Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight. But I want to! I need new episodes.

Again I wish to thank those who have reviewed, put me on their Alert, Favorite Author, Favorite Story, etc. You have been so kind and made this so much fun. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Here's the final chapter. I've tried to inject some lightness into all the emotion. Truth is I just can't resist writing something with Josef; he's too much fun to avoid. I hope this wraps Heartache up successfully.

Chapter 4

Lay your head upon my shoulder, lay your hand within my hand. I'll give you all that I am.

All That I Am ---- Rob Thomas

Beth parked her car outside Mick's apartment. It was almost midnight. He had called and caught her still at work. Beth had eagerly agreed to meet him back at his place. They hadn't seen each other in the last couple days because of work.

In the last three months since their Valentine's date they had been spending a lot of time together. Beth smiled as she thought about the creative ideas that Mick kept coming up with. They had visited art galleries, small music clubs, the zoo at dusk and her favorite; late night miniature golf. He kept it light and tried hard not to take her places Josh might have. There had been no movie nights at her place.

Josh. Beth found she could think about him now without the stabbing pain in her chest. Time did take the edge off the more painful memories. She no longer saw his dying face when she closed her eyes. The guilt was still there but it had lessened. Discovering that Josh had intended to propose had surprised her. Beth hated to admit that she was relieved not to have had to play that scene out. She had been saved the discomfort of turning him down. And she was pretty sure she would have said no.

In these last three months Beth had done a lot of soul searching. Her whole world had changed since the encounter by the fountain with Mick St John. She couldn't deny the connection she felt to him. And recently she had started having dreams, nightmares actually. Not of Josh dying, but of Mick. Different ways she would lose him. Understanding was beginning to dawn on her and she thought she knew how to stop the nightmares.

She entered the building and got on the elevator. Beth dug in her purse and pulled out the electronic key that Mick had given her. Smiling, she remembered him telling her if she needed to feel safe she should come here. He made her feel safe and she loved that about him. Beth stepped off the elevator, went down the hall and keyed the door open.

With a shriek, she dropped her purse in the doorway. Josef Konstantin was sitting there, facing the door. The fireplace crackled in the background.

"Well, hello to you too," Josef smirked. "Come in, don't faint in the doorway."

Beth scooped up her purse and came inside. The door shut softly behind her as she come around the couch and dropped her purse and coat in one corner of it.

"Mick didn't say anything about you being here when he asked me to meet him here."

"He doesn't know I'm here."

A shiver ran down Beth's spine, but she calmed herself. She was pretty sure Josef would never harm her. But he sure knew how to give off an intimidating attitude.

"Do you need his help?" she asked settling on the couch opposite him.

"Not really. I just don't see him much lately. Thought I'd check in on him. So, how's the dating going?" he enquired.


"That's it? Nice!" Josef said with raised eyebrows. "I really need to have a talk with Mick."

Beth blushed. She knew Josef was baiting her.

"Well, the truth is he is a very inventive boyfriend," she said with an amused look. She could tell she hit her mark by the look on his face. "He's sweet, attentive and a bit old-fashioned."

"Remember, he is 85," Josef said dryly.

"Then I can only imagine your dating techniques," she shot back.

Josef let out a genuine laugh.

"Touché'. I've been put in my place. Sorry about that."

"It's okay Josef. I'm happy and I hope that Mick is too."

"I believe he is," Josef said. "I never thought I'd say this to a human. You're good for Mick."

"Josef, I….uh… thanks," Beth said in shock.

She was saved from any more of the conservation when Mick entered the apartment.

"Well Josef, making yourself at home again I see." He took off his coat and sat beside Beth. "Hey love," he said quietly and kissed her on the cheek.

"You never call. You never stop by. I had to drag myself over here to see if you were still among the undead," Josef grinned.

"He knows I'm his only real friend," Mick said to Beth. She tried to cover a giggle at the look the older vampire had on his face. This felt so right to be here. Sitting here with two vampires and listening to them banter. Beth felt this was exactly where she was supposed to be. There had been a high cost getting to this point in her life, but she was happy.

