Two days before Thanksgiving, one year later:

"Babe, my parents are going to be here any minute and I can't find..." Drake's sentence died when he entered the bedroom. Melody was sitting on the bed with her hand resting on her stomach and she looked like she was focused on something.

Drake recognized the look immediately and sat beside her. He gently put his hand on her stomach and waited. Soon, he felt a little movement. He moved his hand and felt it again. He took Melody's hand and placed it where his hand had been.

"Baby one is there," he said softly before moving her hand. "Baby two is there."

A small smile finally formed on Melody's face. "How come they're inside me, but you can find them faster?"

Drake laughed lightly and kissed her cheek. "Because I'm their dad."

Melody finally let her hand slide off her stomach. She had to check to make sure the babies were moving at least a couple times a day. Drake could understand her fear and was patient when she got distracted by the babies moving.

"So, what were you looking for?" Melody asked.

"I don't remember," Drake admitted. Whatever it was, it wasn't nearly as important as his wife and his unborn twins.

"Wow, this place is quite impressive," Walter said, looking around the new house.

"Thanks. I'm just glad we got everything set up before you guys got here. We were still unpacking boxes yesterday," Drake said.

" 'We'? I thought the girls were supposed to be resting," Audrey said.

"I mean 'we' as in Josh and me."

Josh scoffed. "Like you helped. All you did was sit around and give orders."

"I did stuff."

"Yeah, if 'stuff' includes organizing your guitars!"

"So, where are the girls?" Audrey interrupted.

"Megan took Emily out back to play. I think Mindy and Melody are out there, too," Josh said.
"Oh my goodness, look how big you guys got!" Audrey exclaimed when she got out back.

"Gee, thanks," Mindy said with a smile. Mindy was a week past her due date. "At least I'm not as big as Melody, though."

Melody pretended to look offended. "At least I have an excuse, I'm carrying two!"

Mindy laughed and patted her stomach. "Yeah, I'm going to have a ten pound baby if this kid doesn't come out soon. You'll probably have the twins before I have mine."

Melody was just starting her eighth month of pregnancy. She looked worried. "I know the doctor said they could come any day now, but I don't think I'm ready for them to come out yet."

"Trust me, you'll be ready when it happens," Audrey said reassuringly.

"Mama!" Emily squealed, running over and hugging Audrey.

Audrey picked her up. "Wow, you're getting big, too."

"Papa!" Emily shouted, seeing Walter.

"Hey, Emily," Walter said, taking the toddler from Audrey. "Whoa! You guys look like you're going to pop any day now," he said when he saw Mindy and Melody.

"Nice move, Dad. Now tell them they look fat, that'll make them feel better," Megan joked.

"Sorry, well, I have to go get the stuff out of the car..." Walter said, making his escape back inside.

"Melody, go sit down. I can do it," Drake said.

Melody put ice in the glass and started to pour soda into it. "You never get the right soda to ice ratio," she complained.

This was the one part of pregnancy Drake could do without. Melody was never picky about her soda before this. "Fine! You have your drink. Let me get everyone else's."

Melody took a sip of her soda and made a face. "Whatever. I don't want this anymore." She only got a couple of steps before she said, "Drake?"

Drake sighed. "What is it?" He walked over and saw Melody staring at a small puddle on the floor. "Don't worry about it. I'll clean it up." He was reaching for the paper towels when he paused. What exactly did she spill?

"Can I help with anything?" Audrey asked, coming into the kitchen. She saw Melody staring at the floor and Drake's confused look. "Oh, Melody! Your water broke! Come on, let's get you to the hospital." She took Melody's hand and led her to the living room.

"What do you mean it 'broke'? Is that bad? Can they fix that?" Drake asked, following them.

"It means the babies are coming. This is why I told you to read the baby books!" Melody said.
"I tried to but the babies would have been born before I finished the book."

"Kids, this is not the time to argue," Audrey said gently.

