Harry was at Gringotts in less than a minute. A goblin went over to him and led him to a big conference room with, to his eternal displeasure, Dumbledore. Fortunately there was a seat next to Tonks. He was about to move towards Tonks when Dumbledore spoke, "Harry, sit here."
He moved over to let him sit. Harry just looked at him like he was speaking another language. He went over to sit next to Tonks. After about two minutes later, Ebony came in with a document and a box along with a wraith. Ebony took the seat at the head of the table and the wraith behind Harry with his hands on his sword.
Ebony spoke, "Now the Witch King of Angmar has brought me the will of the Dark Lord Sauron."
Everyone was nervous. They looked at the wraith. Ebony continued, "Mr. Potter, you have inherited everything, but 1,000,000 galleons as they go to the Tonks. Mr. Dumbledore you be given this message: 'Dumbledore when you here this your great great great grandfather has yet to born for another two thousand years. But mark my words, you will not harm Harry. I have instructed all of Mordor to hunt you, your friends, and family down and kill you. You will not control anyone in my family.' With that being said, all but Harry and the wraith may leave."
With that the Tonks left. Dumbledore, however, stayed seated.
"Mr. Dumbledore, we need you to leave so we can discuses private things."
Dumbledore just stood and started towards Harry, which made the wraith draw his sword and stepped into a guard position.
"You will step away from my master this instant."
When Dumbledore kept coming the wraith, with surprising speed, slashed at Dumbledore. It took out his beloved beard.
The wraith just ignored him and took a step forward, causing Dumbledore to take a step back. Ebony summoned more goblins to take Dumbledore away.
"Now that that is over with come with me to see your new vault."
The wraith followed them all the way to the bottom vaults where the high security was. They came up to the vault numbered 0000001. Harry was required to claim his right to enter the vault. Harry did that and the vault opened to revel miles of tunnel. On the first step there were six domed shaped balls of wax.
"What are those?"
The wraith looked at them then said, "They are the Saimyosho, or demon wasps."
Harry looked at them and asked, "What do they do?"
The wraith picked one up and said, "The hive reproduces at an incredible rate, and the wax can be used to create special beans that replenishes your health and energy. The wasps themselves do what ever you tell them. They were Lord Sauron favorite creation, and he always said you will like them."
Harry realized something. "How did he know about Dumb as a door?"
The wraith gave the closest thing to a laugh and said, "He had the power of foresight. In time you will develop this gift as well."
Harry nodded and asked how does he command them.
"They will do the will of all those with the blood."
Harry grinned and explored the rest of the vault. Much money, maps to Hogwarts, something called The Chamber of Secrets and rings. He thanked Ebony and asked to be made aware if anyone tried to enter any of his vaults, which he readily agreed to. At the castle Harry nearly vomited.
"You know that every time I see you Dumbledore I nearly vomit like right now."
With that said the nine wraiths took up a guard position around Harry with their swords pointed towards Dumbledore, an old man with a moving eye and a portly man. The portly man looked at the swords then their holders.
"Those won't be necessary my dear men," Dumbledore said as if they would obey him. They did not move a millimeter.
The portly man spoke, "Mr. Potter, I am Minister Fudge. Albus has told me that you have repeatedly threatened and harmed the members of the Weasley family. You must now come with to be tried." He spoke with an almost shaky voice.
Harry said in an even voice, "I only pushed the man because he accused me of attempted murder and rapping his daughter. Also, his son demanded me to give him all my money, and insulted my mother and friend."
The portly man was shocked and left to find the truth. Harry looked to the wraith.
"I want you to fortify this castle, so that when my ancestor looks down on us he would be proud," the young boy demanded. The wraiths nodded and left. Harry turned to Dumbledore. "You will leave this place at once and never come back."
Harry then left for the drawbridge and left the old man alone. Dumbledore was about to enter the castle when the most disgusting animal in a human form he had ever seen appeared.
"I, leader of the Wizengmont, demand entry. Failure to comply would mean your immediate death."
Dumbledore's reply merely was, "Let me in or I will kill you."
That, of course, didn't sit too well with him and he was about to attack when he heard,
"Don't kill him orc. Just get him away from the land. Then assemble one hundred others and keep him and everyone else away except the ones I will tell you about."
