Chapter 29- The End

Inuyasha had ran with so much speed that he had surprised himself when he had arrived at the hospital. After growling out and demanding that someone help Kagome, he called her mother and talked with her on the phone so that he could fill out all of Kagome's information on to the chart. After he had filled out the chart he waited for everyone to show up. Ever since that day he hadn't been the same.

Sesshomaru and Rin had been the first ones to arrive. They had also been the first ones to notice the lack of color in his skin and how he was becoming weaker the longer he stayed away from her. They knew, he was doing it again and it was making them sick to the done. He was slowly killing himself until he was at her side again. After talking with the doctors, Inuyasha had been allowed in the ER and had been allowed to stay overnight in her room. Once her mate had returned to the room, Rin turned to Sesshomaru and asked, "What are we going to do now? If she doesn't make it…I can stand to see him like that again."

"I know…but everything will be alright. Kagome is a strong miko and a strong demon apparently." Sesshomaru answered.

"What are you talking about? My daughter is a miko." Ms. Higurashi was heard as she entered the privet waiting room with her father and son.

"She was a human Ms. Higurashi...urr…mom however the demons that were still trapped in the jewel gave your daughter their power. She is the only miko/demon ever to be born and alive. Many will come after her." Sesshomaru explained.

"Cool, I have a demon for a sister." Sota was heard.

"What an honor…my granddaughter is the only miko/demon to live." His grandfather was heard.

"Otu…how is our aunt? Can we see her now?" Sesshomaru's youngest son was heard as he walked in with the rest of the family.

"No, she is still in surgery. Inuyasha is with her however the doctors say that she may be in a coma since she was in her human form when she was brought in. She hasn't been able to change back so the wounds on her body will not heal as fast as they should." Rin explained as she kept her eyes locked with Ms. Higurashi.

"No." Sota said as he fell to his knees.

"Has anyone checked on Otu yet?" a worried and scared Shippo was heard as he walked in while helping Miroku carry Sango into the waiting room.

"Shippo! Sango! Sota go and get a doctor!" Ms. Higurashi exclaimed as she quickly went to go and tend to Sango's wounds.

"I'm fine…how's Kagome?" Sango replied as Miroku helped her sit down.

"What happened to you?" Ms. Higurashi asked.

"She was hit with Hiraikotsu. Soon you need to get checked." Rin was heard as she walked over to join Ms. Higurashi.

"I want to see Otu." Shippo growled.

"Shippo?" Lilly was heard as she and her children walked in to find him on the verge of losing control.

But before anyone could say anything, Kagome's doctor walked in as he took of the mask that covered his mouth. He had blood on his scrubs and had a long look on his face. The moment Ms. Higurashi saw the look in his eyes; she knew that there was a chance that she would never get to see her daughter again. As she slowly fell to the floor, Haku quickly caught her while Sesshomaru took a step forward. Once they were close enough, Sesshomaru made eye contact with the doctor and asked, "How are they doing?"

"Sesshomaru-sama…your brother was not an easy one to get control off but we were able to tend to his wounds after knocking him out. As for his claimed…she is in an unstable condition right now. Higurashi, Kagome is in a coma right now and there is no way for us to tell when she will wake up. As off this moment there is no need to put her on life support but if she does take too long we will have to get her hooked up on to a machine." The doctor explained as he looked away from the demon lord.

"Mom?" a confused and shocked Sota was heard as he began to show signs of shock.

"Oka." Shippo whispered before he fell to his knees in tears. His family quickly surrounded him and tried to calm him down. His children and grandchildren had also cried along with him. They had no idea what the doctor had said but they knew that it was not good news.

After getting the family to listen to him, Sesshomaru gave out his orders and did what he was expected to do as the leader of the family. He knew the he would have to keep an eye on Shippo but he also knew that he would have to have the family takes turns to go and visit Inuyasha and Kagome. With each passing day Inuyasha would offer all of his energy to the sleeping girl that lay across from him; hoping that she would wake up soon, even if he died from the lack of strength.

