Kay guys. I know you would like a lot of action, but this chapter may have more talking than anything. So just bare with me all right? Don't worry. It's worth the read.

Yuki slowly sat up on the couch a bit, raising his hips to pull the belt from the loops. He heard his brother listening intently, and knew he was waiting for some type of rules. Yuki smirked as he tossed the belt aside, resting himself back down onto the couch. He shifted somewhat, reaching his hand down and undoing the button to his pants before reclining back once more.

"Eiri…what are the rules to this…'game' of your?"

Tatsuha's voice caught Yuki's attention. He smiled as he waited for a few moments before responding.

"Well…I'll describe some things…like…actions. You pretend it's me doing them but it will be your hands that actually do the actions. Do you get it?" Yuki whispered.

There was a short pause.

"Yeah. I get it. So…can you give me a slight example?" Tatsuha asked.

Yuki thought for a moment. "Hmm…sure. Let's see. If I were to say 'I ran my hand up along your chest.' You would…?"

There was a slight ruffle of what seemed to be fabric scrunching up. "Run my hand up my chest?"

"Very good! So…ready to play?"

Tatsuha's voice grew a bit softer. "Eiri…I know what we're going to do…one of my friends at school told me about it…you really want to do that with me?"

Yuki smirked lightly. "Yes. Tatsuha, just do as I tell you, and if you want to jump in, do so. I'll help you if you help me. All right?"

There was no response for a few moments. Yuki was starting to think that Tatsuha had chickened out and left the phone or just was too scared to answer. He waited, hearing the phone put down before hearing a few beeping noises. He listened, then hearing the squeak of the bed and then a click. He blinked, thinking Tatsuha had hung up before hearing slight breathing against the phone.

"I put you on speaker…and locked the door. Is that okay?"

Yuki smiled. "Yeah. That's fine Tatsuha. Actually preferred. You just lie down, and relax. Tell me, what are you wearing?"

Tatsuha didn't respond for a moment before letting out a soft breath. "Actually…when I was locking the door…I stripped down…so…I'm only…yeah…naked."

There was a short laugh in which Yuki slowly shook his head. He heard Tatsuha whine and could almost see the pout in his mind. He knew for a fact that Tatsuha probably turned a bright red. Actually, he knew for sure. Tatsuha was one to get embarrassed easily, and he knew that his brother was embarrassed by the thought of Yuki imagining him naked, lying on a bed and waiting for his instructions.

Tatsuha had continued to whine, trying to get his brother to stop chuckling. Yuki shook his head before slowly resting his head back against the couch edge with his hair falling back over the edge as well. He smirked lightly as he held the phone closer to his ear, hearing the sound of Tatsuha's slightly ragged breathing.

Was he getting hard from the embarrassment?

"Tatsuha…are you hard right now?" Yuki whispered.

There was a slight squeak, which came from a black haired boy's throat, and then a whine.

"Y-Yeah…I am. But don't laugh! I bed you are too, Eiri!" Tatsuha practically shouted over the phone.

"Yes, yes. I am. But you need to keep it down, Tat-kun. If you remember, father's room isn't far from yours if I remember correctly." Yuki teased.

There was another small pause.

"Shut up. I know that."

"Then keep cool and let's play our game, shall we?"

"Okay, okay. You start." Tatsuha grumbled.

Yuki smirked, slowly undoing his pants and pushing them down to his ankles before laying back and kicking them off, leaving him with just a button up shirt on. He undid the buttons, hearing Tatsuha sigh in frustration. Oh, how his little brother sighed. It was like he had made a chill run over Yuki's flesh and straight to his already hardening cock.

"All right Tatsuha. You better be ready for this." Yuki purred.

Tatsuha just grunted.

Yuki laughed.

"Okay. Here we go…"

"Will you just get on with it, Eiri?"

Yuki, yet again, laughed. His brother was so frustrated, and hard to boot. This was really going to be a fun time.

"Okay. I wrap my fingers around your hardening cock, gently starting to tug it, but not too much. Just a gentle motion, almost teasingly."

There was slight movement, and then a moan. He could hear by the sound of it that Tatsuha had indeed started to gently move his hand up along his cock, making it all the harder or that's what Yuki thought. He reached down as well, grabbing his own cock and starting to pump gently, listening to the phone to find the rhythm that Tatsuha was using. There was another moan before Yuki continued.

"As you just keep getting harder, I run my thumb over the head of your cock, teasing you. Trying to make you cum but not wanting to just yet. Maybe even tempting you to do so."

