LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harry woke up the next morning with his boyfriend in his arms, a tangle of limbs he didn't bother trying to separate. Draco looked so pretty, his face turned towards Harry's chest that Harry had to bend and kiss his sweetheart lightly on the forehead. Draco didn't stir and he didn't expect him to. The night before had been wild for them both.
Draco had been the receiver, so he would be sore. Harry had tried to be easy on him, pushing in slowly, tenderly. Draco's body had bucked forward, tremblingly and he'd turned his head to the side, but he hadn't cried. Physical pain never made him cry. "Is it okay? Do you want me to stop?" Harry had asked quietly. It would have been hard to stop, his body was on fire but if it was hurting Draco…
"No, please." Draco's moan would forever be etched in his mind. A moan of such passion and love, Harry's heart melted. "Don't, don't stop Harry."
Harry ran his hand over Draco's chest, down his sculpted abdomen and up to where his legs were wrapped around Harry tightly, then trust forward. Draco had screamed so loudly that Harry was afraid Flinch would burst upon them any second. Forcefully, passionately, feverently. He'd wanted Draco so bad. Draco was so good. Like a sheath to a blade made by the finest of craftsmen was their bodies combined. Draco's breath was labored as he clutched the sheet in a terrible combination of ecstasy, rapture and pain. He didn't want the feeling ever to end.
He ran his hand up Harry's arms which were pressed on either side of him, muscles tense as Harry pushed inside him softly, over and over, gaining speed now, more momentum, harder, faster, pumping him. He was practically on a high, more, more speed, still faster, if possibly harder, deeper, more, more, more, then a pause as Harry bent to kiss him, there eyes locking as a reminder of the fact that this was more a ritual of love than anything else, then more again.
His member was so hard that he felt like it might truly burst but Harry took care of that, pumping him in time, his inexperienced fingers giving his lover something to think about. Soft kisses up the side of Draco's neck, that long, arched, godforsaken, beautifully white virginal neck.
Draco looked so innocent, his body thrusting as his body was wide open to Harry, every little touch that Harry gave him, he reacted to. It was so sweet. Harry kissed his lips then his nose, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Then one more thrust, one more push, deeper, harder and more passion-filled than all the rest and they both hit there climaxes. It had been magical.
"Harry," Draco's breath had been hardly even there when Harry pulled out of him and rolled beside him. "Yeah?"
"I'm not giving you my heart; I'm going to give you a circle."
"What the fuck?" Harry arched his eyebrow, wondering if that mind-shattering sexual explosion had really shattered Draco's mind.
"Yeah, a circle." Draco snuggled under the sheets, cleaning up himself and Harry with a charm. "Cause you can break a heart but, a circle's never broken. It goes on forever."
Harry grinned and kissed Draco's ear. "Leave that up to you to think of my little lover boy. I won't break your circle or your heart, I promise."
Then they'd fallen asleep, in the same tangle that Harry was in now. He wanted to stay like this forever, but something was stopping him. Dammit, he needed to pee. Carefully disentangling himself form his beloved, he stepped lightly across the room to the bathroom, shutting the door behind himself.
When he came back, Draco was sitting bolt upright in the bed, looking teary and confused. "What's the matter, love?" Harry asked walking towards him in his boxers. "Harry!" Draco practically screamed. He rushed forward and held Harry tightly, looking considerably shaken. "Oh thank God."
"When I woke up and you weren't here, I thought I was dreaming." Draco laughed a little to himself. Harry stroked his ungreased hair back, making the naturally soft and bouncy locks fall over Draco's face. "You can't get rid of me Draco. Or do you regret last night?"
"If I did I wouldn't be here." Draco snapped. At Harry's slightly shocked expression he softened. "I love you."
"Still a sweet, sweet asshole are we?" Harry asked, grinning.
Draco wrapped his arms around his lover and kissed the top of his head. "You know you love it. And Harry?"
"We're going to have to work on that snoring."
"I don't snore!"
"Whatever Harry."
"Its over Harry. It's finally over." Ron said quietly, looking at his best friend sadly.
"We're not kids anymore. We're going out into the world, you and me."
"And our boyfriends." Harry interceded.
"And Hermione and Krum." Ron added.
"And Blaise."
"Blimey, that's a whole bunch." Ron looked put out. "I'm still not happy Blaise is going to live with me and Jared."
"You know Jared would miss him too much otherwise. He's never been away from him before." Harry wrapped his arm around Ron's waist comfortingly as they stared across the horizon from where they stood out in the quddich field.
"Yeah, but its going to be weird when we start having…you know."
Harry smiled mischievously. "Maybe you guys will have a threesome. I wouldn't mind watching. Blaise was after all your first." He said dirtily.
Ron's mouth hung low. "Don't make Jared ever hear you say that! Then I'd never get to have it. And you've already done it with Draco so don't screw it up for me!"
"I heard my name." Draco said as he walked up, Jared trailing by his side.
"What are you guys saying?"
Ron blushed at being caught with Harry holding him so intimately, especially in front of his boyfriend, but Harry just shrugged. "Oh we were planning on cheating on you guys and running off with each other, right Ronnie-boy?"
Ron looked aghast and Jared looked slightly confused. "No, Jared. You know I'd never cheat on you! You know how much I love you." He whispered, stepping forward and hugging him. Harry shook his head but Draco's eyes swam with tears. "There so cute together!"
Harry stared at him. "I thought I was cute." He pouted.
Draco tiptoed and parted his hair to show Harry's scar, then kissed it lovingly. "You're not cute Harry. You're just damn sexy."
"I can't wait to start spending my life with you." Harry said wistfully.
Draco nodded, looking down at the ground with thoughtful grey eyes. "I still can't believe I have you. Harry Potter. My greatest enemy who I'm now in love with."
"And who loves you back more than anything."
"Yeah." Draco looked back up at Harry. "I just have one question."
"Shoot." Harry kissed Draco's hairline.
"When do you think you started to really fall for me? For me I think it was when you came and protected me from Pansy and those guys. When was it for you?"
Harryooked over from where he stood in the Quddich stands to the setting sun, making his beautiful green eyes shine like emeralds.
"I dunno, it could've been from the first time you asked me to be friends in 1rst year. It could've been when I nearly killed you in the sixth. But I think…I think it was that night. The night when I found you in the owlrey, so vulnerable, so charming, so…beautiful."
Draco leaned into his lover's arms, snuggling against his chest and gazing with him into the sunset. "That night." He said softly; ready to start his new life.
That night…
O.M.G cries its finally over!!!! The story. My first on fanfictionnet! for all you lovely ppl who sticked through this complete crap wiht me i love u guys!!! flings kisses and hugs and stuff if u want more from me (dont see why u would though -.-) im wrting a bunch more stories. right now its a oneshot harry/draco, the sequal to this and this inscect. Sorry. im not a supporter of it, but the idea wont leave me alone...
Anywho, stick around 4 more guys!!Thakns 4 the comments, Evie Glacier Tako, Malfots Only Chemo (love u too), LingLing20009(plz do forgive), CHRIS!!!!!!who i still love SO much. HELOO , GAY EMO, WHATS HOTTER!!!! sorry...thanks 4 letting me know who u were, YaoiFanGirl and mio32.
Till next time darlings, i love u guys (do u love me????)
i'll write more in a couple days, soon as i get the storyline down. i just cant belive i'm done!!! 0.o