
The village was filled with light while they danced and celebrated. It was the night of Miroku's and Sango's wedding and all were happy. Kagome had planned the whole thing and had even made some of the food that everyone was eating. Just as Kaede had finished the ceremony Kagome had surprised everyone with the food. "I'm glad they're finally together…I hope Sango and Miroku stay happy." She thought as she stared at her two deeply in love friends. 'If only I was that happy.' She thought sadly as she turned to her son and asked, "I'm sorry honey…what did you say?"

"Are you going to come back?" Shippo asked as he stared at her.

"Oh, of course I am, I just need to take back my mother's dishes. I don't have school for another couple of months." Kagome answered as she lifted Shippo up and into her arms. "Come on, let's go and find the happy couple so that I can hug Sango."

"Ok!" Shippo yelled out in excitement.

"I said shut up!" Inuyasha's growl was heard as he punched Miroku yet again.

"What's going on?" Kagome asked as she and Shippo approached the three of them.

"Nothing." Inuyasha growled as he turned to look away from Kagome.

"Kagome! Thank you so much for your gift!" Sango yelled as she hugged her friend.

"I'm glad you liked it. What about you Miroku…did you like my gift?" Kagome asked.

"Of course I did." Miroku said as he hugged Kagome in a brotherly way.

"Oi…keep your hands on your wife monk." Inuyasha growled as he pulled Kagome away from Miroku.

"It was a hug and nothing more Inuyasha. Anyway I'm glad that you two are finally happy." Kagome said as she set Shippo down.

"Feh…says you." Inuyasha growled.

"That's enough…Miroku and you Inuyasha, go and make sure that the final additions to the hut turned out ok. I have to talk to Kagome." Sango was heard as she began to pull her friend away from the guys.

"Shippo go ahead and go with them." Kagome said as she set her son down.

"Ok." He replied happily as he jumped into Miroku's arms.

Once Shippo was taken care of, Sango dragged her friend and pulled her away from the people that were celebrating her wedding. Once they were out of Inuyasha's hearing range Sango turned to Kagome and stared at her. Once she was sure that she would get an answer, Sango took in a deep breath and asked, "Kagome, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can. What is it?" Kagome answered as she began to worry about her friend'If Miroku already did something to upset her than I'm going to kick his ass.' She thought.

"Well…I was wondering what you were going to do with the jewel now…I mean Naraku is dead and Kohaku is at peace. What will Inuyasha wish for?" Sango asked as she kept her gaze on the stars above.

"I…Inuyasha isn't going to make his wish. He told me that he wanted nothing to do with it now." Kagome answered in a sad voice. "I really don't have the power to purify it yet but for now I'm going to be staying here."

"What about when your school starts again…will you still stay here?" Sango asked.

"I guess I could stay here…when I'm not at school or studying but my mom really wants me to go to college." Kagome said as she turned to face her friend. "Besides…I don't even know if Inuyasha wants me around anymore."

"Of course he wants you here. Kagome he loves you." Sango stated in a firm voice.

"No, he loves Kikiyo and once she comes looking for him he will go to her and make me go back home so that he can go to hell with her without worrying about having to protect me because of the jewel." Kagome whispered as she turned to the stars once more.

"Kagome…"Sango said.

"It's alright…I had told him about a year and a half ago that I would stay at his side until he didn't need me anymore. Let's just get back to the party; after all I didn't want to be thinking about all of this on your wedding day." Kagome said as she took in a deep breath before she began to walk back to the light of the village.

'Kagome…don't worry he'll tell you soon…and soon you're going to be just as happy as I am.' Sango thought as she followed her friend back to the party.

Just as Sango had reached Kagome, Shippo and Miroku appeared without Inuyasha. Kagome stared at the two knowing that they had done something to Inuyasha. Sango also stared at her husband and Shippo. 'You'd think they would know when to stop.' Sango thought as she turned to face her husband to ask, "What did you two do now?"

"Nothing." Both Shippo and Miroku quickly replied.

"Shippo if you don't tell me what you did to Inuyasha I'm not going to bring anymore candy or colors." Kagome hissed as she stared at her son.

"Don't do it." Miroku whispered.

"Shut it Miroku, or we won't have a husband and wife night." Sango hissed.

"Miroku wouldn't stop telling Inuyasha that he should marry you and I listened to Miroku when he told me to transform into Kagome and hug Inuyasha." Shippo cried out has he jumped up and held on to Kagome.

"Miroku." Sango began as she tried to find her weapon.

"I'm sorry Kagome! Please don't be mad at me!" Shippo cried.

"Uh…no candy for a week, now go with Sango so that I can go and talk to Inuyasha." Kagome said as she handed her crying son over to Sango.

"Are you sure you should go alone? I mean you can take Kirara with you." Sango was heard.

"I'll be fine…I'll have my bow and arrows with me. Besides I've been trained remember…how do you think the barrier was made." Kagome replied as she smiled at her friends.

"I really am sorry about all of this Kagome." Miroku said as he bowed his head.

"I know…you always are." Kagome said as she walked away and toward the god tree. 'I know he's going to be there…he's always sitting in that tree…he's waiting for Kikiyo.' She thought sadly as she made her way to the Goshinboku. As Kagome made her way to the Goshinboku she began to think about her life. She knew she would have to start spending more time with her family but she also knew that she would not be able to stay away from Inuyasha for that long.

'I love him to much…I was hoping to tell him after the ceremony but…but I don't think I should.' Kagome thought as she grew closer to the Goshinboku. 'Wait…why is it so…bright.' Kagome thought as she quickly hid her scent before Inuyasha could pick up on it as she dove into a nearby bush to hide. 'What's Kikiyo doing here?' she thought as she watched the two stand in front of the god tree.

