A New Way of Pay Back

Chapter one: Humble Beginnings

by xxxvirus


Kagome Higurashi attends the Prestigious Shikon Academy. But when she finds Sesshomaru Tashio in her class , She becomes determined to have Sesshomaru pay for what he did to has a devious plan but why did Sesshomaru agree to be her boyfriend?.SxK

'the ones that know the most about you

are your enemies'

I am Kagome Higurashi 15 years old, I like strawberries, ice cream, chocolate, mango's all other food and I hate mosquito bites, bad hair days and the color pink.

Kagome woke up to another day at Higurashi Shrine in anticipation of her first day at Shikon Academy, she had gotten in on a scholarship and she would have to keep her grades at the top to stay there.

"I hope I can make friends over there but I will be the 'commoner' " Kagome chided to herself for being foolish 'like rich kids would want to be her friend?'.

"Mama I'm off" Kagome said as she grabbed her back pack totally forgetting about that she looked just like any other school girl, except her uniform stood out.

A Red and black checkered, pleated skirt which by all means was very short, a white short sleeve blouse and a red V neck pull-over. She even had a black tie with the traditional knee high socks almost every high school girl wore, but of course every one in Tokyo knew that only Shikon Academy had girls uniform in red.

Kagome walked to her new school which surprisingly the Academy was located in a suburban area she thought it would have been somewhere more businessy if there was such a word.

Shikon was an half hour walk from her house, soon she neared the school. She marvelled at the western design, columns, pillars, granite floors it was beautiful, Kagome thought as she slinked into the school hoping to not be the target of bullies or something else horrid, she quickly dropped by the school office grabbing her timetable only to speed off in utter fear for her life.

Looking at her timetable it read, 'English, B block room B9'. At least it wasn't upstairs she hated stairs but at least she was fluent in English it was her best subject and she was very proud about it.

She looked at the door of her new home room B9 it was labelled in gold lettering. She took a deep breath and walked in, it was just a normal class room, mahogany single tables and chairs with soft cushions - a bit unexpected but in sense still normal. A white board instead of a blackboard and the students had hair in what were possibly all shades of the rainbow.

The guys were dressed in dark grey suits and the girls were dressed exactly the same, at least she didn't stand out so much yet. Two girls walked up to her, one could be her double and the other was pretty plain.

"Hi you must be the new girl my name is Kikyo and this is Yura"said the girl that was Kikyo, Kagome looked at the other girl Yura for a while, both their names were strange but who was she to judge.

"Hello my name is Kagome, pleasure to meet you" Kagome said smiling sweetly.

"No problem" Kikyo said.

"Uhm, Kikyo I was wondering if you knew where a empty seat would be?" Kagome asked hoping she would get an answer there was something about Kikyo that put her off, it was the same with Yura.

"Not a problem, see that table in the back row, next to the window, its free" Kikyo smiled.

"Thanks" said Kagome walking to her seat with a smile on her face 'these people are nice' she thought.

Though very unfortunately, she didn't notice the horrified stares of the people that watched her walking towards that seat.

Soon the class almost filled it was only a few minutes before the bell for first period and the door opened again, she watched with anticipation to see who entered.

She was mesmerized, it was the most handsome person she head ever heard whispers of 'Sesshomaru' all around her hearing this she suspected Sesshomaru was his name. The guy turned and started walking towards her and she soon began to blush.

I am Kagome Higurashi 15 years old, I like strawberries, ice cream, chocolate, mangos, Sesshomaru and I hate mosquito bites, bad hair days and the color pink.

Sesshomaru walked to his table. 'How come a girl, was sitting in his chair, at his table.'

"Hello, I am Kagome Higurashi, pleasure to meet you" Kagome said smiling from her table but for some reason she knew that he was not going to return her smile.

"I don't care, but you are sitting in my seat" said Sesshomaru irritated but still refusing to show it on his face.

"I'm sorry what did you say." Kagome said baffled at the development.

"I said get out of my seat." Sesshomaru said slightly raising his voice.

"Oh I'm sorry." Kagome said looking down beginning to gather her things.

"You should be." Sesshomaru scoffed under his breath.

"That's it! I'm sitting here and there's nothing you can do about it!" Kagome said her temper flaring.

"Your mistaken, human." Sesshomaru said flinging Kagome over his shoulder while picking up her things.

"Let go of me you, you." Kagome said as she was plopped into another seat a few seats away from her original seating

"Errr? Thanks?" Kagome said looking up at Sesshomaru a bit confused.

Sesshomaru leaned over and stared into her eyes.

"Annoy me again and I will personally make your life hell" said Sesshomaru walking away

"Your one to talk" Kagome huffed crossing her arms just as the bell rang 'JERK!' she mentally screamed.

Her English teacher

"Class I would like to announce that we have a new student in our midst, Kagome would you like to introduce yourself," declared Mr. Lincx.

"My name is Kagome Higurashi, I came here on a scholarship, I hope to enjoy working with you all" Kagome said confidently before sitting down again.

"Now that is over and done with , everyone open your books to pages 34 and 35" Mr Lincx said opening his English text book this row will translate the two pages to the class, a paragraph each if there are too many paragraphs the row will repeat the cycle"

It was her row, good, a chance to show Mr. Stick-up-his-ass-Sesshomaru that she wasn't pathetic. English was one of her best subjects and now it was her turn to read she stood up and read her paragraph like everyone else before had.

"I made it about 5 miles down the trail and sensibly walked over the Four Foot Log. Mike Something had to show us all that the Log was rideable even in the dark. ...Later, they might say something to each other about hitting some very large, ugly road kill back there." Kagome spoke so fluently, people around her began to wonder if she was from America or someplace where they spoke English.

