To Proclaim Love

A/N: I have tons of other ideas for Get Backers, but this one was just inspired after I read something. I'm not sure if anyone has any story like this, since the idea is not so original in my opinion. Anyways, I've chosen to write it up. I hope you all enjoy it. It's dedicated to all fans of the Juubei and Kazuki pairing. Special thanks to my beta, Brokenshardsofmyheart99!

Disclaimer: I do not own Get Backers.

The morning was sunny and full of a happy aura for the master of the strings, Kazuki. He awoke from having the most wonderful dream, and was now ready to go and face the world. He got himself out of bed and stretched for ten minutes. After his little exercise, he headed to the bathroom for a shower.

Having done all of his morning routines, he decided to have breakfast at the Honky Tonk and hopefully see his friends there too. "The sun feels so warm today," he said to himself as he walked down the sidewalk. He could feel stares and hear cat calls made to him. By now he was completely used to it.

Within minutes he reached his destination and entered. To his surprise he saw the whole place turned upside down. The tables were all over the floor, the dishes and cups were shattered, and food was everywhere. "What happened?" he asked.

"Kazu-chan!" Chibi Ginji ran to him, but instead of hugging him as usual, he hid behind him. "Ban-chan got angry and he did all of this!" cried little Ginji.

Kazuki looked around and spotted Ban running towards him. "Stop!" he shouted to no avail. Before the angry man had a chance to push Kazuki aside and grab Ginji, flying needles came and paralyzed Ban.

"Damn," hissed Ban.

"Juubei!" Ginji and Kazuki both shouted. They turned and saw the samurai man standing behind them with more needles in hand.

"Kazuki, are you injured?" he asked. Kazuki shook his head and looked down at Ginji to see if he was injured.

With a smile Kazuki answered, "The Lightning lord and I are both just fine, Juubei. Thank you."

Chibi Ginji looked at Ban and walked over to him. He poked his knee and jumped back when he noticed a small movement. "Ban-chan, I never used that money! You see, Akabane came and said he needed money! I'm afraid of him and would never give him our money! Ban-chan, he cried! I felt bad so I gave him the money that he needed!" the hyperactive blond explained rapidly.

Ban looked calm, and Juubei removed the needles, much to Kazuki's amazement. He knew that Juubei had been undergoing treatment for his sight. To see him pull the needles out without hesitation made him very happy.

"That bastard! How dare he scare you into giving him money! Wait, he scared you and he cried?" Ban looked at Ginji for confirmation. After seeing the blond nod, he cursed loudly.

Natsumi and Paul, who had been hiding behind the counter, came out and inspected the mess. "You know this will go on your tab, right?" asked a very livid Paul. Both of the troublemakers nodded, not wanting to anger the man further.

And with that, the door opened. All eyes were on the man dressed in dark clothing at the entrance. "My, whatever did go on in here. Have My dear Ginji and Midou finally mated? Or was it the samurai man and Mr. Kazuki. I sure do hope Mr. Kazuki is still single, if not then I'd settle for a threesome," came the smooth voice of the man they all deemed as strange.

Ginji wasn't bothered by Akabane's remarks, but he was still scared and so he hid behind Ban. Kazuki, on the other hand, was blushing like there was no tomorrow. Juubei, having seen a little from behind his sunglasses, noticed the embarrassment that the Jackal had caused for his master and best friend.

"Nobody has mated. How dare you imply that someone as pure, innocent, and decent as Kazuki has committed such an act in front of others! You caused him humiliation, and that is something that I can not forgive!" Juubei shouted at Akabane.

The Jackal's eyes seemed to widen a little as he saw how Juubei reacted. "Oh dear. The servant has a sharp tongue. What can be done about that? Cutting it off seems to be a top favorite of mine," he said as he took out a scalpel.

Kazuki could almost feel the bloodlust that both men emitted. "Juubei, you don't have to do this," he said and continued before Juubei could reply, "He is not worth you getting hurt. Please, don't fight him. I want this day to be peaceful."

The samurai nodded with much hesitation. "As you wish, Kazuki."

Akabane grinned. He walked over to Kazuki and held his hand. "Such a beauty you are," he said as he stroked Kazuki's chin. From the corner of his eye he took notice of Juubei moving in, needles in hand and ready to be used. Before Juubei could raise his arm to throw the needles at Akabane, the man in black grabbed it and with a swift maneuver, walked away.

Everyone was confused as to why Akabane walked out of the Honky Tonk, but the reason soon became clear when they heard Kazuki give a little scream.

"We're tied at the wrists, Juubei!"

Sure enough, both were handcuffed at each other's side.

A/N: The end of chapter one! To give a warning… Well, this story might go up to a rated M rating. It's enough that we have Ban's cursed mouth to watch, but Juubei and Kazuki will have some, um, scenes. Thanks for reading!