Title: Ascending
Character/Pairing: Ten, Rose
Prompt: January 2008: 30: A winding staircase
Summary: To be fair, sometimes it's a ladder.
Author's Note: Last drabble from me, and this completes the series! Thanks everyone who's read, reviewed and favorited! I'm very happy you enjoyed these little ficbits!

After many adventures, Rose Tyler grew accustomed to stairs – or so she liked to tell herself in moments of quiet, but ascending the forty-third floor of New New New York's empire state building, running for her life, she didn't feel so congenial.

"Why stairs?" she asked between breaths. "Why not the lift? Why not ever the lift?"

"Personally," said the Doctor, "I prefer the stairs. Whenever we take the lift, there's no actual lift – just a cable or dark foreboding shaft to jump down all willy-nilly."

Rose thought on this as she lost her breath and thanked Heaven for stairs.