The orc nodded and chased Dumbledore away from the land. In two weeks school would start. Harry had invited the Tonks over a couple of times. When they learned what Dumbledore had done they fell in line with him one hundred percent. The fortification of the castle was about halfway done. Walls were put up, trolls everywhere. Orcs and their brethren at the walls. All types of dark creatures guarding the area. On September 1st he left for the platform to go to Hogwarts. One of the wraiths changed their appearance to match a muggle cab driver and took him to King's Cross. Once there the wraith told him how to get on to the platform by running in between platforms 9 and 10. Harry nodded and left for the platform. On the way he spotted the Weasley family, naturally he stayed behind them. When they entered the platform Harry followed. Once inside he spotted Tonks saying goodbye to her mom. That was when he joined her.
"Hey Tonks, Ms. Tonks. How are you guys?"
They turned and greeted Harry. Soon, they left and for the train. They found an empty compartment and set up in there. Harry figured Tonks was trustworthy enough so he told her everything that had happened. Tonks, to say the least, was shocked and impressed.
"Hey Tonks, do know what a Pre-immortal is?"
Tonks thought about it for a moment and then said, "I might have heard of it, but can't remember what they are. Maybe my mom knows."
Harry nodded and transformed his and Tonks' clothes to standard Hogwarts robes.
"Wow, how did you do that?"
Harry shrugged "Magic is as magic does."
Tonks scoffed and asked, "What house do you want to go into, Harry?"
Harry thought about. "Hopefully Ravenclaw, that way I can go to the library anytime I want since I have many things I need answered. You?"
"Ravenclaw, most likely. If not that then Hufflepuff," Tonks replied.
Harry nodded and pulled out a book that was on his animagus form.
A Radnok can lift up to nearly 250 times their weight. They can fly anywhere from 50 to 150 miles per hour. They are completely immune to poison. They are unaffected by magic, especially mental magic what with being so good at it them selves. The Dark Lord Sauron's (17000 BC to 1 AD) form was rumored to be a Radnok. It gave him multiple mind powers and immunity to magic. This prompted him to use his power to create whole armies of them. Anyone who is related to him can command them. This, however, is only a legend and not real. A Radnok is extremely protective of anyone who they consider close to them.
Harry smiled and thought about what he could do. Might need to ask a wraith if I could use the powers. Lord knows it would save time with trial and error. Oh, what the heck! Bring on the trial and error. I have time to kill.
Soon the castle came into sight and they left the train, only to hear a booming voice saying, "First years, this way! Over here first years, come on."
They saw a big man waving a lantern. Tonks and Harry approached the man with the rest of the first years. Harry didn't know if he should have been happy or furious when he saw Ginny then Ron standing near them. Fortunately, they didn't see him…
"Hey, look! It's my best friend, Harry Potter! He said he would give me 100 galleons after the sorting," came the response Harry dreaded from Ron.
Harry knew he was trying to have public opinion force him to give him money. He was about to say something when Ginny pushed Ron into the water. Ron was dragged down by the squid, having it drag him down further.
"He'll be ok. Now, in the boats to the castle."
Harry already liked the man. Every now and again they saw Ron trying to escape but always dragged back down. Once inside they meet McGonagall.
"Welcome to Hogwarts, blah, blah, blah. Go in, get sorted, eat like the pigs you are, then get to bed. Oh, and Harry so sorry about what happened. Dumbledore is a lousy man that needs to die."
Oh, yeah, he liked the place more and more each passing moment. They entered the Great Hall and saw everyone sitting at tables. McGonagall called them up front to be sorted by the Hat. Ginny and Tonks both became Ravenclaw. Finally, it was Harry's turn. He went up and the Hat was placed on his head.
"Ah, Mr. Potter. Pleasure to meet the descendant of my creators," the Sorting Hat kindly greeted. "Now let's see. You have an impregnable shield around your mind. Well, what the hell! Choose for yourself what house you want to go in."
Harry chose Ravenclaw and everyone was shocked.
Dumbledore spoke, "There must be some mistake. He needs to go the Gryffindor so he can be my mindless drone… I shouldn't have said that."
