My Secret

Chapter 10: What's in the Woods

"None of my business?" Jeb asked with raised eyebrows. "I'm that child's grandfather. I believe that makes it my business."

"Don't remind me, I'm trying to forget." I said massaging my temples. "You know a thing about science. So tell me... is craziness genetic?"

"Always sarcastic." He shook his head, wearing a slight smirk. "Perhaps it is safe to say that is your defense mechanism. You're actually terrified, am I correct?"

I couldn't help myself, I actually burst out in hysteric laughter. He actually thought his mind games would work on me, and he was supposed to know me better than anyone. By asking me if I was scared, he thought he would make me second guess myself. Classic Jeb, he really needed to get some new lines for his evil banter.

"What's so funny?"

I gestured to him with a dramatic sweep of my hand. "You."

He sighed. "Glad I amuse you."

I knew he expected me to retort back, but I continued laughing to myself. I actually think that pissed him off more, which only made my day better.

Sucking down his anger, he strode toward the door. "I see you're too amused to act like an adult, so I'll be leaving."

"News flash, I'm only sixteen."

He swung open the door and pegged me with a hard stare. "Which is exactly why it is deplorable to consider letting you to try to raise the baby."

With that last biting statement, he left.

Other P.O.V.

Fang and the rest of the flock had been searching the woods for hours. They searched on foot, then they searched through the air, but not so much as a footprint was found. There was no sign of their leader, which left them to assume the worst. The only comfort in mind was that there wasn't any blood as far as they could tell, which had them assuming she was alive.

"I want Max back." Nudge complained as they began their second round of searching on foot. "...and food. I'm hungry."

"We all want Max back." Fang said gruffly, resisting the urge to kick the twig in front of him as hard as he could. No matter how he felt inside, he had to appear in control. If the flock knew how panicked he was, then nothing would go smoothly anymore.

"We've checked the woods once through both flight and foot Fang." Iggy said trying to be reasonable. "There's no clues here so far, and we're all getting hungry. I think we should go back to Max's mom's place."

"There's got to be some sign of her here, Ig."

"Maybe, but we're not going to find anything when we can barely keep ourselves standing." Iggy continued. "We can come back out later."

"No we can't," He said softly. "Any clues there might be out here will be swept away by the time we get back. I'm staying until I find something."

"Fang..." Nudge began, but he interrupted. "Iggy's in charge. Head back to Dr. Martinez's and I'll meet you once I've got a lead."

Gazzy shook his head, as if trying to clear it of confusion. "What happens if you don't find what you're looking for, Fang?"

It was Angel's turn to talk, obviously reading the answer in his mind. She looked crestfallen, like she had lost her parents all over again. But in a way, she had. Fang and Max were the mother and father of the flock and without them, everything would fall apart. The flock would be gonners. "Then we won't see him again. He's going to The School."

"Fang, you can't!" Nudge shouted, throwing her arms around his waist. She held on tight. He wouldn't leave so long as she had any say in the matter. Fang may be strong, but he was outnumbered. They lost Max, but they weren't losing him too.

"Nudge, let go." He groaned. "You don't understand. None of you do or could. Just let me go handle this my way, ok?"

"Why don't you explain it then?" Iggy asked acidly. "We're not nimrods. We loved Max too. We are all hurting and worried about her."

Fang sighed, then whispered brokenly. "But not like I do. She was your mother figure, I get it. But she's it for me, all I have wanted for so long. I've spent my life watching her back, because the thing that hurts me most is seeing her in pain. And right now she could be in a lot of it, without anyone to help her. She's at the hands of a madman and she can't even protect herself. Her and the baby are sitting ducks and I let this happen. I didn't stop it."

He swallowed as he continued, "I sent her away. I made her leave."

"To protect her and the baby!" Iggy yelled at him. "None of this is your fault."

He scrubbed a hand across his face. "I should have stayed with her."

"Shoulda woulda coulda. It doesn't matter." Iggy said exasperated. "What matters is finding Max. Save your guilt trips for later. And ex-nay on the suicide missions. If you go then we go too."

Fang nodded. "We'll head out in the morning."

AN: I'm going to be completely shocked if anyone is still reading this story. I definitely think it would've been something great had I stuck to getting a chapter up every couple weeks. Unfortunately, life doesn't really like giving me breaks and my work/college combo really puts the pressure on an individual. I hope to get another chapter up decently soon since this one was shorter than expected. I hope it was worth the wait... the next chap will be longer for sure :)