Hey, this is my first Twilight fanfiction so it might not be that great, but the idea appeared in my brain and I just couldn't get rid of it and therefore decided to write it. Some of the facts might be wrong because I don't have the books and I have forgotten it a bit.

This story is about Bella and Edward and also about Andrea (Bella's best friend) and Mathieu (Andrea's boyfriend). The story is about how Bella and Edward get back together and about the problems that Mathieu and Andrea face.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!

It had been 90 long years since I have been changed, 3 of those years in which I spent in complete solitude, the other 87 years I spent with my 'family'. My coven consists of 4 other vampires.

Arthur is the father figure of my so-called family. He is an 'urgence' doctor and works in the hospital two towns from ours. His power is that he is extremely smart and a really quick thinker. This helps him out a lot as a doctor because if someone comes in and is on the verge of dying, he will immediately be able to tell whether said person will die, and should be changed, or whether this person has a chance at living if the doctors act extremely fast.

Victoire, is a beautiful French vampire, she is also Arthur's wife. She is sweet and would never intentionally hurt anyone. She is our 'mother'. She owns a little café in the center of our town, which is known for it's good pastries and mouth-watering coffees. Her power is that she can move things with her mind, which comes in handy when she is cooking, for her café.

Then there is Teo, he is tall, strong and has shiny black hair. He is my 'brother'. His power is almost like Aro's, he can speak to someone telepathically, but only when touching that person. He can't read minds, he can only talk to people through their minds and only if they have it open to him.

Lastly there is Bailey, she is Teo's twin. Her hair is long, black and wavy. And she has a body that most girls would kill for. She loves to insult people whenever she can. Her power is that she can make people see what she wants them to see. She has lots of fun with her power when she wants to drive us crazy.

I have changed a lot since my 'death'. I am now slightly taller and have long dark brown hair, which in some lights almost looks red. My once doe like brown eyes are now a beautiful topaz colour, showing my diet choices to any vampire I come across. My skin is even paler then when I was human and my lips are a permanent reddish pink colour, which attracts many eyes. My body has finally become that of a real woman and I am proud to say that I no longer trip! I am, as I am sure you have already guessed, Isabella Swan. Although, if you actually call me Isabella I will rip out your throat and make sure you never say it again. I much prefer being called Bella.

My family and I have lived in many places and currently reside in Maisons Laffitte, a small town in the suburb of Paris. It is known as the "City of Horses" because everywhere you look there are horses. Our house is a Mansard style house, (An: pic of the house in my profile) meaning it had 3 floors, the third one under the squarish roof. My room is on the last floor and is in a Uish shape. The door is on the left side with a cream colored renaissance couch and two light pink armchairs. Above the couch is a big fan with blossom floors painted on it and the flowers are painted on the wall as if extending from the fan. In the corner is a big white desk that has my computer and ipod speakers on it. In the bottom part of the U is my big four-poster bed and two white bedside tables. The bedspread is a deep cream colour, with a multitude of cream, pink and gold pillows. The curtains around the bedside table are pink with cream-colored velvet. Then in the right side of the U is my bathroom, it is big and has a big olden day bathtub. On the wall next to the door that leads to the bathroom from my room is a bar with all of my nicest clothes, mainly evening dresses, hanging from it and under them are rows and rows of shoes, my best shoes, heeled shoes. This looks like a big blur of colour shiny in some parts and plain in others and I love the effect it has on the room. It makes it more colorful and livelier and I know that if Alice saw this she would go crazy and start looking through my whole closet. Another door next to the bathroom door leads to my giant walk-in closet.

Our school is also in Maisons Laffitte, but on the other side of the small town from our house. Our school is called La Nation. It is a big beautiful school, which was once a chateau from the Renaissance. It has acres of land surrounding it, with an Olympic sized swimming pool and two football fields. The castle itself is beautiful, it has many chimneys and 3 floors (An: Picture of what I picture it as on my profile). The whole of the left wing and center wing of the castle is the actual school and the right wing is the boarding house for the students that spend their nights there. A newer looking building stands a few miles from the castle, which is where the art classrooms and the canteen are.