Tatsuha moaned again.

"Gods, Tatsuha…your moans are sexy."

Tatsuha whined before he couldn't help himself and he moaned again.

"My other hand, as swift and smooth as the first, moves past your cock and cups your balls, gently massaging them and making them feel even better."

Another moan.



"Do you have…toys?"

There was another squeak in which Yuki laughed softly.

"W-Well…one…dad doesn't know though. It's under my bed."

"Get it. We're going to use it."


"Are you embarrassed by it Tatsuha? What is it? A dildo…? Maybe a vibrator?"

Tatsuha whispered something that Yuki didn't catch. He stopped pumping himself, pushing the phone tighter to his ear.



Yuki smirked evilly. Both? Oh how he could have fun with that. Tatsuha really was kinky, which was odd seeing as he was a monk in training. Yuki heard him shifting; hear the sound of a metal container being opened and then something being set by the phone. He listened silently before slowly shaking his head and laughing some. Tatsuha growled lowly in his throat.

"Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not. It's sexy Tatsuha, to know that you of all people have that."

"Shut up!"

"Fine. We won't continue our little game."

"No! That's not-"

"Than be quiet and let me continue."

Tatsuha, as told, had gone quiet. Yuki listened, still hearing the small flap sound. He knew Tatsuha was still running his hand over his cock, making himself harder and all that. Yuki put his hand back over his own and continued with his own ministrations, smirking lightly.

"All right. I move past your balls, slowly inching my fingers toward your entrance. I know you're tight, for the fact you're a virgin-"

"Am not!"

"-so I put my middle finger in my mouth and suck it as if I was sucking your cock."

There was a small growl before he heard sucking noises. His cock got harder. He knew for a fact that Tatsuha was sucking on his finger. And he couldn't help but imagining the finger to be his own cock. And damn he wished he could have that at that very moment.

"Once my finger is nice and slick, I move it back to your entrance and gently push it in, watching as it gets taken in by your entrance."

Tatsuha gasped, slight in pain and slight in pleasure. There were a few moments of just silence before he heard panting and then a small moan. He knew that Tatsuha was going to enjoy this, and could tell by the panting that he was already doing so.

"My hand is still on your cock, pumping a bit faster as I start to move my finger in the same rhythm. In and out, in and out. Watching as you only want to take in more."

"M-more…God, more…"

"So, I push in another finger, allowing it to join the second."

There was another moan, Tatsuha having pushed in a second finger. Yuki groaned a bit, feeling his cock twitch in his hand from pleasure. He looked to the phone, watching it silently and wishing that Tatsuha was here and not there.

"I can't hold myself much longer, because I'm growing harder and harder by the minute. I move my fingers more forcefully, while my hand keeps that same, slow rhythm. Then, I pull my fingers from you, and slowly push my cock into your awaiting hole, with nothing but pre-cum to aid its entrance."

"Th-The toy…Eiri?"

"Yes. Use the toy. Pretend it's my cock, Tatsuha."

Yuki waited patiently, listening. He could hear Tatsuha struggling to get the toy into him. Could hear him whimpering and groaning in the pleasure and pain. Yuki smirked, slowly running his fingers through his own hair before he moved his hand faster over his own cock, moaning into the phone. Tatsuha responded by moaning back.


Yuki smirked lightly. "Shhh…I move myself in and out of you, slow at first and gradually getting faster. I tilt my hips some, pressing deeply into you, hitting you in the right spot."

"Ghnn…Eiri…I can't hold…"

"I tighten my grip around your cock, still moving as fast as I can as I run my finger over your slit."


"Cum for my Tatsuha."

There was a loud moan over the phone. The moan made Yuki groan and buck his hips up, cumming over his stomach and chest. He heard panting, his own breath shallow as he panted as well. He smiled to himself, letting out a content sigh before closing his eyes and trying to catch his breath.


"Shhh…clean up and go to bed Tatsuha. You need your rest for school."


"Good night, little brother."

"Good night…Eiri…"

Yuki hung up the phone, a small sigh falling from his lips as he leaned his head back and groaned a bit. He stood, his form shaking a bit. He needed a good shower before bed. He walked slowly to the bathroom, stripping of his shirt on the way and turning on the water. He got into the hot shower, cleaning himself thoroughly before walking to his bed, naked as the day he was born, and crawled in. He laid down slowly, his head resting on the pillows. His eyes slowly fluttered closed as he started to slip into sleep.