I've been thinking about writing and Avatar story. I'm currently writing a Naruto story it's a work in progress.
This story is a threesome ZukoxAangxKatara. I love threesomes for some reason not in the bad way but in the fun way I guess. Anyway if you don't want to read lemons, or limes, or lemonlimes, or limeade, don't read this.
I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender.
Black Tangled Heart
Zuko's POV
Humbled. That was the word that most described Zuko these days. In the past he could never imagine himself in the position he was in now.
"HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOO" Aang waved his hand in front of Zuko's face. "Am I supposed to still be breathing? When do we start the bending? I think I can get it now. Sorry about your eyebrows."
Zuko counted to ten. 'You have to learn to control your temper Prince Zuko.' He could hear his uncle lightly scolding him in his head.
So now when he felt like yelling he counted to ten.
"Breathing is one of the main components of firebending. If you cannot control your breath then you cannot control your firebending." Zuko instructed as calmly as possible.
Aang sighed and went back to breathing heavily in and out in short exasperated breaths.
"Geez I'm sorry, I just want to get to the bending so I can learn. I want this war over with. Forgive me for being so hasty." Aang responded bowing slightly.
"Maybe that is enough for today." Zuko felt like crap, and worst of all he forgot to count to ten.
The two benders bowed respectively and parted ways. Aang headed back to his expectant friends while Zuko just sat in their training spot to meditate.
"You're not coming?" He heard Aang ask after he'd walked a couple of paces.
"No I think I will stay here and mediate go on without me." Zuko responded trying to sound convincing.
The truth was he knew that Aang's friends did not really want him around. Who could blame them he had done some horrible things in the past. So Zuko did not press them. He let them have their space. As far as Zuko was concerned he was the ghost of a firebending teacher.
"Are you sure? You never eat with us, or tell stories with us, nothing Zuko you never spend time with anyone but me. I know you are having a hard time with the transition, but if you do not interact with them how can they get to know you?" Aang pushed.
Zuko hated that the Avatar was so in tune with people's feelings. Aang could often make one forget that he was the reincarnation of thousands of lives before him who kept the entire world in harmony. Then there were times like this where it was obvious. He of course was correct and Zuko knew this. Yet somehow he felt like it was better this way.
"You can't keep punishing yourself for the past. Sometimes there are things we cannot control. When you understood the entire situation you made the right decision. But when you were only aware of part of it you made decisions based on that. I do not hold against you the decisions you made to regain your honor. At that time in your life it was very important to you. But this is now Zuko, I know you have been alone but you do not have to say alone." Aang continued.
"Aang, thank you for being so understanding, I'm not even sure if I could be soo understanding considering all the horrible things I've done to you and your friends. I'm just not ready yet. Give me some more time." Zuko answered.
Aang nodded, "Ok Zuko." He then walked back to the campsite, but not without glancing back a few times.
Zuko let out a sigh of relief when he was finally alone. The truth was he was so nervous around Aang and his friends. There was no need for titles or to be impressive. They were able just to be relaxed around each other. Zuko was used to being the center of attention and worrying about bowing to generals, princesses, queens, and kings. There was a royal court no one was real, pretense was the only personality trait anyone had. What if he wasn't interesting? What if he didn't know how to make friends?
Instead he laid out here and stared at the sky until he was sure everyone was close to retiring for the night. He would return the camp eat the food Aang made sure to leave him over the fire and go to bed. This cycle was getting old but Zuko didn't know what else to do.
Could he confide in Aang? Would it matter? He knew for sure Katara hated him but Toph and Sokka seemed ok. When no one was looking Zuko would laugh secretly at Sokka's bad jokes.
But what now?
"What now?" Zuko said out loud to the clouds. "What do I do now mom? No one ever taught me how to make friends."