AN / Sorry for the big delay. I have no excuse. For those who are still interested in the story there is this new chapter.

I know that this fic is supposed to be mainly a McAbby but I could not keep myself from adding Tiva and Jibbs.

Tim and Abby were waiting for the doctor. They wanted to know if their baby was fine. Abby gained weight faster than she should. Her stomach was growing faster. Tim was worried.

'Mr and Mrs McGee.' the doctor called them.

'Yes'. Abby said.

'Hello. Please lie down.'

'I'm a little worried.' Tim said. 'Abby in gaining weight really fast. Her stomach is almost twice bigger that you said it would be.'

'Let me see that.' the doctor said. He put a liquid on Abby's stomach. Then he approached a device to it. Tim and Abby were able to see something on the screen. They heard a heartbeat. Everything was like the last ultrasound.

'I think I know what's going on.' the doctor said.

'You do?' Abby asked.

'Yes. If you will be able to see that there are two babies.'

'Two?' Tim asked. 'But why didn't we see that on the previous ultrasound. That one from tree months ago.'

'This can happen.' The doctor explained. 'If the two babies have the same position and their hearts beet at the same rhythm, it is possible that we don't see two babies but one until the end of the pregnancy.'

'Really?' Tim tried to understand.

'Timmy, it's wonderful. Two babies.' Abby said.

'Do you want to know if they are girls or boys?' the doctor asked.

'Sure, right Tim?' Abby asked.

'Yes of course, honey.' Tim answered and kissed her forehead.

'Let's see.' the doctor began to look for something.' You will have a boy and a girl.'

'Yey! A boy and a girl. Katie and Don.' Abby was so enthusiastic.' I'm so happy. Aren't you, Tim.'

'Of course I am, my love.'

'Well Everything is in order. I suggest you take care of yourself.'

'Goodbye, doctor.'

'DiNozzo!' Gibbs shouted. 'What are you doing?'

'Nothing, boss. I'm waiting for Zeevaaah to finish her work.'

'Go and help her.'

'She told me that if I approach her she will show me her killing skills.' Tony said.

'Really?' Gibbs asked.

'Yes, but I don't believe her.' Tony said and smiled.

'Don't make me prove it.' Ziva said.

'You would suggest you the same thing, DiNozzo.' Gibbs said.

'Ok. You're ready?' Tony asked.

'No. Could you go and bring some hot chocolate?'

'Zeevaaah. If you finish now, we can go home early and you will drink as much hot chocolate as you want.

'I want it now.' Ziva insisted.

'Ziva, please. By the time I bring it to you…'

'I said NOW. And I don't want the one from the machine.'

'Ziva…' Tony didn't want to go to the cafeteria which was two blocks away.

'C'mon DiNozzo.' Gibbs said. 'I'll buy a coffee for myself and you come with me to buy a hot chocolate for Ziva.'

'Boss, couldn't you…' Tony began but Gibbs headslapped him so he just got up and went for him. 'On it, boss.'

They walked to the elevator and met there Abby and Tim.

'Where are you going?' Tim asked.

'The cafeteria, two blocks away.' Tony answered, apparently pissed.

'Timmy, go with them. I want a…. Caff Pow.' Abby said.

'But decaff.' Tim insisted.

'OK' Abby kissed him and headed to Ziva's desk while the boys went to the cafeteria.

'So McDad, boy or girl?' Tony asked.


'What? Both? You scare me Mcgee.' Tony looked puzzled.

'Yep. We're having twins.' McGee said very pleased.

'Well, Congratulations, McGee.' Gibbs said.

'Thank you, boss. You, know if your baby is going to be a boy or a girl, Tony?'

'Not yet. It's too early to know. But I have some pictures.'

'We all noticed the pictures on you desk.' Gibbs said.

'you have?'

'It was hard not to.' McGee said. 'It's the first thing we can see on your desk. And besides, you show it to everybody, even if they don't want to see it.'

'I do?' Tony was shocked. He taught that McGee exaggerated.

'Everybody in the building has seen the picture you and Ziva took on your Gondola in Venice and the picture of the ultrasound.' Gibbs laughed.

'But it's so incredible. I am married to an amazing woman who is carring my child. I don't say that Abby and Jen aren't amazing.'

'Jen?' Gibbs asked.

'Boss, everyone know that you and the Director…' McGee began.

'Uh?' Gibbs was amazed.

