A/N: I do intend to finish In A New Light but I don't know when...

I finally decided to do a story about my favorite love triangle... SasuSakuNaru! I'm not exactly sure how long this is going to be. I guess it depends on how many people review and like it. xP

Overall Story Statisticts
Time Period: Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke are 18 years old
Rating: PG-13 for language and some sexual references
Pairings: NaruSaku, SasuSaku

Rating: PG
Pairings: Slight NaruSaku

Standard disclaimers apply, but shoooot, what I wouldn't do to own Sasuke.


Prologue: Routine

Sakura let out a tired yawn and stretched her cramped arms. Pulling gently out of the strong arms that encircled her waist, she leaned over the edge of the bed to see the digital clock, which read 9:30 AM.

I'd better get up… I have to be at work by ten. She slid out from under the covers, flinching briefly when her warm feet hit the cold floor. Her body cracked as she stood up and placidly dragged herself to her wardrobe, pulling out a familiar hospital outfit. She then lumbered out of the darkened bedroom and into the bathroom.

Her hand clumsily swatted the wall for the light switch, and flicked it on when found, making Sakura wince. She could now clearly see her sleep-ridden self reflected in the slightly warped mirror. A sigh escaped from her chapped lips as she closed the door quietly. She carelessly dropped the clothing onto the floor and proceeded to strip down to her underwear. It was then that she noticed some bite marks on her lower neck, and despite the fact that she was completely alone in a sealed bathroom, a slightly red hue crawled across her cheeks.


After cleaning up and redressing herself, Sakura emerged from the bathroom and tossed her nightwear into her untidy bedroom.

I think Naruto's rubbing off on me… not good.

Without sparing it another thought in attempt to contain any trace of sanity that was left, she turned and slowly walked down the hallway and down a flight of wooden stairs that led to the kitchen.

After frying some eggs, the pink haired kunoichi sat down at a small round table and began to eat her breakfast tentatively.

"Good morning… Sakura-chan…" a sleepy voice muttered.

"Hey, Naruto." She gestured towards the counter. "I have your ramen out. Just add water."

Naruto scratched his side. "Alright, thanks…"

Sakura downed the rest of her eggs quickly, and then took the plate over to the counter. "I have to be at the hospital in a few minutes, so I'm going to go. I'll see you later, okay?" She gave him a fake smile and leaned up to peck him on the cheek, but he caught her face and gazed with half-lidded eyes.

"Have a good day… Sakura-chan…" His lips met hers briefly. She sighed and embraced him with one arm before dashing past him and out the front door.


Sakura jogged at a steady pace through the already bustling streets of Konoha, occasionally waving towards friends or acquaintances. The morning sun glistened in her pink hair as it swayed behind her. It seemed like an average day to the Haruno girl.

But it's these kinds of days that you always have to watch out for.


"Sakura-sama, there's a new patient in--"

"Akamaru got into a fight with a cat again and--"

"Tsunade-sama needs these reports by--"

"What should I do about--"

"This guy has a boot stuck in his--"

Sakura grabbed her head in frustration. "Send Shizune there, take him to his usual room, I'll have them done, stitch it up before you heal it, and… pull it out!"

The medics all nodded and returned to their work, only to reveal more questioning people behind them.

The same questions… over and over…


"--needs some--"

"--how do you--"


"--dying of--"

She sighed. "Intensive care unit, give it to him, ask Tsunade because I don't know…"Wait, what was that question? She pointed to the male nurse whose question she hadn't completely understood. "Repeat yourself."

He shifted uncomfortably. "T-there's an Uchiha here… he's in the ER… with… um… with…"

Sakura's heart dropped. "AN UCHIHA?! W-what does he look like?!" she spluttered. "With what?! Why?!" The nurse didn't answer quickly enough, so she pushed past another nurse and grabbed him by the cuff of his shirt, pinning him against the wall with her inhuman strength.

"TELL ME, DAMMIT!" she snarled.

"W-w-well he's got spiky black hair and he's about" -he raised his hand a good head's length over Sakura's head- "this tall… a-and he's got a…" His voice trailed off as he watched the medic ninja's jade eyes widen drastically.

Suddenly, he was in a heap on the floor where she had dropped him. The group of nurses watched Sakura charge down the hall towards the emergency room doors.

After a few moments of silence was interrupted by the thump of Sakura's frenzied body throwing open the swinging doors, a female nurse spoke up. "What did he have…?"

The male nurse slowly got to his feet and looked at her with dark eyes. "The bloody head of another Uchiha…"


A/N: Oooh! Cliffhanger! Not really. xD

I know this was short, but it's just the prologue. The actual chapters will be longer. I just want to see if anyone is really interested in this story. Not that it'll even affect my decision to write it or not...

Thanks for reading!