A/N: It has been almost two months since i've updated so go ahead, bring on the anger. Ok so i know that sucks, especially since this is indeed the last chapter of the story! But i though i'd get a break once spring semester ended--ha! fat chance with that one. Anyways, i hope you guys enjoy this last chapter, i had a lot of fun writing this one. Be on the lookout for the sequel! Coming soon!!

Disclaimer: Not mine...i wish i may, i wish i might...

"Elliot that was amazing!"

Elliot grinned and put his arm on Olivia's shoulders, steering her towards his car. "I'm glad you thought so."

After breakfast Elliot had taken Olivia to Times Square to the Hershey store, where he bought her about 10 pounds of chocolate. After that they went down to a street vendor and let him draw a caricature of them, which Elliot thought looked nothing like him but didn't mind because Olivia seemed to love it. And now, Elliot had just taken her on the Big Apple Helicopter Tour. It was a 15 minute helicopter ride that flew over the Statue of Liberty, Empire State, Chrysler, Woolworth, and Met Life Buildings. It also went over Ellis Island, the New York Harbor, George Washington Bridge, and Central Park.

"I mean, I've seen all those sights, and I've been in a helicopter before, but I've never seen all those sights from a helicopter! I've almost forgotten how beautiful New York really is." Olivia's eyes were bright and sparkling; Elliot though she looked like a little kid on Christmas Day.

Elliot just grinned and hugged her closer to him as they wound their way through the crowded sidewalk to get to his car.

"So El, what are we going to do now?" Olivia linked her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder as she yawned.

"Sounds like you're tired. How about we go back to the apartment and take a little nap?" Elliot hoped she would say yes, the rest of his afternoon depended on it.

"You know, that sounds great." Olivia smiled and kissed Elliot on the cheek. "Thank you El."

"For what?"

"For doing all of this for my birthday. No one has ever spent this much time and effort on my birthday before."

Elliot unlocked the car door and held it open for Olivia. "You're welcome babe. But like I said before, it's not over yet."

Before she got in the car Olivia leaned in and placed a passionate kiss on his lips. "I love you."

"Wow. If you love me now, just wait till later." Elliot grinned and shut the car door.

Two hours later at about 4:30, Elliot slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Olivia. He tip-toed over to her side of the bed and set her alarm clock for 6:30, just to make sure that she would have enough time to get ready. After scribbling out a note on the pad beside the clock he quietly hung Olivia's dress in the bathroom and placed the shoes and jewelry on the bathroom counter. Then he grabbed his brown dress shoes and headed to Lizzie's closet to get his clothes. A few minutes later he was locking the apartment door on his way to Joe's Bar.

Beep Beep Beep! Beep Beep Beep!

Olivia groaned and slammed her hand on the alarm clock to shut it up. She slowly opened her eyes to fuss at Elliot for setting the alarm clock, but frowned when she saw that he wasn't in the bed beside her. As she sat up to go look for him she saw a pink sticky note on the bedside table.

I told you it wasn't over yet. Be ready by 7:45, a car will be here to pick you up. Your clothes are hanging in the bathroom. I love you. Happy birthday!

Olivia smiled and walked over to open the bathroom door. Her hands flew to cover her mouth and she gasped as she saw a beautiful brown and blue dress hanging on the hook. She fingered the soft material as she eyed the jewelry and shoes; she was amazed at how beautifully everything matched. Quickly checking the time on the clock and the time on the note Olivia laid her new outfit on the bed and went to get ready.

"Wow. All four of you look great!" Elliot stared at his kids with a big smile on his face.

"You too dad! I told you that you'd look great in that. Just wait till Liv gets here; then you'll be smokin'!" Lizzie walked around him, brushing off his shoulder for emphasis.

"Thanks honey."

Just then Casey rushed up to the group, blue bag in hand. "Alright Elliot, they just pulled up to your apartment. They'll be here in about ten minutes."

"Okay." Elliot jogged over to the microphone and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Can I have everyone's attention please? Olivia will be here in ten minutes. Right before they get here we're going to turn off the lights and after Fin walks in to turn them on, you all will yell surprise. Got it?"

There was a murmur of yeahs and numerous head nods all around the room.

Elliot nodded before speaking again. "And for those of you who know about my special surprise, I'm not going to do it until after we cut the cake. So keep your mouths shut until then! Got it?"

This time the room erupted into laughter and everyone called out a loud yes.

Elliot jogged back down to join Casey and his kids and saw that Cragen and Munch had joined them.

"You okay Elliot?" Cragen grinned as Elliot shook his head.

"No sir. I'm nervous as hell." Elliot took the blue bag from Casey and took out the small blue and white box before tossing the bag into the nearest trashcan.

"Let us see it dad!"

