Title: Don't Forget to Smile

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I don't own it. I'm just playing with them for a bit.


The divorce papers where right in front of him. Waiting for his signature. One quick signing of his name and Derek Shepherd would be free. Eleven years being signed away. Eleven birthdays', Christmas. A decade of being with someone and he wasn't sure how his life was going to move forward. There marriage hadn't been clicking for the past year. They had stayed together because that was the only way he had ever known. Nothing they tried had worked and in the end divorce had been the only option.

"Are you going to sign them?" Derek looked up not shocked to see his best-friend Mark standing in front of him. He'd been staying in Mark's guest room for the past couple of weeks. Until every last asset had been divided.

"They just got delivered Mark. Give me a minute at least." Derek said with a groan.

"The two of you just drifted apart." Mark told him seating down, "It's no one's fault it just happens."

"It wasn't suppose to happen with up."

"Yeah I know." Mark told him, "But you believe in that whole happily ever after stuff. Obviously this wasn't it and it's time for you to move on."

"When did you become the voice of reason Mark?"

"Being surrounded by the Shepherds sisters will do that to you."

"Did my sisters tell you to take care of me?"

"They suggested it. I would have do it anyway man. You've been my best friend for years."

"Thanks Mark." Derek said with a sigh pulling out his pen. Signing his name as quickly as possible, and pushing the envelope away.


"Mom my flight will get in early tomorrow afternoon." Meredith told her mother as she closed the last of her boxes. It had been a long and tiring week of carefully packing up her Boston apartment.

"Good." Ellis Grey-Webber nodded into the phone, "Just because you're the chief's daughter doesn't mean there will be any short cuts."

"I know that mom." Meredith told her with a giggle, "Have you found any more apartments for me?" Meredith asked her mother. She was thirty-one years old and the idea of moving back in with her mother wasn't at all appealing.

"Richard has a whole list together somewhere in his office." Ellis told her, "Sweetheart I have to go scrub into surgery. I'll talk to you tomorrow before you get on the plane."

"Alright mom. I love you."

"Love you too sweetheart."

She said before hanging up. Meredith was excited to be moving to Seattle. She hadn't been home for a longtime not since she started her residency she had to admit she missed it. After her dad spilt she wanted to be as far away as possible. Then Richard Webber had come into their lives and everything changed. He was the man that she called her father, the one that was her father in every way that matter.

"I can't believe that all this stuff was yours." Meredith looked over at her roommate of five years, Hannah Links. The two had formed an unbreakable. Being the only two women in their intern class. The tall, skinny, black woman was who Meredith would say was her best friend. She could already tell that she was going to really miss her.

"I guess you'll just have to find another pack-rat roommate." Meredith laughed.

"No way. I can swing the rent by myself now. I'm going to turn your bedroom into an office."

"You get over losing me that easily."

"I'm going to miss you Meredith." She said with a sigh giving her a hug, "It's going to be lonely here without you."

"I'm going to miss you too." Meredith said returning the hug. She could already feel tears prickling her eyes.


"Richard Webber." Richard groaned hearing his wife's voice. He could hear the soft clack of her heels on the floor, and her hand on his arm.

"Ellis." Richard smiling turning to face her, "How you today."

"Don't you dare try that with me Richard." She said angrily, "What in the world was going on in the there."

The surgery had been completely normal. All expect for the fact that Richard had been squinting and dropped a few of his instruments. She had never seen Richard as anything but calm in surgery.

"I got a little headache." Richard told her honestly.

"Is that all?" Ellis asked him.

"Yes." Richard sighed kissing her forehead, "I'm just going to go take an aspirin. I'll be fine."

"Okay." Ellis smiled, "Your going to be fine for when Meredith comes home."

"Yes I'll be fine."

"Alright." Ellis said looking down at her now beeping pager, "I have to get down to the pit. I'll see you at home."

"I'll see you later Ellis." Richard watched his wife walk away sighed before hiding to his office. He had an important call to make.


"Dr. Shepherd you have a phone call." Were the first words Derek heard when he entered his Fifth Avenue private practice.

"Thanks Ellen." He said nodding at his secretary going into his office, "This is Dr. Shepherd."

"Shep!" A mega-watt smile crossed his face as he recognized the voice of his mentor.

"Richard how our you?" Derek questioned settling himself into his chair.

"Actually that's why I called." Richard started, "I've been having headaches, and recently some vision loss."

"Oh Richard." Derek sighed, "There could be a million reason for that."

"Yes." Richard answered, "I need to know what the problem is."

"Okay." Derek nodded into the phone, "I'll clear my schedule for the next week."

"Thank you Derek."

"It's not a problem Richard." Derek told him hanging up the phone.


Meredith tried very hard to remember why it was she had picked Seattle Grace Hospital to do her fellowship. She could have happily stayed in New York, and few thousands miles away from her mother. Her crazy mother that was nervously walking up down her childhood home.

"It's so obvious his hiding something." She repeated for the millionth time since they had gotten in from the airport.

"Why don't you just ask him?"

"I did." She sighed, "He won't tell me what's wrong."

"I'm sure if it's serious dad will tell you."

"Your right." Ellis told her, "Of course you are. I just don't know what I'll do if something happened to that man."

That statement surprised Meredith. Her mother no matter how much she loved Richard she was an independent woman. Seeing her mother so overly distraught over loosing her husband it was a shock to the younger woman.

"Mom don't worry, dad is going to be just fine." Meredith told her reaching over to hug her. Inwardly Meredith prayed that he would be alright.

Author Note: That's the first chapter to my brand new story. Richard and Ellis are married. They have been since Thatcher walked out on them. I don't know yet if Lexie or any of the extended Grey family is going to show up. But I do have several chapters already written up. I just re-watched 'Kung Fu Fighting,' last night. The look between Derek and Meredith nearly melted my television screen.

As always

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