A long drive way from the main roads leads to a small parking lot where the teachers and few students who are old enough to drive park their cars. Surrounding the school and its land is a big stonewall and at end of the drive way is a big gate which has La Nation on it. Our school is for rich people or for people who are not French that live in France. There are three years altogether in the school which has 4 to 3 classes in each year. I am in Terminale, and am in the Economy class (An:this is the actual French schooling system). Teo is in the Scientific class and Bailey is in the Literature class. In all three classes there are French people and people who speak English. The English speakers, such as Bailey, Teo and I have all our classes with our form class (either economy, scientific or literature). However we have english, history and geography with the rest of the english speakers because these subjects (history and geography) are in english for us and not for the rest of the school and English is a harder level then for the rest of the grade. I actually really like it here in France, the people are nice and there is just so much to do in Paris in the evenings and the weekends.

My best friend, Andrea, is a French and Canadian vampire, who goes to La Nation as well. She doesn't live with a coven and instead lives with her family. You might think, " wait, wait, did you just say family?" Yes, I did. Andrea lives with her family because she was changed when she was three and the Volturri decided that she was too young to be taken from her parents, so they told them the truth and told them that if they ever told anyone that wasn't their direct family, the Volturri would kill the person they told and then get rid of Andrea's entire family. She is the nicest person I have ever met and loves to help others. She is relatively tall and has hair that reaches the middle of her back; it is the color of dark straw and has lighter blond highlights. She has high cheekbones and plush pink lips. She has the body of ballerina and has sharp green eyes. Although she drinks animal blood like the rest of us, her eyes have stayed the colour that they were before her change, as well she has aged and looks like a 17 year old. The Volturri said that her eye color and aging ability are because she was changed at such a young age where her body hadn't fully developed so the venom running through her body had kept some of the bloods aging characteristics and Andrea will keep aging until she is 20. She can also sleep for about 4 hours each night if she wants to. She has two powers: The power to be able to eat food, meaning that she drinks less blood then a normal vampire and her second power is that she has a huge amount of electricity running through her body and can cause Paris and all of its suburbs to have a power surge. She is like one giant stock of power. If she gets angry she often zaps people by mistake.

The fact that she can eat makes her very happy because she happens to love cooking and plans on being a professional chef one day.

"Bella! Come down, we're gonna be late for school!" called Bailey from downstairs.

I got up from my bed, I was already dressed, I had been for the past three hours. And left my room. Once I got to the garage after saying a quick goodbye to Arthur and Victoire, I unlocked my car, a navy blue corvette, and slid into the drivers seat while Bailey sat in the passenger seat and Teo in the back. As soon as the doors were closed we were speeding down the drive way and on our way to school.

'I will finally get to see all of my friends again after two long months of holiday.'I thought.

We got to school in a record time of 5 minutes. I noticed a purple Mercedes was about to take my place and sped up the last few miles and cut the car off right before it slid into my place and slid into my parking space. I smirked just imagining their faces through the tinted windows of both my car and theirs. Soon the car was gone looking for another place. I slid out of the car followed by Bailey and Teo and noticed that Andrea's car, a blood red Ferrari, was already in its place. A smile appeared on my face as Bailey, Teo and I headed up to the school to see our friends and Andrea.

As I walked up to the head office to find out which class I was in, Mathieu, Andrea's boyfriend, he is human, came up to us and said,

" Hey! How are you guys?" We answered him with a chorus of "great" and then he said the one thing that I thought I would never here.

" Apparently a new family moved to Maisons Laffitte, they have 7 adopted kids or something. I think their name is Cullen."

I hope you liked it. I don't know if I will continue writing it, it was just a random idea that popped into my head, so if you do like it please leave a review telling me so, thanks.
