I~ Oh, and just to give you the safe feeling of which day it is (I know that always is helpful) it's Friday in the fic, well, at least for this short first part! Sorry about neglecting to mention it before. ~/I

Mummer's Dance
By Jules

Chapter 2

Oz drove Cordelia back home, waited until she was safely inside, then went back to the library.
The rest of the Scooby gang was there and looked up at him expectantly when he walked in the door.

"Did you find her? Is she alright?" Giles questioned, worried about the well-being of one of his 'children'.

"Yeah, she's good." Oz replied in his typical way.

"Where was she all day?" Xander demanded.

"She didn't say, I didn't ask."

"Well why not? She got us all worried and you didn't ask."

Buffy answers for Oz, "Xander, it's Cordelia's business, not ours. She's safe and that's all that matters. It's not like she bailed on us or anything. If Cordelia wants to skip school she can. It's her GPA."

Oz held back a snicker, knowing that Cordelia actually had one of the Highest, if not the highest, GPA's in the whole school.


b** Monday **/b

Cordelia walked to her 4th hour class, knowing that if she didn't hurry, the tardy screen would flash on the TV and she would be late. She noticed Xander hanging right by the door to her classroom, she silently sighed resignedly and started to pass him when of course Xander stopped her.

"So, I see you've decided to grace us with your presence in school today your highness. Did you have a 'good time' with your 'friend'?" He probed snidely; implying that what's shed been doing was of an X-rated nature.

"Wonderful." Cordelia replied coldly, trying to not let him get to her.

"Hope you had protection. Wouldn't wan you becoming an un-wed teenage mother."

Cordelia's eyes flashed, literally, though Xander didn't notice. Her left arm flew up and hit him with a left uppercut to the jaw before he could say anything else, sending him flying back across the call. Then without saying a word, she turned around and walked right out of the school. Her dropped books left forgotten on the tile.

Once out the door, she just kept walking, thought she had no idea where she was going. Unconsciously cradling her left hand, which was rapidly swelling. Cordelia would never remember how in years, or even minutes later, but somehow she ended up at Angel's where she began to ring the doorbell insistently.

Angel was asleep when a ringing bell pulled him out of his bed, in his boxers. He grabbed his robe then stumbled to the front door, which luckily was in a shadow due to hanging roof over a large front porch.

He was shocked to find Cordelia there, tears in her anguish-filled eyes, holding her left wrist, and from his expert-eye, her hand looked broken. Angel quickly pulled her inside, closed the door, and then led her into the draped living room where he sat her down on the black leather couch. Wordlessly he went into the library doors behind him and got his first aid kit. He sat down next to her and started checking her hand.

For Cordelia's credit, she never once cried out in pain as he felt for broken bones, just wince a couple of times.

From his examination, Angel determined that she'd broken her middle finger, and from the range of motion, partially torn the tendon at the knuckle.

He started wrapping it and finally asked, "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Xander has a hard head." She croaked.

Angel nodded, "Yes, he does. But what happened to make you throw you're fist at it?"

Cordelia took a deep shuddering breath, "I was just walking in the hallway, minding my business, on my way to class when he stopped me. Making this stupid comment about how I was 'gracing the school with my royal presence' or some nonsense like that. Then he asked if I'd had a good time with my friend, making it sound all debauched." Her voice cracked as she went on, staring at the wall, "I tried to ignore him Angel, I really did, but then he made one more comment . . . one awful, horrible comment."

"What did he say?" Angel carefully pressed.

Cordelia answered with her voice shaking, "He said, 'Hope you had protection. Wouldn't' want you becoming an unwed teenage mother' . . ." then her whole resolution to not show emotion, which she'd managed to keep since the high school completely cracked, and she broke down crying.

Angel was shocked at Xander's words, through he knew that the boy hadn't known the cruelty of what he was saying, the fact that he had said it to Cordelia made Angel's angel soar. However, he knew he couldn't do anything, so he just put his arms around Cordelia, pulled her shaking frame into his lap, and held her comfortingly as she wept.

"Shhh, it's ok Cordy. I'm here . . ." Angel just had no idea what to say. There weren't really words to say in this sort of situation.

Eventually Cordelia calmed down and pulled away sniffing, "Oh god, I got your robe all wet. I'm sorry."

"Hey, no problem, it's washable."

Cordelia nodded, wiping away her tears with a tissue Angel gave her, "And I'm sorry for just showing up like this. I'm not even sure how I got here."

"Hey, didn't I tell you to feel free to stop by at anytime? I meant it. I'll always be here when you need me." Angel told her sincerely.

Cordelia gave him a half smile, "Thank you. You have no idea what that means to me."


b** Back at School /b

Oz had heard everything that had gone on, and he felt his werewolf nature in him rear up. He threw down his book, and strode over to the downed Zeppo. Oz grabbed Xander by his shirt and with inhuman strength, pulled him up off the floor and slammed him into a locker.

Xander trembled as a growl, not unlike the ones emitted from the cage when Oz was locked up during a full moon, came out from deep within the musician as he was forced against the locker. Xander eyes grew wide as Oz's eyes transformed, and his canines lengthened a bit.

In a wolfy-growl, Oz 'spoke to the flailing boy, "If I ever hear you speaking to Cordelia that way again, EVER, I will tear out your intestines and eat them as you lay dying, still able to watch. Do you get me Harris?"

"Y-yes sir, Oz, sir. I-I underst-stand."

"Good." Oz growled, then dropped Xander to the ground. He shook his head and his face returned to normal, luckily no one had noticed the slight change.
Oz then reached down, helped Xander up and put one had on the shaking boy's shoulder, "I'm glad we get each other man."

"Uh-huh." Xander replied, now terrified of the teen-werewolf.

He had no idea that Oz could control his nature like that. But now that he did, he was going to be extra careful to never piss the guy off.

Oz was a laid back guy, but when you got him pissed, damn was he scary.


Ok, yes, I know it was a short chapter, but please reply anyway!