"Does it hurt?" Drake asked for the hundredth time.

"I'm starting to think that you want me to be in pain," Melody said lightly. She was in a much better mood now that they were set up in the hospital room and the doctor assured them that the babies were doing well.

"No. I don't want that. It's just the machine keeps showing the contractions and I thought they were supposed to hurt."

Melody shrugged. "It feels kinda weird. It doesn't really hurt."

"What did the doctor say?" Walter asked, suddenly bursting into the room. He was followed by the rest of the family.

Drake looked confused by Walter's dramatic entrance. "He said it's going to be a while."

"Dad rushed all the way here because he thought they were going to be born immediately," Josh said.

"Well, this is important."

"It's okay. I have my camera," Megan said.

Drake stood up. "The only way you're going to tape anything is if you promise not to sell it to anyone."

Megan rolled her eyes. "Give me a little credit. I'm not going to exploit your children."


"Yeah, yeah. I'll even sign the same contract Josh made me sign when Emily was born."

"Ow!" Melody yelped. "I think it's starting to hurt now."

Drake looked down at the two smallest babies he had ever seen. "She has your nose," he said softly to Melody.

Melody chuckled. "He has your ears."

There was a knock at the door. "Are you feeling up to visitors?" Audrey asked, peeking into the room.

"Of course! Come meet you're grandchildren!" Melody said. "Tell everyone to get in here."

Drake stood up. He handed his daughter to Audrey. "This is Elizabeth Audrey Parker." He picked up his son and handed him to Walter. "And this is Joseph Walter Parker."

"Wow, they're..." Audrey started.

"Perfect," Walter finished.

"They're so tiny!" Megan exclaimed. Megan picked Emily up so she could get a better look.

"Babies!" she giggled.

"Where're Josh and Mindy?" Melody asked.

Walter laughed. "She went into labour just after Drake told us you had the twins."

"Copycat," Melody said when Drake wheeled her into Mindy's room.

Mindy smiled. "Don't start. I got pregnant first so you're the copy cat."

Emily was sitting at the foot of Mindy's bed. "My baby!" she said proudly, pointing at her little brother.

"Yeah, are you a big sister?" Drake asked.

Emily nodded. "I'm very big."

Megan appeared at the door. "Ready to go home, kiddo?"

Emily shook her head. "No." She yawned.

"Yes." Megan picked her up. "The babies will be home tomorrow."

"Okay." Emily waved at everyone. "Bye. Bye."

"I'll see you guys in the morning," Megan said.

Mindy pointed to the baby Melody was holding. "So, where's the other baby? Did you lose her already?"

Drake laughed. "No, Mom and Dad are busy being proud grandparents."

"I heard that!" Audrey said as she and Walter came into the room. She handed Elizabeth to Drake. "Next time you need to spread them out. I don't have enough arms for three newborns."

She turned and tried to take Josh Junior from Walter.

Walter laughed. "No, you're baby-obsessed. Let the kids bond with the babies," he said, handing the baby to Josh.

Melody yawned as she settled back into bed.

"Tired, babe?" Drake asked.

Melody nodded. "I'm exhausted, but happy. Are the babies okay?"

"Yeah, they're sleeping. My parents are telling everyone who goes by the nursery about their three perfect grandchildren."

"What did you tell the press?"

"Nothing. Megan talked to them before she took Emily home."

"That was nice of her."

Drake laughed. "She spent most of the time talking about the new movie. She's not entirely selfless."

"What about...?"

Drake kissed her. "Stop worrying. All that matters is that we are the proud parents of two beautiful babies."

"How did I get so lucky?"

Drake kissed her again. "I'm really the lucky one."

A/N: So, that's the end. I hope you enjoyed it! I have to thank GatorGrrrl for being the best Beta I could ask for. Also, letsnotalk for being my first loyal reader on this story. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed and added this story to their favourites list. I appreciate it so much.