Authors note: Yo Its been a while I have regions coming so I've been studying that and writers block is killing me so I'm gonna switch back and froth between stories for a while. Oh ya this is a star fox story with a couple of gundam type problems and mobile suits so no characters are from gundam just the suits I have no claim over star or any gundam models or MS models.

Alright a little back story the starts in the year 2150 Humans and Lyatians meet in a conflict between terrist groups who have been meeting in secretly their leader was Andross and was send to venom by combined efforts form both Human and Lyatians sides and a alliance formed between the two spices.
Star Fox: New legacy Prolog part one
Fox was only nine when his father was leaving for venom "Dad why do you have to go?" The young Fox looked up at his father James McCloud. Jim's team which coincided of a human with short blond hair and blue eyes Jonathan Blare, Peppy Hare a rabbit and Pigma Dengar a pig stood behind him waiting "Son I have to, to keep them form hurting anyone else like they did you mother." "But dad I don't want you to…to…" He broke down ran into his dad and started crying into him "Don't die dad, don't die!" James looked at his son "Oh for goddess's sake look kid get the hell out of here before I…" Dangar was cut off by John pushing him and kneeling next Fox "Hey Fox listen me and Peppy are gonna be there helping him so don't worry okay pal?" Peppy walked up "Nothing is going to happen to him while were there okay?" "Okay." Fox wiped his tears "Don't worry Fox I'll be back I promise." He dug into his pocket and pulled out mirrored shades with gold frames "This is from your mother she gave to me hold them for me will ya?" Fox took them "Okay dad." James hugged his son and walked away "So John how'd your kid take it?" "I had to come him down but Mary was there so it was a little easier, Nathan just really didn't want me to go." Pigma snorted "I don't why I work with you sap sacks." "Hey you should shut up as it is Jim here should mess you up for threaten his kid." John said shutting Pigma up "Hey Pigma, John go warm up the great fox." "Sure Peppy." "What ever you say pep." They both walked off, Peppy pulled James aside "Jim you notice Pigma acting strange?" "Yeah. Why?" "Well me and John think we should watch our backs around him." "Maybe your right." Jim walked off with Peppy.
A couple of days later

Fox walked to school meeting his one of his best friends there "Hey Krystal." He walked up to his blue furred friend who was found as an infant by a science team in a pod on a deserted plant. She was taken back and raised by one of the scientist there, she was studied a little but she had the same freedom as any other kid "Hey Fox." Krystal walked up to him and hugged him he was one of the few people who didn't mock her for her fur color, friends were very important to her "FOX!!" a young human with short black hair and blue eyes he ran up to them and stopped to caught his breath "Hey 'pant' Krystal 'pant' Fox this 'pant' came from 'pant' your dad." Fox took the letter he was holding (They sent letters to John's house because Fox couldn't claim the mail.) Fox opened it and in it was a picture of his dad in the arwing giving a thumbs up and a letter attached "Fox we took back most plantes that Vemon took and when I get back I take you to that arcade you like. love Dad." Fox read the letter and looked at Nathan "Your dad send you one?" "Huh oh yeah." Nathan pulled a letter out of his pocket "In such a rush to give you yours I almost forgot." he opened it in it was his father leaning on the neck of his captured zaku one a big humanoid machine it had an long nose like thing on its head with what looked like a vent cover on the end, it had one red dot that served as its main camera that turned 180 degrees, its shoulders were bare and it had pretty big feet (You want better details play a gundam game or look it up okay because I don't know how to describe it any better.) There was a letter attached "Nate I'm sorry for leaving but James needs a good suit pilot were almost to venom and will be done shortly and back home before you know it love dad." Nate looked up "I miss him." "Yeah." Fox said with a sigh. Krystal pulled them "Come on were gonna be late."

Meanwhile on the great Fox just above Venom

John was at work on his computer when Peppy and James knocked "Come in." John told them. "Last time I check John I was the one who gave orders." James joked "I know sorry but I need to talk to you guys." "Okay sure." James said sitting down "Ill make this quick, I've studied the Zaku design and made a suit design that should give our side the means to fight back so if we fail one of us needs to come back alive to give the data to the Earth/Lyat federation." "Yeah so if this mission fails one of us comes back and gets the info home right?" "Yes and I have back up disks I made for you guys to hold on to. The pass word is JJPVMVFNL okay?" "Yeah, it's our names, wife's and kids huh?" "Yeah it seemed right." "Because it is and why even make these we gonna do this and win you know that." James said looking at his friend "But what if we don't." "James he has a point." James just nodded he knew this mission was gonna be hard and was glad john made this back up plan "What did you call the model?" "The GM." "Nice name." "Two minutes to Venom all pilots to there station." Robs monotone voice said over the intercom. "Come on lets go." James said getting up 'these blue prints have to be derived it could help end war.' John thought before running to the hanger "Come you idiots I just want to finish this and go home get drunk and do whatever." Pigma said climbing into his arwing "Yeah whatever." John said before climbing to his Zaku "Alright boys lets do this!" James said jetting out of the hanger and into Venom "Right behind you." Peppy said shooting "Well?" John asked Pigma "Yeah yeah." Pigma darted out shortly followed by John.

The team arrived on the surface John's Zaku painted blue and gray to match the arwings of his team ran on the ground while the other flew above "Alright guys here's the plan, we rush there capital building and take out their leaders." "Pretty straight forward Jim." John said ready for action "Guys this way it's a short cut." Pigma darted off and fly into a cliff area "Well should we follow." Peppy asked their leader "Yeah what's the worst that could happen?" James said flying off the others following. Two miles into the cliffs they were ambushed by Pigma and a flight of venom invaders and serval Zaku attacked John "Damn." John said engaging the threat with his axe drawn. Mean while Peppy and Jim were busy in the air "Damn you Pigma!" Jim cursed as he finished of the last two with a charged shot "Andross send enforcements." Pigma looked at the ground and saw john finish the last Zaku off.