Everyone looked at him. Despite this, the headmaster told them to continue the sorting. Soon everyone was sorted. The feast began when Ron came in.
"Sorry I'm late. That stupid squid kept me away from everyone," he said as he sat down at the Ravenclaw table.
"What the hell are you doing?" asked Harry, Ginny and Tonks in unison.
Ron answered, "Well, Harry and I are the exact same. So, naturally we would be in the same house. The thing is, why are you two here? I didn't think Ravenclaw accepted whores into the house!"
Everyone went silent right after he stated that. They saw Harry knock someone out for insulting them, and it wasn't even a serious insult. This guy was dead beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Before Harry could move, McGonagall spoke, " Mr. Weasley! You were not present at the sorting, therefore you will not be a part of this year. Your parents will come and collect you and you shall come back next year."
Dumbledore didn't stand for that and demanded a sorting.
McGonagall spoke, "Dumbledore, you know the rules clearly state that if anyone misses the sorting then they will not attend this year."
Most of the teachers were surprised at this; she never spoke like that to Dumbledore, ever. The only ones that didn't seem shocked were Snape and Flitwick, who agreed with her. Soon, Dumbledore conceded and Ron was sent home. Later, the Prefects led the students to the dormitories for the night. Once there, they saw Flitwick was there with thee sorting hats.
"Hello! I am Professor Flitwick, your Head of House. I have your schedules here and your badges that will allow you entrance to the library any time you want to go. Now, Harry, Tonks and Ginny, I need o speak with you."
They all nodded and took their schedules and badges. Harry Tonks and Ginny came with the Professor to an empty room.
"Okay, first off, watch out for Dumbledore. He will try to brainwash you. Second, the Sorting Hat wishes to be placed on the three of you."
With that, he gave them the hat. When it was Harry's turn the hat said, "Ms. Potter I will give you two things, first you will be able to use all your mental powers as they will be unlocked. Your own mind shield shall be strengthened, and all psychokinesis. The second thing is all the plans of Hogwarts, including Godric's cavern, Raven's Roost, Helga's den, and Salazar's Chamber. Good luck Harry Potter." With that they went back to the dorms and slept.
Next day Harry woke up to a hoot. He looked over and saw a Phoenix and a letter.
"This from Dumbledore?"
The phoenix nodded and left.
Dear Harry,
How about we talk before breakfast? Meet me at the entrance of the Great Hall.
- Dumbledore.
Soon Harry got dressed and left for the Great Hall with Tonks and Ginny.
"So what did the Hat have to tell you?" Harry asked.
Ginny spoke up, "He just told me to watch out for the headmaster and gave me the power to warp wards."
Tonks took up the statement, " Same too and the power to detect lies."
Harry smirked and said, " Same and mental powers unlocked. Oh, and the map of every passage and level of Hogwarts."
They stared at him for a bit.
"What? He told you two to watch out for Dumbledore too."
They glared at him.
"Yeah, well, it only gave us one ability when you got two things."
Harry's laughter could be heard for a couple of miles. When they got to the Hall they saw Dumbledore there, and Harry really vomited this time around.
"Harry, Tonks, Ginny! Glad you could make it. It is simple really. Harry, you are going to give me your vault keys and move to Gryffindor. Tonks, you are moving to Slytherin. Ginny, you will be going to Hufflepuff. This way you can meet new people. I even bought you new robes."
Harry looked mad. How dare this man come here and demand them to separate into houses that will not allow them to talk or hang out together! Harry used his telepathic power to invade his mind. He saw his plan was to have Slytherin tear Tonks apart, Hufflepuff would tire Ginny out too much to think clearly and Gryffindor would spy on Harry for him. He was so infuriated that everything was shaking in the castle at his outrage. McGonagall stood and heard what happened. At first, she was happy that Harry was going into her house, but then outraged as she figured out what was happing. Once again, she came to Harry's rescue and told the headmaster off. Hell yeah, he was loving this year.
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Dark Ambition was my beta once again. She checked for grammatical stuff and whatnot. Yay. :) Read her stuff. How will Neville be, good bad arrogant? You decide
Oh remember "I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you need to watch out for, because you never know when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid."