Sorry this is so short! I've been sick for the past week and couldn't really think of anything else with this story for now. Please review! Input is always appreciated!
Tracy and Link's wedding was only one day away! They weren't having a big, traditional wedding, that wasn't who they were. They were content with a quick civil ceremony at City Hall with just their family and a few friends. Mr. Turnblad and Link's parents were going to be there, of course, as were Seaweed, Penny, Evie, Corny, Maybelle and Inez. Those nine people meant more to them than anything in the world.
That evening, Tracy packed an overnight bag with pajamas, her toothbrush, some make up, and her wedding dress. She was going to stay over at Penny and Seaweed's. She would be back tomorrow night with Link and the morning after, they'd be hopping on a plane for Miami where they would board a cruise for the Bahamas. As she zipped her bag shut, she collapsed on the bed, her hair flying in every direction on the mattress.
All she could think of was that she and Link were finally getting married tomorrow and that tomorrow night, she'd be back in this bed with Link and no one would wind up sleeping on the couch.
"Trace! Penny's going to be here any minute!" Link called from the living room. She didn't answer him. "Trace?" Link went into their bedroom and smiled at the sight of his fiancée staring up at the sky from their bed. She didn't hear him come in and still seemed oblivious to him standing there. He smirked and gingerly crawled over her, careful not to touch her. He lightly kissed her nose. That snapped her out of her daze. "Hello, stranger. You looked far away."
Tracy wrapped her arms around Link. "Not far, just in the future."
"The future?" Link settled next to Tracy and she turned on her side to face him.
"Yeah. About 24 hours in the future. When we're back here. Together." Tracy traced his jaw line with her index finger.
"And I won't wind up on the couch?" Link said with mock seriousness.
"Absolutely not. You might get so sick of me that I'm going to wind up on the couch." Tracy giggled, pressing her forehead to his. Link took her hand and kissed it tenderly.
"That's not going to happen." They wrapped their arms around each other, enjoying their last few minutes together before Tracy had to leave for the night. All too soon, they head Penny knocking on their front door. Tracy kissed Link goodbye, got her bag, and left their apartment for the last time as Tracy Turnblad.