Hey yall! Finally got started on this chapter. Here it is!

Chapter Five

The strange man had cat-like maroon eyes that lit up in the dark. His skin was pulled tightly over his face and gave it a skull-like appearance.

Hellfire, Kareia swore silently, it's a Shade.

She didn't think she could take any more surprises like this. Her heart was going to give out. How strange, the moment she touched the newly hatched Emeral, the chaos that encompassed her life seemed to step up a notch. Urgals…Elves…now a Shade.

Saveil growled, baring his teeth and inched closer to Kareia's side. His scales shone brilliantly in the moonlight. Emeral stayed silent but watched the Shade sharply. His lip curled into a sneer.

"Well," his one word flowed over her like ice water, "it appears I have found what I am looking for. We finally meet young Dragon Rider," First his deadly gaze targeted Kareia, then his eyes shifted to Calus and Emeral.

He raised an eyebrow, "An elf rider? How unexpected. You elves are showing up all over the place lately. Even better." He spoke slowly, allowing his words to take over the silence the night once possessed.

"Who are you?" Kareia demanded.

He waved the question off dismissively, "That bit of information is meaningless to you. Perhaps that will change later." Kareia could sense where he was going with this.

"We will never go with you," she growled and took a step forward, raising her sword higher.

The Shade stood a moment and then laughed icily, "Girl, you have no choice in the matter."

As if summoned by these words, armored Urgals appeared before them and surrounded the small campsite. They were in smaller numbers than they were before, probably around ten, but they were massive. Breathing slowly, both Calus and Kareia slowly raised their weapons…and so did the creatures. Kareia buried her foot in the forest soil bracing herself for any assault that came her way.

Then the Shade's sly voice began speaking again, "If you come quietly, there need not be any battle."

"I tell you again," Kareia said fiercely, "We will never go with you."

The Shade's mouth turned into a malicious smile…as if he hoped for nothing less. As the Shade raised his sword, Saveil gave an ear-splitting roar and began the battle by ferociously whipping his tail around and striking down the nearest Urgal.

Kareia hastily transferred some words and emotions to Emeral and made her understand that she wanted her hidden out of harms way. Disappointment and blood lust radiated from the little dragon and surprised Kareia. But she obeyed and Kareia watched Emeral hide from the moonlight that so pleasurably bounced off her radiant scales and disappear into the camouflage of the dark green tree leaves.

Calus immediately stepped in front of Kareia and shouted over his shoulder, "Get out of here! I will deal with them!"

He stabbed an Urgal through the side in one smooth motion while still managing to stay in front of Kareia. But she stubbornly stepped from behind the safety of Calus's protection and stabbed an Urgal in the belly. She didn't wait for Calus to attempt to command her again, and she stepped quickly into battle.

Kareia surprised herself as she fought strongly by Saveil's side. She noticed she wasn't tired anymore and she wasn't tiring as she fought. Her blows became steadily more powerful with each swing of her sword. She noticed her steps were quickening and her hand was becoming only a blur in the air as she beat back another Urgal. Unceasing energy was flowing through her whole body, despite the fact that she was drained of most of it a few moments ago. Kareia was too submerged in the battle to wonder about it. With each swing of her sword, Kareia felt strangely powerful… like she could take on a whole Urgal army if she wanted to and still have energy to spare. A strange power welled up inside herself and seemed to be lending her strength. As she continued fighting, the power seemed to grow.

Her hair danced across her face as she twirled and blocked attacks and sent many of her own. A trail of fallen Urgals lead over to where Calus stood. He had fought his way through half the creatures over to the Shade and locked himself into a ferocious sword battle. Their weapons clashed with unbelievable elaborate swordsmanship. The Shade was swinging his blade so fast it was barely visible; but Calus countered his attacks with movements of such speed that Kareia was left breathless.

Kareia's mysterious energy built up a ball of fire inside herself. She watched the Shade enjoying the battle. Enjoying the blood. He tried to bring them with him against their own will. He doesn't care that his…creatures are dying fighting for his purposes and causing destruction to those around him. The fire grew larger inside herself and a passion was created. She couldn't keep the fire in, it was growing larger. She looked at Saveil, struggling to keep back the attacking monsters. It was too big, the fire, she had to let it out. She saw Calus stumble to the ground and the Shade, with triumph, point his hand in a manner that suggested he was about to use magic. Her fire had to come out.