'Well, boss, it is hard not to notice'. Tony said. 'You spend a lot of time in her office. You go to lunch together…'

'And you remember the day I called you at 2AM, 2 weeks ago. Because we had a case? I called you home, but you didn't pick up, so I called your cell and it didn't take you so much to arrive at the crime scene as I expected. It was just the time you would need to come from Director Sheperd's house.' McGee said.

'When we were in Italy, Jenny came with you. And when Ziva and I got married at the Vatican and Abby and McGee confirmed their vows..4

'Speaking of the Vatican, how did you manage everything. I don't think that tge Pope has time to make ceremonies and weddings.' Gibbs asked

'My father's uncle is a cardinal and is very close to the cardinal and is very close to the Pope. And since I am close with that uncle… but don't try to avoid the subject Gibbs. That was not my point. My uncle told me that an other couple got married after us. He had seen them on my wedding. Befor he told me their names I knew, who he was talking about. Abby and McGee confirmed their vow at the same time Ziva and I got married. The only couple left was you and Jen.' Tony explained.

'Well' Gibbs didn't know what to say. Apologies weren't exactly his thing. 'I didn't know that you were that oservant.'

'We learned from the best.' McGee said.

'Ok. You got me.' Gibbs said. He pulled his wedding band out of his pocket and put it on his finger.

'You're not a criminal, Gibbs.' Tony said.

'We didn't appreciate the fact that you hid from us something so important as you marrage. We know that you don't like to share your personal life but this is a very important moment.' McGee said. 'We should have been there for you.'

'Ok. I'm sorry.' Gibbs said.

'Boss, you all right?' Tony asked. 'Feel his head, probie.'

'Why don't you do it yourself, Tony?'

'Why would he do that?' Gibbs asked.

'Well, you always say that apologies are a sign of weakness.' Tony said.

'Not between friends.' Gibbs smiled.

During that conversation the three of them arrived to the three of them arrived to the caffee shop. Gibbs ordered a black caffee, Mcgee bought a Caff Pow. Tony bought five different beverages.

'Why?' McGee asked.

'She will change her mind by the time be get back. I just hope that I got at least one right.' Tony said.

'I don't have such big problems with Abby. Poor you.' McGee said.

'I must be bad if you have pity on me.'

'Don't be that hard with him, DiNozzo.' Gibbs said.

'Boss, I didn't sleep that night. Our little crazy ninja chick wanted icecream. I had to go to a shop that is really far.'

'Calm down Tony,' Gibbs tried to calm him. 'It's normal.'

'You must be right.' Tony said.

'Hey, you want to come and have dinner with us?' McGee asked.

'Tonight?' Gibbs asked.

'Yeah.' Mcgee answered. 'that's why Abby and me came to the Navy Yard. Wa wanted to invite you. So you're coming?'

'I don't think that Jenny will mind.' Gibbs answered.

'Sure. But I have to ask Ziva.' Tony said.

'Abby is going to convice her.' McGee said.

'You think?'

'Have you ever manage to say 'no' to Abby?' Tim asked.

'No. you're right.'

'Let's go and pick up our wives.' Gibbs smiled.

Tony and Tim smiled, too. The three of them went to the Navy Yard. Tony picked up Ziva (Tony had gotten the right beverage). Tim picked up Abby an Gibbs picked up Jenny. Then they called Ducky. They all drove to McGee's place.

Later that evening gibbs was looking at everybody. They were his family. After Shannon and Kelly died, he thought that he would never be happy again. That feeling increased after three divorces. Then Jenny came. Now he knew that she would be a good wife and wouldn't hurt him again.

Tony said something that made Ziva and Abby laugh. Tony was infantile sometimes, but he reminded Gibbs of himself when he was younger. He had exactly the same behaviour. Be he had been like McGee too: a Probie. Franks reminded that to him only every single day. Tony and Tim were the sons he had never had.

Then he looked at Ziva and Abby. Abby was the youngest of them. She was daddy's little girl. The one to who he would never say 'no'. Ziva was the highly trained assassin who used to hide her feelings behind her Mossad Officer mask. She had really changed though.

He looked then at Jenny. His agent? No. His boss? No. His lover? No. She was no longer any of these persons. Of course he hadn't forgotten Shannon and Kelly. Jenny knew that. But he loved her too. She also knew it.

He looked at Ducky. Hid best friend, his brother? The person he could trust with all his secrets. They had been trough a lot together.

That was his family.

AN/ Thanks for reading. Please, Read & Review. Next chapter will be the last. It's set 5 years later.