A/N: Someone suggested I write a companion to my I'd Lie story, but this time from Draco's p.o.v. I decided to oblige.

I love her.

As much as I try to ignore this pestering emotion that's been growing inside of me for a while now, I can't seem to escape it.

She's my best friend, and I'm head-over-heels for her. And I can't tell her.

It isn't that she's a Weasely, in fact that's one of the things I like most about her, not that I'd ever admit that to her. Her short temper, her ridiculously red hair that just begs my to twirl it around my fingers, and her desire to never barely get by ever again.

And it isn't that I'm a Malfoy, because she's never minded. At least, not since we became partners.

The problem with telling her that I can think of a hundred ways I'd like to make better use of those large desks in our offices as opposed to paperwork is that I can't live without her.

The little bint has unintentually become an essential part of my everyday life, and even the slightest chance of her finding out that I'm crazy for her and our friendship becoming awkward, well I can't risk it. Not to mention how bad it would be if things all the sudden became tense and uneasy between me and my partner on a professional level.

And it's because of this reasoning that I'm forced to reign in the more-than-friendly thoughts, forced to hide the admiring glances I'd like to send her way, do everything in my power to make sure she thinks of me as her best friend and a friend only; and try to find someone else hopefully half as amazing as my stubborn, crazy, gorgeous partner.

Of course I still date, but I never tried hard to stay in another relationship. Still, it's funny to see her glare at every other girl I bring in and judge them not good enough. It's even better when she comes over then night of the eventual break-up and more often then not ends up falling asleep on my shoulder.

Blaise is well aware of my very frustrating predicament, and as my best mate you think he'd be at least a little sympathetic, and instead he never passes up a chance to tease me about it. He tells me I should just go for it, because if I don't one of these days she's gonna show up to work and have a ring on her finger, from either Saint Potty or some other pansy like him.

Even if I wanted to tell her how I feel, I've never been good at showing girls that I'm interested. I'd probably screw it up. So I'm stuck buying her her dark chocolates with almonds, and treating her to dinner at her favorite restaurant, and threatening to destroy any man who dated her while secretly being pleased there's still a chance.

A chance that maybe one day she'll wake up and see just how much I'm in love with her.

A/N: I don't like it. I like writing Draco as this confident, sexy man, but that kind of Draco wouldn't have worked with how I portrayed him in the other fic. Review, please. They make me happy. )