Inuyasha and Kikiyo stood side by side as they kept their eyes on the sky. After a few moments of silence Kikiyo moved away from the Goshinboku and got closer to the hanyou. Inuyasha turned to face Kikiyo and pulled her into his arms as he couldn't help but want to hold her. 'After I tell her that I'm going to live with Kagome I'll leave.' He thought as he heard Kikiyo say, "Come with me Inuyasha. If you follow me to hell we will be reincarnated together so that we can live like we were going to live."

"Kikiyo." Inuyasha whispered as he held on to her tighter.

'I shouldn't be here…I shouldn't be watching this.' Kagome thought as she got ready to leave.

"Inuyasha…you have avenged my death and have given the jewel to its rightful protector. It is time that you full fill your promise." Kikiyo added as she wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's neck.

"Kikiyo, I have avenged your death and I have chosen not to wish on the jewel. Kagome is the one that's going to keep it. But…Kikiyo I will not go with you until you tell me why you tried to kill Kagome and why you took her jewel shards so long ago."

'Until…so he's going to forgive her and he's going to hell with her…I shouldn't be here…in the morning I'm going to leave and seal the well.' Kagome thought as she quickly stood up to leave.

Just as she turned to see the two one last time she saw a sight that shattered her heart and soul. Kikiyo had pulled Inuyasha to her as she pressed her lips against his. The moment in Kaguya's castle flashed before he eyes before her tears came pouring out. 'He chose her…he never wanted me.' She thought sadly as she ran back to the village.

Once in the village Kagome ran into the Kaede's hut and quickly went to bed. She didn't want to be awake when he came back. Meanwhile Inuyasha pulled away from Kikiyo and stared at her. Her eyes were cold and she held no other emotion but hate. After getting out of her embrace, Inuyasha faced his former lover and said, "I'm not going with you to hell. I want to have a family and I want to live with Kagome."

"You chose my reincarnation over me?" Kikiyo asked.

"Yes, and you need to rest in peace. Kikiyo you know that I did not kill you. Now that Naraku is dead you need to give Kagome her soul back." Inuyasha growled.

"Kagome is truly a wonderful person. You best treat her right." Kikiyo said before she left the hanyou to his thoughts.

"Kikiyo! Kikiyo!" Inuyasha yelled.

The next morning Kagome found herself in the hut that Inuyasha had build for the two of them. Once she realized where she was Kagome sat up and began to look around for her things. Once she had everything she needed she walked to Miroku's and Sango's hut and found Shippo sitting with her friends. They quickly noticed the change in their friend but said nothing when they heard Shippo yell out, "Kagome! You're awake!"

"Yeah, who moved me?" Kagome asked as she quickly picked Shippo up and into her arms. 'This is the last time I'm going to hold him…the last time I'll ever see him.' She thought sadly as she held back her tears.

"Inuyasha did." Miroku answered.

"He said if I woke you up that he didn't care how many sits you would give him that he would beat me." Shippo whined.

"Oh, well don't worry he isn't going to hurt you anymore." Kagome said as she sat down across from her friends.

"Kagome, what's going on? Why do you have your things with you?" Sango asked.

"Sango I would like it if you took care of Shippo for me while I'm gone…I'm going home." Kagome answered in a calm and emotionless voice.

"Of course…how long be gone for?" Sango answered as she tried to shake her horrible feeling away.

"I'm not coming back…" Kagome said as she handed Shippo over to Miroku.

"Kagome…where did this come from?" Miroku asked as he held a now crying Shippo.

"No where…I just, the jewel will be safer in my time. Besides once Kikiyo shows up Inuyasha is going to leave with her so…I'm going to go now so that I can get use to begin away from him." Kagome answered as she stood up to leave.

"No! Kagome you're my mom now! You can't leave!" Shippo begged.

"I'm sorry Shippo…I left you some candy with Kaede. I'm going now." Kagome said as she took hold of her bow and arrows.

"Kagome…are you going to seal the well?" Miroku asked in a serious voice. 'He saw her…he went to Kikiyo and Kagome saw.' He realized as he noticed her once joyful filled eyes filled with sadness.

"Kagome…why?" Sango asked as she let her tears fall.

"I just can't stay here anymore…please be happy…for me." Kagome replied in a sad voice before she ran out of the hut and into the forest. 'I can't see him…I won't…because if I do, I'll just tell him how I've felt all this time.' She thought as her tears ran down her face.

Once Kagome reached the well she found Inuyasha and Kikiyo standing across from each other and stared at them. 'Why me?' She thought as she stared into his intense gaze. Once she found herself looking at the grass she took in a deep breath and said, "I'll always love you Inuyasha…please don't ever forget me."

As soon as she entered the time stream Kagome held onto the jewel and poured all of her love, joy, sadness, anger, and pain into it. 'I hope you rest in peace…Midoriko.' Kagome thought as she landed in her time; she immediately fell to her knees, sobbing until she wore herself out and collapsed, still at the bottom of the well. Little did she know was that as she slept her soul had been completed as it returned to her in her sleep.

Meanwhile Inuyasha stood in the bottom of the well. He had killed Kikiyo and jumped into the well thinking that her soul would let him pass through to her but he was wrong. He was trap and forced to wait for five hundred years to be reunited with the woman who was meant to be his mate. Just as he was about to jump out of the well he heard a woman's voice say, 'If you truly love her than you shall wait to see her, you will wait five hundred years to see your one true love.'

A/N: Well there you have it…the first chapter…well the prolog of the story. I hope you like it so far and I hope you will continue to read my story. Please let me know what you think of my first ficof the year.

Ok, I have revised this chapter with the help of ladycrash. I would like to thank her and I know that the corrections may be minor but I hope you all are enjoying the story.