I never done a story like this before, so I hope whoever reads this likes it.

Hermione is the one and only daughter of Alastor Moody, yes you read right, Alastor Moody. She lost her mother, and the only way her father to save her is for her to protector her, is to let her aunt and uncle raise her as muggles. I am making that her mother was a werewolf, not from birth, but it happened sometime after she got married, but I will get into that story later on when I write more chapters.


Chapter One: The Beginning

"If I drink this, you promise not to harm my husband, or my daughter?" Adrianna Moody, held the small vile in her hand.

The beautiful blond smiled back at the woman, as he stroked her cheek, causing the woman to draw away, "Come now Adrianna, you know what I could do," he glared now at her.

"What is it, this potion does exactly," She studied the mans features.

The man became impatient, he grabbed the back of the womans head, tilting her head back, and poured the liquids of the vile down her throat, "Gives you a life time of rest," he released his grip on the woman, and watched as she fell to the cold ground.

She lied lifeless on the ground.

He took a lock of her hair, gave her cheek one last stroke, and the apperated away, leaving the woman in the alley alone.


"Find anything interesting, Adrianna, love?" He wrapped an arm around the brunette, as she held there daughter in one hand, and 'A Hogwarts History: in Time' in the other hand.

She looked up at him, with her caramel color eyes, her pink thin smiled, "Alastor, just think, eleven years from now, our daughter will be part of history," she looked down at her daughter, who now was chewing the corner, of the book, causing the mother to giggle, "Great now we have to get it."

He stared down at his daughter, and smiled, "Great, first book we buy for our daughter, she uses as a teething toy," he kissed his wife's cheek, before taking a hold of his daughter, and walking to the small line of costumers waiting to purchase some books of there own.

"Alastor, I am going to got to the potions shop, we're running low on some ingredients," Adrianna called over her shoulder as she left the shop.

He looked at his daughter, and smiled, "Well I take it, daddy is paying for the book," he smiled at the little girl tugged at his collar, then giggle into his chest, causing the front of his shirt to get wet.

"Pa," The nine month old babbled, followed with an 'o' shape kiss on her fathers cheek.

"I am you're Pa, don't forget that, can't wait to tell mommy, you said 'Pa'," He smiled, like any proud parent would at the first word of his child.

After he finished paying for the book, and everything his little girl kicked to the ground, he finally made it our of the book shop, and started to the ingredients store, where his wife usually purchased stuff for potions, or sold her own potions.

"Alastor!" A familiar voice shouted from behind him.

At those words, he knew something was wrong, because Author wasnt't the type to interfere with another's business. Alastor looked at the red headed man, "Adrianna, she's in there, Author," he looked down at his daughter.

"I never seen her go in there, last place I saw her, she was in the Leakey Cauldron," Author pointed towards the direction, he last saw Mrs. Moody head towards.

He held his daughter tighter in his arms, and headed to the pub, not expecting to see what he saw. Adrianna was among a group of men, in black robes, she raised her sleeve up to reveal the dark mark, the watched as the body he had known to be his wife, or thought had been his wife, changed into Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius had not't spotted Alastor there, when he was talking to the other men, "I have found the potion, that could help bring our Dark Lord, back, and make him strong."

Another man, Moody recognized to be, Crabbe Senior, glared at the floor, "Whatever spell that Lillian Potter put on her baby, sure did a number on him. If she wouldn't had died, I would gladly kill her myself."

Lucius smirked, "Well we did manage to kill Adrianna yesterday, and use polyjuice, to let me in her home," he made a disgusted face, "I would had killed that little girl of his, if he hadn't kept her in his arms, on his bed. I think he might had senses his wife wasn't in the right state of mind, that is the only reason why I could think a father would protect a child from it's own mother."

"It was a full moon, don't Werewolves change into there monster form when there is a full moon?" Gregory Goyle Sr. questioned.

Lucius knowing that Goyle was right, just grumbled, as he turned and took a drink, "We need to find a way to get his daughter from him, I know Lillian had given Mrs. Moody the same spell to put on her own child, along with the Longbottoms, and Weasleys."

Alastore bumped into a table beside the door causing the group of men to look towards the direction of the noise.

There wasn't anyone sign of the father, and daughter.


Alastor stood on the doorstep, of Adranna's brother, and sister-in-law's, with his little girl asleep in his arm. He sat on the steps, not wanting to do what he knew he had to do for his daughter to be safe, he wasn't ready to let the last thing, which held a striking resemblance to his loved wife.

"Pa," The child looked up at her father, still a little sleepily.

He stared at his daughter, with tears in his eyes, "I have to do this Hermione, you will be in good hands, I promise." He kissed the top of her curly chestnut color hair, "Daddy is going to find a way to kill those, who took your mother, my wife from us. You will be safe here. You're uncle, and aunt are two of the nicest people there ever was, for being muggle born that is."

"Alastor, it is time to knock."

The sad father looked up at the older man, who had been long forgotten about when they approached the house, he gave a slight nod as he stood clinging tighter to his daughter, "This is one of the hardest thing I have ever done, Albus, is there any way I could keep her, what if I move to the muggle world, and give up my magic, then we will be safe here."

"How will you protect her without your magic, Alastor? They will look everywhere in the Magic World, and the Muggle world for you. I have arranged that 'The Prophet' written that both mother, and daughter were murdered, and I really don't want to make it the truth. The lost f your wife was hard enough on you, you don't want to loose your daughter as well, do you?" The older wizard asked, as he stroked the child's cheek, "You will see her again, after all she will be attending Hogwarts in ten years."

Just the the front door opened, and both men were greeted by a misty eyed, but smiling Sarah Granger.

She smiled at Alastor, "Alas, it is good to see you, and I will assure you that your daughter is in good hands," she looked at Albus, "Dumbledore has told me about the arrangement, I have set up a guest room for you Alastor, you will be staying here a week, is that right?"

Alastor looked at the older wizard, who only nodded with a sparkle in his eyes, he mouther, 'Thank You.'

Albus patted the father on the back, "I will come in eight days to get you, and make all the arrangement, we need to make a new Birth Certificate, and set up a place you could be protected."

"You're daughter will be in good hands, Alas, and while you are here you will help me, and Robert know her likes, and dislikes," Sarah smiled at Albus, "Thank you Albus."

Albus smiled at the woman, "I am sure Hermione will be in good hands," he looked at the father, "I will see you soon Alastor."

Alastor nodded, and then left the older wizard to apperate, as he went into the house his daughter might be living in for for the next sixteen years of her life, he looked down at his little girl, who stared right back up at him, "This is your home, my Hermione."


Alastor watched his sister in-law, as she tickled the bottom of his daughters feet, causing the child to shriek, "She looks just like her mother."

Sarah smiled at her niece, "Adrianna certainly was a beautiful woman Alastor, the happiest day was when you two got married, that is what she told me about three months ago."

"That was the second best day of my life," Alastor went to the changing table, which Sarah had his daughter on, and the lifted her up in his arms, "I don't know how I am going to make it without my baby girl," he leaned down, and kissed his daughters cheek.

The little girl smiled, "Pa!"

Sarah smiled down at her niece, "Tell your father, you're in good hands, and he always will have you in his heart," she giggled when her niece opened, and closed her mouth as if she was trying to say something, "Hermione, you certainly will grow to be beautiful little girl."

"I am going to miss her, Sarah," Alastor smiled at the other woman.

To be continued...

A/N: So what do you think about this story, I wanted to try something different, so that is why I wrote it like this. Please R&R. I will write the next chapter tonight, or tomorrow.