John's POV

I should have know Pigma was going to do this hell I knew it along but I shouldn't have let the other follow him I can't help but blame my self for letting him fool us. I was going to taken him down when my radar went off I looked to the east and two new models coming at me the first looked like an improvement on my Zaku it had a spiky shoulder guard on its left shoulder an a small shield on its right, tubes ran into its head and the vent on its head was smaller as well I classified as the Zaku two. The other was almost the same expect both shoulders had the spikes and where longer and its head had them as well it also carried a large sword on its back this one I had no name for. The Zaku two carried a large bazooka and was painted orange for some reason its pilot came on my HUD "I blow you too BITS!!!!!!!" he broke out in crazy laughter red hair was short and his red eyes were crazed "Your insane." I responded he looked it to. The orange one charged me while firing his bazooka I barely dodged it and countered with a blast from my machine gun he dodged easily I immediately realized that this model was faster then mine if I had my designed model I could easily win but now I don't think I'm gonna win I was about to call for help when I saw the huge air battle over head.

James's POV

Me and Peppy were about to teach the traitor a lesson when another flight of invaders came only this one was much bigger and was lead by what looked like a protype for something John dug up in the Venom battle net "The wolfen" they called it "James McCloud we meet at least." Andross' face popped up on my HUD "You should be honored that I myself came into the fray not many get to see my skills on the field of battle." "Consider me honored you mad stinking pile of…" He cut me off with a loud roar and opened fire with twin red lasers his ship was fast I could already tell this was gonna be a close one if I made it out. He flew right at me full speed I barrel rolled to the left to avoid him charging into me, I did a one eighty and fired at him, he took some damage but not a lot. "Not bad McCloud but not enough."

Peppy's POV

I saw James's battle with Andross for a second before Pigma and his goons swarmed on me I dodged and dodged enemy fire while slamming the trigger in my cockpit, once or twice John fired a couple of shots from the surface to help while fighting his battle I fought until it was just me and Pigma "I'm gonna make you pay pig boy." "In your dreams Pep." Pigma came at me and then just disappeared "You like this it's my cloaking device very handy for doing this." Pigma shot me a couple of times, my shields took it but I had to find him, he hit me again and I rocked around in my cockpit that's when I found a button I didn't notice before I knew it was John who put this in "You could always count on that guy." I said to my self as I pressed it, a computer came out and covered my eyes I could see the battle field in Infer red, I saw Pigma come at me and I unloaded into to him.

Normal point of view

Peppy fired at the invisible flying pig "Ah damn but." His cloaking device wore off and his arwing began to smoke "Not so tough huh Pigma?" Peppy came up behind Pigma and fired another volley of shots before he evenly went down. John had his full share with the manic "Die, die DIE!!!!!!!!" he shouted as shells exploded every where the other suit just stood there watching 'Okay I got five seconds to strike starting now." John rushed him with the axe drawn and cut the arm with the bazooka off "Why you…" He was about to charge when the other suit pilot stopped him "Napalm stop." "But edge..." "I said stop let me have a go." The other suit stepped forward slowly "Your name is?" John looked at the man on his HUD he had short brown hair with two long strains going down his face and wore small sunglasses at the tip of his nose "Jonathan Blare." "Well Mr. Blare let the best man win." He pulled his sword out and took a stance john did the same. Tow seconds of sileicne nothing moved nor made a sound then they charged each other both making a battle cry. John hit the suits leg; edge hit the Zaku in the fore arm cutting it off.

James was busy with Andross "You're not bad…for a vulpine." "Yeah well you not bad for mad ape." Andross barrel rolled and braked to get behind him James braked and flew into a canyon "Come and get me." "Fine." Andross followed him

John and edge went at it Edge's left leg was completely useless while John lost the Zaku's head and left arm "This is good bye Mr. Blare." Edge charged him John treid to dodge but the new suit was just to fast the blade hit the cockpit first and sliced all the way threw John's suit exploded "You were a worthy adversary." Edge walked off and reported his kill.

James and Andross were still going at it in the canyon Andross was right behind James firing like crazy. They flew into a cave and Andross lost him, an evil idea came into his head. James was hiding in the cave floor he watch ed the ship leave the cave he flew after and shot it like crazy only to have all it fire pass threw it "WHAT!" It was a hologram Andross made with an onboard projector "Good bye McCloud." The real ship came up form behind and fired the great James McCloud was gone in an instant.

Peppy's POV

I saw both of my best friends die in an instant I ran back to the great Fox and made way to Cornerian I wished that James or John made it instead of me I mean I got the easiest target that's the only reason I'm alive is luck. I still don't know how to tell Nathan or Fox.

Fox's POV

It was boring in school as always I'm just glad I have my two best friends with me Krystal whose all ways cheerful even though she picked on a lot and Nate who I've know since we were two "Hey Fox, Krystal wana come over after school?" "Yeah sure Nate." Krystal said in her cheery tone "Okay." I answered but then a teacher walked in to the lunch room and pulled me and Nate out "Whats going on we didn't do anything." Nate said not wanting to go The teacher just looked at him and pushed us into the main office the principle looked at us and kneeled down "Fox, Nathan this is going to be hard for you to hear but." She stopped for a second "Your fathers are dead."

Auhtors Notes: So what do you think a little different but tell me how I can improve please.