Sprx was playing a one player video game and he suddenly felt an itch on his leg. So he scratched it and thought nothing of it. Five minutes taler he felt it again, but this time it was on his head. So he scratched at it. Soon he kept scratchign at it until he was on the ground and rubbing his back on the floor trying to scratch it.
Otto walked in and saw Sprx trying to scratch his back with a screw driver, Otto thought it was funny until he felt an itch on his tail. He scratch it but his itch just kept gettign worse and worse. He felt the itch move to his leg and started ot scratch at it feverishly. Heand Sprx soon joined eachother and were standing back to back and moving up and down tryign to scratch the itch.
Gibson walked in and saw the poor pitiful sight of Sprx and Otto scratching. Gibson chuckled, but when he saw Sprx reachign down to scratch his leg Gibson felt his leg start ot itch so he reached down to scratch it lightly. Then his light scrathc turned into hard and painful scratches until he was sure his leg would soon start to blead.
Antauri strolled in and saw the three primates and almost start to chuckle until his ear started to itch. He refused t scratch it, intil it became on of thouse annoying itches that you just had to scratch. He scratch it and, can you believe it? It start to move to his stomach and he scratch agatatingly until he to was on the floor, moving up and down scratching his annoying itch.
Chiro leaped into the room and saw all of them on the floor looking like a bad breakdancing group. Chiro laughed at them until he was on the floor laughign his butt off...well, that is until his nose started to itch. He scratched at it until he felt it move to his face.
"What the?" He asked out loud as he scratched his face, he too was pulled into the cratchign crowed.
Nova skipped in and she saw her guys scratchign at themselves and lookign liek complete morons. She laughed ot herself. Her back started to itch, you know? In that hard to get spot. She tried scratching at it, but it was to far away. She suddenly felt hands scratching at the right spot. She turned around and saw Sprx with his back to her. She was suprized.
"I scratched you back now, scratch mine!" He yelled.
She nodded and begain to scratch it. They were like that all day until the itch finnaly passed.