
Krystal Robyn and her crew sailed back to Tortuga and left Jack Sparrow there. Before Jack boarded the Black Pearl,he gave Krystal a locket he had stolen from some wench. He managed to have a small portrait of himself installed in it so that she would never forget him (as if she ever would) and parted ways.

Krystal Robyn had a flag made for the Cruel Mistress, which consisted of a purple shield with a picture of a skull having a red braid of hair with a cross sword and whip.

A year later, John Stewart and Jasmine were married on the Cruel Mistress by Captain Krystal Robyn. It is said that Krystal shed a few tears, but they may have been better remembered as tears of joy.

Captain Daniel Conrad's body was used to fool Jasmine into thinking Jack was dead. Krystal gave Jack's sash back and the blood on it eventually washed off.

The Island of the Cursed was never found after Krystal left. Legends say that it was swallowed up by the sea. Others say that it never existed, but no one can really be sure of the truth.

A/N: Tiny little formal Epilogue for some of the missing peices. What'd y'all think?! Did you like my story?! Need I ask that after all the reviews?! ha ha ha! Anyways, thank you so much for reading this story, I appreciate it! Don't forget to review!