She knew she was asleep, all she wanted to do was sleep but for the past few days she had been feeling a strange power trying to get her to wake up. 'I just want to sleep…please just let me sleep.' Kagome thought as she tried to fight off the familiar aura that was slowly surrounding her. Unable to fight it off any longer, she woke up in an unfamiliar room. She knew that she wasn't at home and she knew that she was not alone. "Uh…" Kagome hissed out in pain as she slowly sat up in bed.

"Kagome?" a familiar voice called to her.

Kagome slowly turned to the side to see who it was that had called out to her. As she locked eyes with him, Kagome knew that she was safe. She could feel her aura finally accept him only to feel him blocking her out. Just as she was about to say something, Kagome lost all thoughts when she looked at him closely. He was beyond pale and is eyes held very little life. It wasn't until she had heard him ask, "Are you alright? Do you need a doctor?"

"Inu…Inuyasha?" Kagome asked in a dry yet fearful voice.

"Yeah, now lay back down wench." He growled out in a weak tone.

All Kagome could do was stare at him in shock. It wasn't until she noticed that he was slowly getting the color back into his skin as began to feel more and more protective of her. "I'm glad you're ok." She said as she turned away from him to see if she could use her powers yet.

"Feh, I'm not like you weak humans." Inuyasha growled out in an unusual cold voice.

After taking in a deep breath Kagome said, "Inuyasha…sit." However because of the lack of energy she had, Inuyasha was only pinned down for s short while instead of being slammed down against the floor.

"What the hell was that for wench?" Inuyasha growled as he pulled himself off of the floor.

"That was for not listening and getting hurt when I told you to get out of the fucking way." Kagome hissed out in her own angry.

"What do you care? I already know that you weren't going to be my mate if I asked you to." Inuyasha shot out in anger.

"You don't' know that." Kagome whispered in a hurt tone as she slowly got up so that she could be face to face with him once more. 'So he was following us that day. Inuyasha you jerk…you idiot…my jerk…my idiot hanyou.'

"Don't lie to me wench. I heard you when you were talking with Sango the day you were kidnapped." Inuyasha growled out in anger as he began to cover up his own hurt. 'Even if she doesn't want me…I will still protect her and love her.' He thought sadly.

"I said that because I knew you were listening in." Kagome yelled. "Sit! How dare you think that I meant any of it! SIT! GOD ONLY KNOS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU/1 SIT! YOU JERK! SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT BOY!"

After releasing all that energy, Kagome feel back on to her bed as she felt a sudden wave of lightness hit her. She could feel all of her energy returning and she knew that she would start healing faster. Kagome closed her eyes and waited for her to get control over the light headedness she had just gotten. She was brought back to reality and out of her thoughts, when she heard Inuyasha growl out, "You better not go back to sleep wench."

"I'm fine so just shut up." Kagome hissed.

Once those words had left her mouth the room was left in silence. While Kagome had been quiet to see and to try to predict how long it would take before she could go back to her true from, Inuyasha was sniffing the air and staring at her to make sure that she was alright. However, Kagome was once again brought out of thought when she heard Inuyasha's soft, yet fear filled whisper ask, "Why?"

"Why?" Kagome repeated as she turned to face him.

"Why are you giving me another chance? I betrayed you, I've almost gotten you killed and I never thought of telling you how I really felt until it was too late. Why do you still want me?" Inuyasha asked as he looked away from her in shame.

When he didn't get an answer, Inuyasha lowered his head in greater shame only to snap back up when he heard the heart monitor go off. After hearing his words, Kagome felt her power return to her in a blink of an eye. Before he could do anything, Kagome threw herself into his arms and froze the door shut with her tears. Before Inuyasha could say anything she said, "Because I've always loved you; even when I wasn't with you…even when I didn't want to accept the fact that you were still alive…I loved you and I'll always love you." as she moved to make eye contact with him, "After all…true love never dies."

A/N: Well that's it…the end. I hope you all liked it and I hope that you all tell me what you think of it. My next fanfiction with be yet, another Inuyasha and Kagome fanfiction. Here is the summary:

She had lived a life that no one should live. She had two brothers and had no memory of who her parents were. But what happens when the miko orphan falls in love with the prince of the eastern lands. What happens when her parents finally find her?

Well once again let me know what you think.
