"Jack," Mia managed to whisper, looking up deep into his eyes,

"Yeah, Bobby said change of plans; he's going to walk Sofi down the isle,"

"Oh, I see, well for Sofi and Angels wedding I guess I have no choice, we're up next,"

Mia was already uncomfortable just standing next to Jack, it got worse when he took her hand and wrapped her arm around his,

"It's their wedding, the least we could do is, act like we like each other," Jack said,

"Your right," Mia sighed as Amelia started walking down the isle,

Mia waited till Amelia reached the middle of the isle before leading the way, everyone had a weird look on their faces like they've just seen the dead come back to life, when Mia and Jack walked out together, Angel was standing at the altar with Jerry, both with big wide smiles on their faces. Through all her frustration now, Mia kept a smile on her face,

"You look beautiful," Jack smiled, not looking down at her,

"Thank you, you don't look bad your self Mercer, I'm surprised your not in your rock star outfit," Mia smirked,

As they reached the altar, Mia let go of Jack, and joined the brides maid, as Jack joined the others,

After the ceremony, everyone headed to the reception, problem is, Bobby's car broke down, and he needed a ride, but it wasn't just him, Jack rode with him and also needed a ride, and since Sam rode with the brides maids, Mia had enough room for two in her Car,

As Bobby got in the front seat, Mia got in the drivers seat, Jack hopped into the back,

"Thanks for the ride princess," Bobby said, lighting a cigarette,

"Don't mention it, Sorry about the mess there in the back, I tend to bring my work with me, and my trash," Mia smiled as she started the car,

"It's ok, my car looks worse," Jack commented,

"I bet," Mia, mumbled to her self,

While driving most of the way to the reception, everyone was quiet, until,

"Hey I'm sorry about the switch princess," Bobby apologized,

"What… oh no, no that's nothing, its fine, I think it's very sweet of you to walk Sofi down the isle, I'm proud of you Bobby," Mia smiled,

"Yeah, well I was thinking about it, but Sofi said it first,"

"Can I borrow a lighter," Mia asked, pulling her cigarettes out, waiting for Bobby to give her one, Jack's hand came up in front of her, with a lighter already lit,

"Thank you," Mia said, blowing out the smoke,

At the reception, everyone enjoyed the food; Mia and Sam were not hungry so they decided to start the music, they met up with Alex on stage,

"Girls, sorry but Sofi seemed to have given us the wrong song list last night, she want's these songs to be played," Alex said, handing her the piece of paper,

"But these aren't wedding songs," Mia protested,

"They are good songs thought," Sam smiled,

"Alright then, let's start," Mia, said,

Mia and Sam sat down on their stools as the music began, after the first sixteen songs came a song Sofi requested to be Mia's solo, Sam walked off the stage and over to Sofi,

"Sofi, what's with the songs," Sam asked,

"It's part of the plan," Sofi smiled, "Especially this one, she wrote it,"

Mia waiting for the music to start, spotted Jack standing in the far corned next to Bobby, talking and looking strait at her, making her heart beat faster than ever,

Mia looked away from Jack, and to Sofi and Angel,

I fell in a perfect way
Never had a choice to make
Crashed into your tidal wave
I didn't even struggle…
Sailed right through your atmosphere.
Closed my eyes and landed here.
I didn't see the trouble.
And I didn't care…

Closing her, eyes knowing, that Jack would notice the lyrics, she built up the courage to sing the chorus,

I can't unlove you
Can't do that
No matter how I try
I'll never turn my back on
Someone who loved me too
I can do most anything I have to

Mia could feel Jack's eye's on her,

But this one thing I cannot change
I almost kinda like the pain
Wear your tattoo like a stain
And it will take forever
To fade away

I can't unlove you
Can't do that
No matter how I try
I'll never turn my back on
Someone who loved me too

For some reason Mia choose to hold her head up high, as she stood up and looked directly at Jack,

I can do most anything I have to
But I can't unlove you, no
Why would I want to, oh
I can't unlove you
can't do that
I'll treasure
Get through this
Why would I want to

There's always time for other dreams,
Why must we erase these things,

I can't unlove you
Can't do that
No matter how I try
I'll never turn my back on
Someone who loved me too
I can do most anything I have to

I can't unlove you…

The song ended as the light's faded down Mia heard everyone clapping their hands, Mia just shook her head, and walked off the stage, with a smile on her face,

After the reception, Mia drove home with Jack and Bobby in silence, when they got home, Jack unloaded his bags,

"Wow, you… renovated the house," Jack said,

"Yeah, well Mia lives here now, we needed the extra space for work anyways," Bobby said, helping Jack with his bags as Mia unloaded some of the gifts that were in her car,

