Just so you guys should know! I have changed my name from TasteLikeBlood to Almost.

I'm going to try and re-write this story, change the grammar a little bit and try to find the lost plot for this story (a)

And for those who haven't read this before, enjoy and do have in mind that English is not my mother-tongue.

Wolfram walked calmly around the garden and enjoyed himself in the hot sun. These few weeks in the middle of the summer has been great, the weather was always pleasant and everybody seemed to have a great time working around the castle.

Peaceful and almost harmonic.

The best part for the blonde haired monarch was that he hasn't seen his husband for the whole day. The damn cheating bastard was away for business on earth and wouldn't be back until it was time for his own birthday, and that would be tomorrow. So this was the perfect opportunity to do some 'exercise' with his new recruits.

Training them and hanging out with them has made Wolfram a completely new person. He didn't know how much of a difference it would make to just be around his soldiers more, they have been nothing but kind to him. It was really good to have someone to talk to.

He walked back to the hallway and headed for the kitchen. His stomach had ungenerously let itself known, and it was hungry for a little snack before lunch, so he thought about getting a apple or two before making his way to the courtyard.

When he came to the kitchen door, he stopped his hand from turning the handle when he heard giggles from the three maids inside. He inwardly sighed when he heard his own name and the Great Sage's.

Those girls are so nosy, why did it surprise him that they knew about his and Ken's little flings, hell his own brother knew about it but Gwendal was a very good listener. The stiff man would never go behind his sweet little brother's back and tell Yuuri what was going on behind his back. Gwendal knew what, or rather who, Yuuri brought back to their bedroom at his drunken nights, and it was not his husband.

However, Wolfram didn't longer care if the double black beds all the girls in this castle. He no longer thinks as low of himself as he did in his earlier years, if the king didn't want him then fine. They didn't share a friendship kind of relationship any longer; it was more a bitter husband to wife relationship where none of them could get a divorce out because of some stupid law and tradition. But it was not a problem.

He was actually okay with it and besides, Murata is like the king's clone. And the plus side is that he is very open to new things. It was so much fun when they got Yozak drunk one night and had their way with him. He didn't hate his half-brother's silly friend anymore, why hate him when he is such a good lover? Gwendal caught them a couple of times together but their brother seemed to not mind, and that was very strange but they became more comfortable with their affair.

If Gwendal didn't mind then it was no problem, the man will not tell anyone.

''Tsk, tsk, tsk. What is this my prince-consort? Eavesdropping? My, my… that's not very fitting for someone with your standards, your highness.'' Murata's voice made his legs turn jelly and the hot breath on his neck didn't help either.

Wolfram turned around in the taller male's embrace, and faced the sage.

''Then you should punish me….'' He locked eyes with dark pools of lust and licked his lips slowly. Ah well, the new recruits could wait a couple of hours.

Yuuri groaned when he found his release and pulled out of the woman beneath him. He never let out a sound more than a groan or a gasp; he has never been so stimulated that he had said anything under sex.

It was a quick one he noted, a very dull quick one. He motioned for the girl to get out of the hotel room, and then tossed aside the sheets around him. He needed a shower before going back to his other world.

''… women is starting to taste like ash… aw, fuck! Maybe I've been doing them a little out of control… maybe should stick with one at least for a couple of days? But they are all so fucking clingy and why are they so god damn big?!'' he asked no one particular while stepping under the water.

''Why can't they be a little slimmer? Wolfram has no problem holding his figure… and he eats like a horse.'' The king muttered while continuing to shampoo his hair; he also scrubbed away dried semen from his tanned muscular body.

When he was finished with his shower, he stepped out and looked for a big towel. Yuuri walked out from the bathroom and back to the bedroom to find his big brother sitting on the messed up bed.

Shori disappointedly shook his head at his little brother. He couldn't understand why Yuuri slept with random girls all the time, when he had a piece of irreplaceable jewelry in his grasp.

'Such a waste Yuu-chan'

''Ready yet?'' He asked.

''Yeah, I'll just get dressed. Are you also coming along?'' Yuuri asked while putting on his regular clothes, he had some problems with finding his jacket but soon found the black material under the bed, where he had discarded it earlier this evening.

''No, not this time. But I will a couple of days after your birthday. I think it will be less hectic that way, and I will take mom and dad with me too if that's okay with you?''

''Of course it's okay. Haven't seen mom for a long time so it will be great.'' He looked around for a little jewelry box he knew he had placed somewhere on the coffee table, but could not find it. He looked questioning at Shori and asked if his brother had seen something yellow. Shori shook his head and helped his brother to look for the missing box.

The younger male almost started to lose his cool and panic when he couldn't find the jewelry box. He racked his fingers through his hair and sighed in frustration.

