His body stopped shaking and the red from his eyes were gone.

"Go monk, back to your village I will see what I can do but as for searching for the Miko, it is not clear on whether she is alive or dead." at that he leaned back into the tree and closed his eyes. Miroku was shocked he didn't think Sesshomaru would actually help them search for Kagome. He turned to leave with Sango.

Back in the field, Sesshomaru ordered Jaken to take Rin and Ah Un back to the castle. He remained in the field and collected hi thoughts. So there was a chance that the miko was with Naraku. If Naraku decided to use her against his enemies then Naraku would have the upper hand in the final battle.

Sesshomaru was determined if it ever came to that. The Miko would have to die.

Sesshomaru's miko

This is my first story ever. So please tell me if there's something missing or if it's good anything to help me get better. Personally I think I did okay for my first chapter.