When they got inside, everyone loaded, the gifts into the living room,

"Is my room still there," Jack asked,

"Yeah, it's still there, Sam your taking the guest room, in the right wing, I'm going to need the other one," Bobby said,

"Why got a date coming over you don't want us to… hear… about," Sam Joked,

"Nice try, Sam," Bobby smirked,

"I'm going to change, and then I'll meet you guys at the bar," Mia said,

Jack took his bags up to his room, following Mia upstairs,

"Let's give them some time… alone," Bobby said, stopping Sam from following,

Jack out his bags down on the floor in his room, as he closed the door behind him, he sat down on the bed, with his head in his hands, Jack sighed as he got up, and changed his clothes, and left the room,

Heading into the new hallway of the house, he took a wild guess to sat that door, that had "MiaLicous" on it was Mia's room, he walked over and knocked on the door,

"Just a minute," Mia said, before opening the door,

"Hi, uh listen, I know your mad at me but, can we talk," jack asked,

"There's nothing to talk about Jack, the bar is up those stairs," Mia smiled before closing the door in his face, Jack signed and decided to go on upstairs and have a drink,

Twenty minutes later, Mia could hear everyone laughing upstairs, when there was a slight knock on the door,

"I said, forget it… Ja- Sofi, sorry," Mia smiled opening the door,

"Chika, what's wrong with you, come on the party's upstairs," Sofi said pulling on Mia's arm and practically dragging her upstairs, when the got upstairs, the boys were on the right side of the room, and the girls were on the left at the bar,

A couple hours of drinking, everyone decided to play Uno Cards, the winner gives the loser option of truth or dare, and loser has to drink a double shot of whiskey. First hour, she was safe from something she really did not want to do, although she had lost, and thank God it was to the boys, all they dared her to do was to either strip or drink more shots of whiskey, but………

"Ha! You lose, chika," Sofi bragged, two times in a row, first time Sofi let her of the hook and just told her to discard of her shirt but now,

"Truth or dare," Sofi asked, as Mia drank the double shot,

"Will it make any difference, I know what you'll dare, and I know what you'll ask,"

"Your right, it won't make a difference, but, you still gotta choose,"

"Alright, to make things interesting, I'll go with dare," a tipsy Mia said,

"Come here," Sofi said, huddling up the girls, and whispering to Mia her dare,

"Oh my God, Sofi… I can't just…"

"Chicken," The girls, taunted,

"Alright, but I am getting my revenge," Mia said getting up and walking over to the bar,

She dug in the drawer for something and stood behind the bar for a minute, coming back into view, "There, my best designer jeans," Mia said, throwing the legs of the jeans over to Sofi,

"Alright, but uh, chika, this might help with phase two," Sofi smiled, handing her two double shots of whiskey, Mia took it and drank both down, in a heartbeat,

"Thanks," Mia said, as she sighed and walked around the circle of friends that were sitting on the floor, stopping behind Jack who was playing with his cell phone, everyone watched as she pulled Jack up by his shirt, pushed him into the wall, and kissed him, to everyone's surprise, Jack was kissing her back, and also grabbing her ass. What was supposed to be just a kiss, turned into a make out scene, Jack had one hand on her ass the other on her back, Mia wrapped her arms around Jack's neck,

Jack tried taking it to another level, he sung them around so now Mia was pinned to the wall, but Mia pulled back when she snapped back into reality, that all their friends were there. Wanting more, both of then pulled away and stared into each others eye's for a minute, before they heard everyone, cheering and laughing, more like celebrating,

Mia's cell phone rang, saving her from doing something stupid, she moved away from Jack and, picked up her phone, sitting in her spot next to Bobby she put her phone on loudspeaker, as she picked up her cards,

"Mia Williams," Mia answered,

"Hi, Mrs. Williams, its Kathy, and my sweet sixteen is on Friday?"

"Hi honey, and its Miss, but I told you call me Mia,"

"Sorry bout that, I uh, actually have a question," Kathy asked, as Mia heard someone in the background,

"Well, your awake at two in the morning, I'm guessing it's about the party,"

"Yeah, kind of, Wilcer, the meaning of Wilcer, is Williams and Mercer combined?"

