Okay, so I got the idea for this while reading bubblebuttsbabe's story "So Damn Clever." In one chapter, Tommy sends a text with Jude's phone, and so, "Txt Wars" was born. This has no real plot other that for the characters to torment each other, and I have no idea how long this is going to be. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I think that one word says it all.

Jude POV

I grinned as Tommy left the room. I got up from the stool where I was holding my guitar, setting my instrument down and taking off the headphones. I walked to the soundboard, where Tommy's "crackberry" as I liked to call it, sat.

I picked up the phone, slipping back into the recording room, and putting the phone in my guitar case. After I finished, I put the headphones on, picked up my guitar, and started strumming the chords for the new song I was working on. I couldn't wait until we had to break for lunch.

It was one o'clock before Tommy finally stopped. God, I love that man, but he is just a slave driver in the studio.

"Jude," Tommy said, stopping me mid-song. "Have you seen my phone?"

"No," I replied glaring. "Besides, why do you need it right now? Aren't you supposed to be working?"

Tommy just rolled his eyes. "Let's break for lunch. Be back at the studio in half an hour." He left, probably leaving to go make sandwiches with Kwest. I smiled.

I got Tommy's cell phone, then found that the keypad had a lock code on it. I smiled, this man was so easy to guess. I typed in RED LICORICE, and the keypad unlocked. Not very original, Tommy.

I started going over his contacts list. He had 296 people in his address book. Perfect.

I went into the messaging portion of the phone, typing in a text message that EVERYONE, and I do mean EVERYONE in his contacts list would see.

Smiling, I put the phone back on the sound board, leaving to go heat up the pizza she had in the fridge.

By the time we got back into the studio, everyone was whispering about the text "Tommy" had sent.

"Jude…" he began once we were safely inside the studio.

"Tommy, I know what you're going to ask, and I have absolutely no idea." I grinned. This was going good. I was a really bad liar, except when it counted.

"Fine, let's just get to work," he grumbled.

About fifteen minutes later, Darius came barging in.

"T!" he yelled. "You want to tell me what this is about?"

"What?" Tommy asked, confused. I stifled a laugh.

"THIS!" Darius yelled again, pointing to the screen of his cell, which read; I, TOMMY QUINCY, HAVE HERPES!

"WHAT. THE. HELL!" Tommy yelled. I couldn't help it, I was full-out laughing by now.

"I didn't send that!" Tommy said frantically. "My blackberry has been missing ever since earlier today, right Jude?" he exclaimed, turning to me, begging.

"Uh, Tommy? Your crackberry is right there, on the sound board, where it's been the entire day. You have herpes?"

"NO!" he yelled. He glared at me. "Wait a second…"

Darius left, calling behind him, "This better not happen again, T. I don't like jokes like this."

Tommy turned to glare at Jude, pressing the button for the mike. "I'm not going to tell, Jude. But I am going to get back at you."

I scoffed. "Please. Tommy, you couldn't even have an original lock code. I mean seriously, red licorice? Anyone who's seen you on a day with no sleep knows that."

He glared at me, and pressed the button again. "What I Want to Do, take 3."

So, what do you think? This is the first chapter of Txt Wars, and I might post the next chapter as early as later today, because I just have a lot of ideas right now.

Enjoy, and please, just ONE review? PLEASE?


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