AN/ Well, I decided to write this fanfic about Abby and Tim. There is also Tiva and maybe Jibbs. I haven't decided yet.

'Morning' McGee entered the Squad room.

'Morning' Answered Tony and Ziva together.

'You're late, Probie.' Tony said. He slapped McGee on the back of his head.

'Sorry' Tim apologized.

'Never say.' Tony began

'You're sorry. It's a sign of weakness. I know, Tony. Gibbs was my boss too.' Tim said.

'What's your excuse, Elf Lord?' Tony asked.

'My fault' It was Abby. 'I dragged him to the cinema yesterday. Movie ended late and…'

'Which movie?' Tony asked.

Apparently, the rest of the day depended of the name of the movie. Abby gave Tony an advertisement paper. Tony said:

'Good one. Ok, I'll forgive you if you tell me when I can se it.'

'We've already done more' Abby said amused.

'We bought you a couple of tickets, so you could go tomorrow with a girlfriend' McGee said.

'Thank you, Probie.' Tony said 'Now let's find a case'

'Another sexual harassment conference.' Ziva said finally.

'DiNozzo' Tony answered the phone. Everybody was impatient. 'Yeah, we handle it.'

'Yes' that were Ziva, Abby and McGee.

Tony gave them a look that said that their reaction wasn't appropriate. Then Ziva said

'I mean… Haw sad. I wanted so much to go to that conference.'

'Me too' continued Tim. 'How am I going to continue to work without having assisted to it.'

'I don't regret it. That horrible woman will tell me how inappropriate it would be to hug people I work with, which will be absurd knowing that I work with my boyfriend.' Abby said.

They all laughed. Than Abby said:

'I've got a surprise for you. I didn't tell you because Gibbs made me promise not to tell anyone.'

'Is that why young Timothy knows?' Ducky approached the group

'Ducky, please. You know I can't hide anything from Timmie.'

'Ok. Where is he?' Ducky asked.

'Who?' Ziva and Tony asked in the same time. The elevator doors opened.

'Gibbs!' Abby almost strangled the man when she hugged him.

'Hi, Abs.' Gibbs answered.

'Boss! You're back?' Tony asked.

'Yep. You've got a problem with that, DiNozzo?' Gibbs laughed.

'Jethro! Welcome back' Ducky said.

'I'm glad you're here, boss, but we have a case' Tony said.

'I know. Already been there. Abs, this is for you.' Gibbs said.

'Thank you. What's that? Oh! A microchip. I'll need some help for all that stuff.' Abby said.

'Get McGee. I want everything about what is in there. Then you run everything else.'

'Wait.' Tony said. 'How did you get there? I was just informed about that.'

'I knew about it before you. I want everything about this man.'

'On it.' Ziva said.

For a while, Tony looked at Ziva. She was so beautiful. Especially when she was smiling. When Gibbs quit and Tony became the team leader and no one observed him, he'd spend a lot of tome observing Ziva. He felt that she was hiding something, but he didn't know what, and he didn't really care: if she hid it, there would be a reason.

'DiNozzo!' a voice and a slap on the head woke him from his thoughts. It was Gibbs. 'Where are you?'

'Here. That's what you wanted, boss. There is the list of the phone calls of the commander.'

'Good work' Gibbs answered. His phone rang. 'Yeah. Gibbs. OK! Let's go. Abby has something.' Gibbs looked at DiNozzo and David, who were looking at each other with interest. 'Hello' he said as he slapped both of them. 'We're going to Abby's lab.'

'On your six, boss.' Tony said.

On the way to the lab Gibbs was thinking. What had happened? Something was up. He had spotted the looks between Tony and Ziva. Had they been dating? He did not know. As there was what happened between them Abby and McGee. He loved Abby as his own daughter. He didn't want her hurt. He knew that McGee had a particular affection for Abby, but he had a feeling that things are deeper now. What has happened with his team? What had they done with Rule number 12. He had made it in order to protect them and now they had forgotten them and now they had forgotten it. He had heard Tony inviting Ziva for cinema. Things had changed while he was at Mexico. The elevator stopped and they went to Abby's lab. There was Jenny Shepperd, the Director.

'Watching over my shoulder, Jen?' Gibbs asked.

No, Jethro. I just wanted to know, how is doing the investigation.'

'I will be able to tell you if you don't stop my way to the lab. What do we've got, Abs?'

'Remember that little peace of glass that Timmy found near to the table? I found out what it was. It was a part of a bottle and it had contained a poison, very hard to find if you have only a body.' And as Gibbs kissed her cheek and left she said.' I haven't finished yet. I found a fingerprint on the badge from the bag. I got a match' she showed him who it was the owner of the fingerprint.

'Come on.' Gibbs said 'Good job, Abby. DiNozzo, Ziva, with me. McGee, I want to know what is on that microchip.'

'It's destroyed, boss' McGee said but Gibbs was already gone. 'How am I going to find outr what it contained?'

'I'll help you, Timmy' Abby said and put her hand around him.

'Nope' she answered. 'I'll try to find out were it was made.

And they continued to work.

AN/ Please, review. Next chapter will be more interesting, I promise.