"You read my mind," Mia smiled, looking at Bobby,

"So rumors are true, you're close with the Mercers," Kathy asked,

"You have no idea... so what did you want to fix about the party,"

"Well, do you know who, Jack Mercer is?" Kathy asked as her and her friends started screaming,

"Uh, ok honey, you need to calm down I didn't really hear your question,"

"Jack Mercer, the lead singer for the Spares,"

"Uh, ok, what about him honey," Mia asked, as she started to freak out,

"He is so cute, so handsome, so hot… isn't he," Kathy squeaked,

"Uh… I uh…"

"Isn't he so hot, and those abs, ugh, agggggh," Kath and her friends shrieked,

"Isn't he hot Mia," Kathy asked, antagonizing the shit out of Mia,

"Uh oh, uh yeah, yeah, really, really… hot," Mia smiled as everyone in the room was trying so hard not to laugh,

"Have you sent hose abs, when he does he concerts, he strips, it make you want to…"

"Oh I know those abs, yeah, ok baby what does he have to do with your birthday," Mia asked, cutting her off of what she was about to say,

"Well, I was kind of hoping you could ask the band if they would play at my party,"

"Oh… uh…" Mia was speechless as she glanced over to see Jack looking back at her,

"Oh please Mia, I know your close with the Mercer Family, please, please,"

"I, will do my best, and I will call you tomorrow night about it ok,"

"Ok, thanks Mia you and the Wilcer hotel are the best,"

"Thank you honey,"

"Oh and Mia… those abs are really hot, you should see him shirtless,"

"Yeah, well, you should see his ass… it is so hot it'll make you want to hang your self upside down," an aggravated Mia forced a smiled as she heard the girls screeching,

"Mia you have to tell me about that tomorrow ok, see you, bye," Kathy hung up,

Mia was so embarrassed and aggravated, she stood up and went to the bar, to get a fresh new bottle of whiskey, opening it and drinking strait from the bottle,

"If it'll help take some stress off your back, we'll do it," Jack said, not looking up from his cards,

"What," Mia said turning around, looking strait at Jack,

"The band will play at your sweet sixteen on Friday," Jack looked up,

"Why," Mia asked, walking closer,

"I don't want to disappoint Kathy," Jack said, standing up, "And besides, it's the least I can do, for you,"

"Me, why exactly do you have to do anything for me," Mia said as they walked closer to each other, Jack took the bottle and drank down almost half of it,

"I owe you much more than that, to be honest," Jack explained as he moved closer,

"I'll pay the band; I don't need your favor,"

"Yeah, well without me you have no band,"

"Is that a threat," Mia asked getting her face closer to Jack's face,

"And if it is, what do you plan on doing about it,"

"You want a piece of me Mercer,"

"No, I don't… because I want the whole… damn… thing…" Jack said, before turning back and sitting back down in his spot, Mia doing the same,

Another few hours pass, Mia, and Sofi had totally lost it, they drunk beyond drunk,

"Angel, take your wife, Jack I cant see strait anymore, take Mia to her room for me please," Bobby asked, as he swerved his way down the stairs,

Mia and Sofi, were dancing around laughing as Angel picked up Sofi and took her upstairs, Jack came up to Mia who resisted his help but Jack fought back and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and took downstairs, when the got to Mia's room, Jack closed the door behind him,

"Put me down, caveman, you left me, why would you help me,"

"Calm down, lets get you into some clean clothes first,"

"I don't want too, I don't… want… to want you, I don't want to love you, but I cant unlove you. I cant forget about you and its driving me crazy… two years, two long fucking years, you never called, you never said anything, you left me, you ass whole," Mia screamed as she tried to get up and hit Jack but, because of her high alcohol level one push and she was back down on the bed,

Jack fought back but not to hurt her only to get her to lie down, as he took of her dirty clothes and put her in her pajamas. Mia kept moaning and bitching about Jack leaving, but she also kept talking about how much she still cared for him, after changing her clothes, Jack stood up to leave as he turned the light out,

"Just like now, your going to leave me… again, see this is how my life sucks so much, I never should have came to Detroit in the first place, why cant I fucking… forget you… Jack Mercer," Mia started crying, and Jack found it so hard to leave her…. again,

He walked over and sat down on the bed next to her, Mia had her back turned to him, Jack put his hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him, she looked up into his eyes,

Jack could see the tears rolling down her cheek,

"I am so sorry, Mia," Jack whispered,

"I don't need your apology Jack, I need… I… I need…"

"Shhh, no more tears," Jack, said, wiping the tears falling down her face,

"I'm sorry," Mia sobbed,

"Why are you sorry, I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry, you don't have anything to be sorry about, I hurt you, and if there was anything I could do… to make it up to you, I would," Jack said as he sunk down onto he bed lying down next to her,

"I'm sorry, I was… I am… selfish, and I didn't even take the time to understand the fact that… that's who you are… and that… that contract was… what you always wanted,"