Without thinking Kareia raised her hand and shouted into the starlit sky, "BRESINGR!" A clash between green and silver colored fire exploded from her hand in the Shade's direction. The fire had a mind of it's own. It split in two and passed through each Urgal in the chest. One by one they all fell in its wake. Calus immediately rolled out of the way to expose the Shade completely to Kareia's magic. The Shade's eyes only had to widen in surprise. At the last second, he quickly countered it with his own fire magic. Calus quickly took advantage of his distraction and sliced the Shade in the side with his elf blade. A piercing cry echoed through the campsite before a crack of smoke, and the Shade disappeared.

The clearing was left eerily deserted and silent.

Kareia stood still and gazed down at her hands. They were trembling.

Calus put an arm on her shoulder and said softly, "I have seen and even used that spell many times. But that has to be one of the most powerful forms of it, I have ever seen." He stood watching her carefully. Kareia just stood staring at her hands and slumped to her knees. All the energy she wielded a moment ago had vanished…like it was cut off. She only felt exhaustion now. Her energy, confidence, and power dwindled in the passing seconds. Emeral glided from the tree top to her shoulder and wrapped herself around her neck. Saveil walked over to her side.

It is all right young one, he spoke soothingly, you have fought bravely.

Calus spoke again, "Who taught you to use such powerful magic?"

Kareia's eyes focused on him. He was still half hidden in the night's darkness. His words hung in the air until she realized he had asked her a question, "…no one I guess…it just…happened…it happened once before too…but it was different I think…"

Calus shook his head, "You are so full of surprises. This is getting more complicated by the moment."

Kareia wanted very badly to shut her eyes and sleep but common sense told her that would be a very bad idea. Sweat dripped from the sides of her cheeks and she inhaled more heavily. She was grateful for the cool air the night had so generously provided.

Calus added, "Well, we definitely cannot stay here. We have to move." Kareia nodded while slowly and tiredly pulled herself to her feet.

She would take advantage of his protection until her strength returned. Then she will have to find a way to shake this elf.

Calus noticed her difficulty and said, "It would probably be best if you didn't walk. Your dragon may be able to carry you." Kareia reluctantly turned and looked at Saveil's back remembering her last ride. She turned to Calus and was prepared to tell him she'd prefer to walk when she saw him holding the leather she had bought earlier.

"This would be perfect for a saddle. But we've no time to make one. I suppose that leaves only one option left."

She eyed him warily, "What?"

He spared a glance down at her as he helped her up and walked her out of the clearing and through the trees, "You'll just have to ride my mount."

Do you think I should go with him Saveil? We barely know him after all.

Saveil grunted behind them both, I am more repulsed at the idea that you are going to ride a horse. I don't like the idea of you riding on some unintelligent beast. I really hope that saddle will get made soon. I want to show you the skies, Kareia.

Do you think you could hold me Saveil?

Of course, he sniffed, It's more of a question of can you hold on and not fly off?

A smile escaped Kareia's lips but then she went back to the subject. Do you really think we can trust him?

I think he is our best option. He certainly proved himself back there, battling that Shade.

Calus and Kareia reached a dirt road . A brown horse stood waiting with a saddle but no reins or bit of any kind. Calus put his arm around Kareia's middle and gently lifted her up. He then lightly swung on behind her.

"So where exactly are we going to go now that you have us?" Kareia asked.

Calus did not answer the question but said instead, "Before we go anywhere, we need to go over a few things. Things necessary for you to know in case we don't get so lucky next time. Things you need to know in order to survive. Although you seem to have a jump on it already. That was really brave fighting you did back there. That is much more than what I can say for many full grown humans."

Next time? she thought, So he thinks we are going to stay with him. Poor delusional elf. As soon as we can, guys, we will be on our own again.

No response.

She shrugged and responded to Calus' commentary, "I did what I had to. That's what it usually comes down to."

"You didn't have to. I told you to run, remember?"

"We never agreed that I was going to listen to you," she mumbled.

Calus did not say anything else.

It came again: the overpowering feeling to fall asleep. Emeral nosed Kareia gently against her cheek. Kareia reached up stroked her face with her hand as Emeral draped herself over her shoulders and hummed a noise very similar to Saveil's. Kareia's head drooped and she slowly fell asleep as they trotted off into the night.


Yup! That's the end of the fifth chapter. Thanx everyone. Hehe…sixth chapter on it's way!