"I'm planning poker tomorrow. Will you ever return to the game?" Josef asked. "I know we aren't in the blonde's league, but you aren't abandoning us completely I hope."

"Let's see. I could lose at cards to you or spend the evening with this lovely creature. What would you pick Josef?" Mick asked.

"You're whipped boy," Josef said getting to his feet. "I'm disappointed in you."

"Actually, he's free tomorrow night," Beth interrupted. Both men stared at her in surprise. "I have an assignment tomorrow night," she explained. "However, I can give you some quick poker lessons tonight so you can kick his butt tomorrow night," she added to Mick.

"You!" Josef sputtered.

"My aunt dealt in Vegas," Beth grinned wickedly. "She taught me everything she knew."

"She's lying," Josef said shaking his head in disbelief.

Beth's eyes sparkled.

"I don't think so," Mick said. "Her heart rate hasn't changed. I'm inclined to believe her." He laughed at his friend. "See you tomorrow night."

Josef left muttering to himself. He had also noticed she did not appear to be lying.

"That was priceless," Mick said and kissed her quickly. "Your aunt?"

"Yea, Aunt Tracy. She is a cool aunt," Beth laughed. "So what's up? Why did you call?"

"I missed you. I missed talking to you. I missed seeing you. And I missed this," he said and kissed her again.

"You say the sweetest things," Beth sighed. She sat straighter and took both his hands and held them. "I need to talk to you. I have been having dreams Mick. Some of them had been nightmares."

"About what?" Mick asked in concern. He tightened his fingers around hers. "Tell me."

"They're about you. You're hurt. Sometimes a staking, sometimes fire. I see Lee Jay with that torch. Sometimes it's Coraline. I lose you. It's different every time but the end is still the same," she said with a hitch in her voice.

"Beth, they're just dreams," he reassured her. "I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere."

Beth nodded.

"I know Mick. I've come to realize why I'm having them. They have forced me to look at my feelings. Mick, I'm afraid of losing you. I couldn't bear that. I need you in my life. I know my feelings now," she explained, her voice full of emotion.

The dawning realization of what she said lit Mick's face. Hope blossomed in his eyes. He wanted to pull her close but he held back afraid he wasn't hearing what he desperately hoped he was hearing.

"Beth," he breathed her name.

Her face broke into a beautiful smile. She nodded slightly. A rush ran through her as her eyes locked onto his.

"Yes, I love you Mick St John. I think I have for a long time, I just was hiding from myself." She blushed. "I don't know where this may go. I only know I can't go anywhere if you're not there."

Mick still sat as if frozen. He was afraid to move and break the spell. His mind was whirling with thoughts. He had dreamed of hearing those words and he was afraid of where they went now. He was still a vampire. That was not going to change. He could not condemn her to his undead world. She represented all that was life to him. But he selfishly didn't want her to go away. She loved him and his soul rejoiced at that news.

"Mick," Beth said vey softly. His thoughts were plain on his face. She knew exactly what he was thinking. "Please don't tell me this can't work. We've come too far. Just love me. The rest of the details can be worked out in time. Mick, just love me," she pleaded in a whisper.

"Oh Beth," his voice broke and he gathered close. He held her, his chin resting on her shoulder. He wanted to stop time right there. He could end his existence holding her.

Beth slid her arms around him. She stroked her hands up and down his back. She felt him shiver.

"I do love you," he promised. "You're right. We will deal with the future tomorrow. Tonight let's just be in the here and now."

"Yes, now," Beth echoed quietly. She pushed back and smiled up at him, tears in her eyes.


"I'm happy. I'm finally happy," she said and Mick leaned in to kiss her. With their feelings unleashed, they both felt the electricity run through them. Mick could feel his fangs extend as the kiss deepened. Heat rushed through him. He tried to back off.

"Don't," Beth said and kissed him again. "Don't hide from me," she urged. "You won't harm me."

Mick kissed her with more intensity. He felt her trust in him. He let himself ride with the moment. He loved her. He had no idea where their future was going. It was enough that there was a future.

The End

Once more I thank all of you who have reviewed. I hope I hit some more inspiration so I can write more. Wish the writers would settle the strike. I hope this final chapter was what you were waiting for. Let me know.