Jack wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer as Mia gripped tightly on his shirt, crying so hard, she was having trouble breathing, burring her face into Jack's chest,

"Jack, I'm so sorry," Mia, sobbed into his shirt,

"Come on, no more tears; please don't cry, it breaks my heart to see you like this, Mia when I was in Los Angeles, I swear to God, I never touched or looked at another woman, you were all I could think of, I dreamt of you, I even have this…" Jack said pulling his necklace out of his shirt,

"I found this the night you ran off," Jack said, taking it off and putting it around Mia,

"Jack…" Mia whispered,

"Please… all I ask is for you to forgive me, and I swear I will make it up to you, I was stupid, I should have told you about it, and I…"

"Do you ever shut up," Mia asked, Jack smirked and nodded, "Stay with me tonight,"

"Of course," Jack nodded and kissed her on the forehead,

"Jack, I meant what I said, I really still do fucking love you, but I… we need to take fucking slow this time, earn each other's trust again,"

"You have been hanging around Sofi and Bobby, too much," Jack smiled,

Mia closed her eyes and dozed off, as Jack did the same, wrapped in each other's arms, they both have never slept this peaceful in two years,

Morning came, too soon, Mia woke up, to an empty bed, as usual, but this time, she felt the cold silver chain around her neck, she looked at it and saw the pendant, and a note on the blanket next to her, that read,

Good Morning Beautiful,

I meant what I said last night, I just have to go down town to talk to my manager, I'm gonna tell him, that I'm gonna need more than a month off,

I will see you tonight,

Love Always, J-Boy

Mia smiled as she put the letter on the side table, memories of last night came back to her, she looked down to see she was, in her pajamas,

She got up not bothering to fix her bed; she went downstairs to find, EVERYONE in the kitchen all-looking at her, with big smiles on their faces,

"Please stop looking at me," Mia asked, sitting down at the table,

"Good morning princess, sleep well?" Bobby laughed,

"Fuck off Bobby, too early," Mia said, resting her head on the table,

"Rough night, probably," Angel commented, as Sofi hit him upside the head,

"Shut it Angel Mercer," Sofi warned,

"Here's coffee and aspirin," Sofi smiled at Mia,

"Oh thank you so much Sofi, my head hurts like hell, and I have to work today,"

"Not with that fever your not," Sofi said,

"How did you know I…"

"Jack asked me check on you before he left, he told me not to let you leave the house, because that could only get worse, specially with the weather we're having tonight,"

"What, but, your flight is tonight," Mia protested,

"I know, we had to cancel it, airports are closed down for at least a week,"

"Sofi I'm so sorry," Mia apologized,

"It's not your fault and besides, I'd rather be here, with my chika's and my family,"

After lunch Mia called the hotel and told the staff that Bobby would drop by later to check up on things and that she was sick and would probably be out for a couple of days,

Sofi came up to Mia's room, a while later,

"Chika, I never knew how to give this to you, I hope you wont hate me for keeping it for so long, but I think that right now is the right time for you to read this,"

Sofi said handing Mia a piece of paper, a printed out e-mail from Jack, explaining how much he was sorry for leaving, how he really felt, how miserable he was, and what he would give to be home, sleeping next to Mia,

Mia sat there, reading the e-mail, she felt so guilty and happy at the same time, Jack really does still love me, Mia thought,

Around six, Jack got home; Mia was sitting on the staircase wrapped in a blanket,

"Is this true, or just a fucking promotion for the band," Mia asked holding up the email to Jack, Jack took it and read it, he looked up into Mia's teary eyes,

"I meant every word," Jack said, with pleading eyes,

Mia stood there for a minute as tears rolled down her cheeks she shook her head,

"You are such and idiot Jack Mercer," Mia sobbed,

"But I guess that's why I still fucking love you until now, why I fucking waited, I fucking… missed you… so much," Mia cried as she ran down the steps and into Jack's arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck Jack wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up he took her upstairs to her room,

"Your sick as a dog, I'll take care of you," Jack promised,

"Jack… I want to watch a movie, like we did two years ago," Mia smiled,

"Sure, is uh… Death Sentence, still your favorite movie," Jack laughed,

"I still love it but, Hectic is supposed to be good, I haven't seen it yet, the DVD's over there on the table," Mia smiled

Jack put the DVD in, and changed his clothes, got under the blanket with her, as Mia snuggled up to Jack,

"I missed this, I missed you," Jack said kissing her forehead,

"I missed you two, Jack," Mia smiled as she wrapped her arms around Jack's waist resting her head on his chest as the movie started,

Thanks for reading! r&r please???

Please feel free to send, story requests, comments or suggestions!

Love yah!