Elliot shook his head and shoved the box into his pocket. "Nope. Sorry kids, you'll just have to wait. Now, if you'll excuse me I think I need to go throw up before Olivia gets here."

Olivia stared at herself in the full-length bathroom mirror. The dress fit her perfectly and the shoes and jewelry looked stunning. She spritzed one last spray of perfume on her wrists and neck before flipping off the bathroom light and heading into the living room. Just as she entered the room there was a knock on the door. She opened the door and smiled at who stood before her. Fin was dressed in black and white pinstripe pants, a black button down shirt and a white chauffeur's hat.

"Are you my ride?"

Fin grinned and stepped back to allow her to step into the hallway after shutting the apartment door. "Yes ma'am I am. Man Liv, you look damn good."

Olivia laughed and linked arms with Fin as they walked down the hallway. "Thanks Fin, just don't let Elliot hear you. Speaking of Elliot, where is he?"

"He's where I'm takin you. Now don't ask no more questions cause I ain't gonna answer nothing."

Olivia just smiled and shook her head. A few minutes later Olivia and Fin walked out onto the sidewalk and Fin steered her towards a sleek black limo idling across the street.

"Oh my gosh Fin! Is that for me?"

He grinned and stopped beside the back passenger door. "Yup."

Olivia stepped forward as Fin opened the door for her to get inside. "Elliot went all out didn't he?"

Fin just kept grinning. "Oh you don't even know the half of it baby girl. Have fun." Fin shut the door and walked around to the front.

Olivia couldn't wipe the grin off her face as she scooted across the smooth leather seat and stretched her legs out. Just as she was about to open the sunroof a voice spoke from the other end of the limo.

"You're not even going to say hello?"

Olivia gasped and her hands flew to her face as the source of the voice moved closer. Olivia saw who it was and gasped again. "Oh. My. God. Alex?! Is that you?"

Alex Cabot laughed a loud hearty laugh as she swapped seats to sit beside Olivia who immediately pulled her into a hug. "Olivia you look gorgeous!"

"You too Alex! Oh my God. What are you doing here?"

"Well, to shorten a very long and particularly complicated story, I'm back, for good. I've actually been back but Elliot suggested I keep it a surprise until tonight."

"I'm so happy to see you! But what the heck is going on tonight that is so important?"

Alex shook her head at Olivia. "Uh uh. You are so not going to make me ruin this surprise. Just wait, it's totally worth it, I promise."

"Alright they're just down the street. Somebody turn off the lights!" Casey's voice bellowed across the crowded bar, no microphone needed. Elliot made his way through the dark to the middle of the room as everyone else migrated towards the walls. Through the silence he could hear Liv's voice outside.

"What's going on? Why is it dark in there?"

"You stand right here in the doorway and we'll go see if we can find a light switch." Alex and Fin hurried into the bar and took their places among the crowd as someone flipped the lights on.


"Happy Birthday Olivia!"

Olivia yelped slightly and covered her mouth. There were about 35 people crammed into the small bar and after scanning the room she finally spotted Elliot standing in the middle of the room. His eyes met hers and he grinned as he started walking towards her. When she reached him Olivia threw her arms around his neck and Elliot wrapped his arms around her and lifted her of the ground, twirling her around as she leaned down for a kiss.

"Happy Birthday Liv! You look absolutely amazing!"

"Oh Elliot!" Olivia buried her face into his shoulder and grinned.

Elliot put her back down on her feet and took her face in his hands, pulling her eager lips towards his.

Casey let out a loud whistle and Elliot and Olivia pulled apart, remembering the crowd around them.

"Let's get this party started!" Olivia yelled and wrapped her arm around Elliot's waist, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..."

Olivia glanced up as everyone started to sing and saw Casey wheeling out a cart carrying a huge cake.

"Happy Birthday dear Olivia, Happy Birthday to you!"

The room erupted into applause and cheers. As Casey stopped the cart right in front of her Olivia leaned in to get a better look at it. "Oh my gosh! El, is that cheesecake?"

Elliot grinned and nodded. "Yup. I called in a favor at Stagedoor."

"Wow. This is awesome." Olivia took the knife Casey held out to her and began to cut the first piece.

Elliot stepped back and watched Liv with a grin on his face and a sparkle in his eye.

"Come on dad. Don't make me come in there." Maureen stood outside the small bathroom in the back of the bar. Elliot had been trying to get up the nerve to execute the next step of his plan, but chickened out and hauled himself up in the dingy bathroom.

"Maureen I'm sorry but I just can't do it."

Maureen knew he was just nervous but she had never seen her dad like this. She wracked her brain for a way to get him to come out.

"Come on dad, you've proposed before, granted that didn't exactly work out, but this is completely different and you know it!"