''I need to find that thing Shori! It is Wolfram's and mines fifth year-anniversary next week and he will blow if I don't get him something.'' Yuuri cursed again when he looked at his watch.

''Damn, I have to go… '' Yuuri turned around to meet his brothers eyes and asked if he could buy something pretty for him and bring it with him the next time he visit them.

''I'll do that. Take care for now Yuuri.'' He gave the taller but younger man a hug, opened the door and closed it silently behind him.

Yuuri scanned the room once again with his eyes. He gave up after a while and went to the bathroom again, tapped up water and waited for the tub to get filled.

A splashing sound from the king's bathroom announced his arrival and maids swarmed all over him, shoved towels after towels in his face and asked him questions while some brought him a new set of clothes.

He dismissed them one after one and when he was finally dry and looked presentable, he walked out of the bathroom and got met by the most unbelievable sight. No, not so unbelievable but the view of that fine ass directed at him was quite shocking. Wolfram made a point to tell him that he would not be seen without his clothes on around him; the blonde either didn't notice his presence or just ignored him.

Yuuri couldn't help to let his eyes roam over that lithe body, those lean muscles and that round and perky butt. This is what the girls he had met didn't have, a perfect and flawless body like his husband's.

He felt lust for the blonde rush through him, a feeling he had always dealt with over the years and succeeded to push down as much as he could. But tonight, tonight was his birthday and if woman couldn't satisfy his thirst, maybe this angel could.

He coughed lightly and smiled at the startled blonde. Well, now he knew that Wolfram didn't ignore him on purpose.

Wolfram heard the cough and quickly grabbed a silk rob to cover him with. He turned around and got met by Yuuri's ever smiling face.

Yuuri wanted to moan when he noticed that Wolfram had let his long mane out of the braid he usually wore. The golden strands framed his big emerald eyes perfectly and the silk rob clung to his body like a second skin.

Wolfram probably would cut his gut out if he ever did something like that, their relationship hasn't been anything but nasty the day they said their vows.

But he still had the blonde and that was something he actually and strangely felt proud of. He had what almost everyone, male or female, wanted. Even if the beauty hated his guts with a passion, he still had him and he won't share. He sounds like a hypocrite but he didn't like sharing Wolfram. The blonde may not know it, but Yuuri has always felt drawn to the little nymph. And he may add a bit of possessiveness too.

''Not going to greet your own husband, dear?'' He asked with a slightly husky voice.

The Prince-consort tilted his head to the side and looked suspiciously at the smirking king.

Yuuri didn't just grow more mature but the merge he and the other side of him had, made him a little more… daring. He was definitely not a wimp or an idiot anymore and Wolfram stopped calling him those ages ago, it didn't fit any longer but bastard surely did.

Yuuri was very handsome, nobody can say no to that. Not even Wolfram von Bielefeld Shibuya.

''Welcome back… darling.'' He sneered out before turning around, facing his wardrobe again and continued to wonder what would look best for tonight.

Yuuri's lip twitched a little. 'That little brat… Oh Shinou, I'm getting hard just looking at his back'

Yuuri walked to their shared bed and flopped down. He snuggled his face into one of the big fluffy pillows and frowned.

'Why does it smell like sex?' He changed the pillow for another one but it still had the same musky scent of another man, it was not his scent, he was sure of it and it was not Wolfram's sunflower scent.

Narrowed eyes watched the beautiful blonde discard his robe and step into a pair of snug fitting cream white pants.

Could Wolfram be having an affair?

Yuuri continued to observe his wife. Wolfram pulled on a white dress shirt and then a golden vest over it, the vest only reached half of his stomach and ended where his bellybutton began. He brushed his hair and wondered with himself if he should braid it or let it be. He decided to let it be, Murata loved it when his hair was set free and Yozak didn't disagree. He drew out small boxes with jewelry from his mother and slipped on a diamond necklace, which hugged his neck perfectly. He coated his eyelids with a tiny bit of sparkling golden eyedust and bit his lip a couple of times to make it rosier.

He turned back to the king and rolled his eyes when he saw Yuuri licking his lips. If the bastard did something like that years ago then maybe he would be flattered, now it just seemed ridiculous to think that Yuuri wanted something from him. It was all just for mocking, taunting with something that he knew he couldn't have.

Yuuri couldn't believe that Wolfram could look more ravishing then what he already was. He found himself licking his lips without even noticing it but got brought back to reality when his lovely spouse dumped his formal clothes on him.

He lightly chuckled and complimented the blonde on his looks; Wolfram just gave him the finger before entering the king's private bathroom.

A gesture he learned a couple of years ago when visiting earth with Yuuri.

Yuuri took off his shirt and redressed himself. His eyes peeked a little at the door that stood ajar, and let dark hooded eyes trace his wife's gorgeous figure.

'He better not be'