Sesshomaru's lips twitched slightly, she was good but not as good as he was, he definitely had an advantage with his voice because it was naturally flowing. Why was he even thinking about a little pathetic human? But she was the only one to stand up to him in a while. But then the bell rang just a little too soon.

'Mr. Lincx set us some homework for later' Kagome thought writing it down in her homework diary as she walked off to calculus.

Her next class room was on the other side of the school so she decided to hurry up and walk faster, maths by all means was a good subject for her, it made her think, so she forgot the problems she had in her life.

This time she would wait for everyone to be seated before she sat down she didn't want another instance like when Sesshomaru had to carry her. She blushed.

'No Kagome you are going to get back at him. Some pink hair dye would do' Kagome thought to herself as she smiled.

'The one rule of the battle field is to never fall in love with the enemy' she chided.

Sesshomaru noticed the girl who sat in his chair before he removed the said vermin from it, she was walking right in front of him. Why he took notice was the worlds' question. She smelt pleasant unlike most humans who smelt of sweat, grime and death, though she was almost floral. He had calculus next he found it relaxing; it took things off his mind.

Kagome walked into room E1 it was styled the same as her English classroom ,but this time it had soothing green walls rather than crème. She found herself a seat near the back. She felt someone sit down to her left it was Sesshomaru, so then she looked to her right, it was a beautiful girl she wanted to talk to this girl.

Sesshomaru felt offended when she ignored him to talk to the girl on her a swarm of girls came. Normally, he didn't have this problem in English because their English class had controlled girls well most of them, except that Kikyo girl and her drone Yura.

"Hey I'm Kagome who are you," Kagome said to her neighbour.

"Hi, my name is Sango," said the girl

"Friends?"Kagome asked

"Yeah sure, "Sango said.

"Actually, maybe not. I don't want people to give you the grief of being the friend of a commoner "said Kagome.

"Don't be silly its fine," Sango said.

"Uhm, okay then" Kagome said after a short pause.

"So, what do you think about this teacher?"Kagome said to the business like woman currently walking in.

"She's pretty strict during class but doesn't give much homework which is good" Sango said.

"I suppose, but I rather a bit more fun" Kagome said adorning a mischievous smile when the teacher called the classes' attention.

"We have a new student with us today, Kagome Higurashi would you please introduce yourself" Mrs Wilt said her name blatantly written on the board.

"My name is Kagome Higurashi, I came here on a scholarship, and I hope to enjoy working with you all." Kagome said confidently before sitting down. She said exactly the same thing she did earlier during English.

Sango turned to Kagome.

"You didn't tell me you were smart" Sango raised an eyebrow.

"You never asked" Kagome giggled.

"So that's why..."Sango said trailing off into her own thoughts as work sheets were passed around.

Kagome flew through her worksheets, not literally of course and decided to look around the class room. Her eyes set on a certain silver haired boy, she was wondering why his eyes were such a molten gold color as if they would smoulder in the dark. Pity his hair would no longer be the same color tomorrow.

'I hope he enjoys his eyebrow while he can'

And so it was lunch.

"Kagome I want you to meet my friends" Sango said as they walked into the cafeteria picking up a tray of food each they sat down.

"I thought cafeteria food was supposed to suck" Kagome said looking at the most expensive dishes she'd ever seen.

"Oh that, well they do hire the best chiefs - but I prefer my one" Sango said taking a bite.

"I guess I don't know much about good food." Kagome said as they walked towards two guys, one had silver hair like Sesshomaru while the other black. The one with black hair wore a pervy grin.

"Sango my dear" said the black haired guy "Will you have my child?"

"Stop it perv" Sango said slapping the guys face

Kagome introduced herself to the boy that was left sitting on the table.

" Hi, my names Kagome what's yours?"

"Its Inu yasha" Inu yasha said.

"That's a bit of a mouthful can I call you Yasha?" Kagome asked shyly

"Sure, Kags" Inu yasha chuckled

Kagome giggled.

Sango came back so she ended up not noticing that a certain icicle sat down next to Inu Yasha. When Kagome turned around she ignored him.

"Hey Kagome would you like to come to my house?" Inu yasha asked "I mean we could all go."

"Sounds fun" Kagome laughed merrily

'I have friends'

"Okay Kagome i see you've met Inu yasha" Sango said raising an eyebrow.

"This is Miroku, and that's Sesshomaru don't expect him to talk to you, he doesn't speak much but he's Inu Yashas' half brother"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Kagome. Would you have my child?" Miroku said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sure…" Kagome replied and in an instant everyone at the table had their jaws placed squarely on on the table.

"God! Can't you guys take a joke" Kagome said settling down chuckling.

Sesshomaru had begun to like this girl.

"Seriously Kagome, don't joke with us, that was a serious issue," Sango said.

"Yes Mam' "Kagome said. "Well have the rest of the day off ...free periods"

"Seriously Kagome? I don't have classes either" Inu yasha said.

"What kind of pick up line is that" snorted Miroku "Besides Inu Yasha you have business and Calculus, Sesshomaru on the other hand has no classes"

Inu yasha growled at his statement causing Miroku to shrink back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sesshomaru" Kagome said in a sickly sweet voice "Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course" Sesshomaru said

" Yay! Okay, I love you" Kagome said , everyone looked at her as if she was out of her mind.

"Sesshomaru, can you take me to your house assuming you live in the same on as Inu yasha?"

"Of course" he said

"Bye, bye, Inu yasha, Sango and Miroku!" Kagome said smiling ' Let the Games Begin '.

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A slight edit on grammar – but unfortunately I've never been very good at it.