"Maureen just go tell everyone I had to go home or something." Elliot stood in front of the mirror with his hands rubbing cold water onto his face.

Maureen grinned as an idea came to her. "You know what dad? Just stay in there, or better yet sneak out the back. Olivia's probably going to say no anyway. So just go ahead and leave, it's better to be a chicken than it is to be a reject." She chuckled and walked away without even waiting for a response. She walked up to her siblings and her father's co-workers with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.

"He coming out yet?"

Maureen grinned wider and glanced towards the bathrooms where her dad was now emerging. "Yup."

Elliot walked past them and pointed at Maureen. "You're grounded for being mean to me."

"Tough love dad, tough love."

Elliot walked up to the stage where Mike was taking a sip of water after just finishing up a song. "Hey man. How's it going?"

"Good. Think I can borrow the mic for a bit?"

"Yeah man, go ahead and do your thing. Good luck." Mike clapped Elliot on the shoulder before jogging down the few steps that led to the floor.

Elliot walked up to the mic and scanned the room for Olivia. He spotted her standing near the bar, laughing at something Alex was saying. He smiled and fingered the box in his pocket. "Hey birthday girl! Mind coming up here for a minute?"

Olivia sat her drink down and walked towards the stage, smiling the whole way. As she did so, Elliot moved the mic to his other side so that everyone could see and hear them.

Olivia walked up the steps and came to stand directly in front of Elliot, joining him in a quick kiss. Then she stepped back, unsure of what he was going to do.

Elliot looked out at the crowd then back at Olivia. As he saw her smiling face and those heart-melting brown eyes, all of his nervousness and doubt began to disappear. He took a deep breath and began to speak.

"First off, Happy Birthday Liv. Second, I've been wracking my brain for days, weeks, for some romantic and clever way to say what I want to right now but I've got nothing. So I'm just going to say whatever comes to mind and hope it makes sense."

"Oh geez." A male voice called out from the crowd.

"Shut up Munch. Anyway, as I was saying, Liv, I had no idea that when you walked into the precinct nine years ago that you would turn my life upside down. You've been way more than my partner, you've been my best friend. You've always been there for me and even when things got tough, whether with a case or with our personal lives, that never changed. When you switched to computer crimes and when you left for Oregon, my world started to crumble. It was then that I realized that I couldn't live without you. A really good friend of mine recently told me to tell you, and I already did but I'm going to tell you again. Olivia Benson you are the most amazing woman I have ever met and I love you more than words can possibly say. I don't ever want to spend another day without you in my life." Elliot took a deep breath and retrieved the ring box from his pocket, popping it open as he got down on his right knee. "Olivia will you please marry me?"

Olivia's hands flew to her mouth as the crowed remained silent, waiting for her answer. Olivia just stared at Elliot, then the ring, then out at the crowd, then back at Elliot. When she finally spoke her voice was a low whisper, so low that only Elliot could hear her.

"What did she say?" Alex's voice penetrated the silence and cause laughter to trickle through the room.

Elliot jumped up and grabbed Olivia into a hug. "Yes! She said yes!"

The room was immediately filled with yells, whistles, and applause. Olivia linked her hands behind Elliot's neck, pulling his forward. She rested her forehead against his and grinned. "So you really want to marry me?"

Elliot smiled so big it made his face hurt. "Yup. And I want to make little Stabler-Benson babies with you."

Olivia pulled Elliot closer to her and squeezed him tight as tears shone in her brown eyes, mirroring the ones in his blue eyes.

"Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!"

"You better kiss me. Don't want to disappoint the fans." Olivia smiled as Elliot tightened his grip on her.

Elliot lowered his head and slowly captured Olivia's lips with his. He kissed her top lip, then her bottom lip before allowing his tongue to find hers. She gently sucked on his bottom lip before running the tip of her tongue over it, causing him to pull away and grin. "You keep that up and we'll have to leave right now."

Olivia smirked and grabbed his hand, leading him off the stage while the crowd cheered and began to gather around them. As all of the women in the room were straining for a glance at Olivia's ring while squealing their congratulations, all the men were clapping him on the back, congratulating him. Elliot just grinned and stared at Olivia, who threw her head back and laughed before catching his eye. She winked at him and blew him a kiss. He laughed as he pretended to catch it and hold it to his heart. As Olivia turned towards his children to gather them in a hug he couldn't help but sigh a big sigh of relief. After all the mess with Kathy, and even the strain between he and Olivia throughout the years, none of that mattered anymore. All that mattered was that he finally told her and he was starting over, making a new life with the woman of his dreams, Olivia Benson.

Love it? Hate it? Let me know!

Thank yall so much for your support through this story. I was so nervous to post it at first but you guys made me feel awesome! Thanks a billion!!

Also, be on the lookout for the sequel! Coming within the next week!