a/N So... I managed to get stuck with the last 12-fics-of-Xmas fic (I know, I know, typical Ani) due to problems with organising, so I decided to write a new one:)

enjoy! xD

dances, favourites, and differences:

He asks her to dance while Fred is taking a bathroom break at the Yule Ball – pretending to be Fred for the fun of it, but she isn't fooled. "Sure, George," Angelina rolls her eyes, and puts her arms around his neck.

"How did you know it was me?" George asks curiously after a while. Angelina looked deep in thought. "Well, for one, you have a giant zit under your left nostril." George starts, and Angelina laughs – a throaty chuckle – "I'm kidding." She continues, "I don't know, it's just that you –"

"Angelina! George!" Fred walks up to them, beaming. "How's my favourite date and twin getting along?"

"I'm your only date," Angelina rolls her eyes again, letting go of George, who quickly retreats, backing into a table, "I hope, or you'd be a sorry mess this time tomorrow."

"Always the joker," Fred grins, wrapping his arms around her waist, as they began fast-dancing.

"Well, see you around," George waves rather awkwardly.

"Merry Christmas!" she replies, much cheerier now, and is lost in the crowd, recognisible only by her throaty laughs. He watches her disappear into the swarm of people.

(He wants to know the difference.)

please revieww! ;)