Disclaimer- I do not own any character except Melody/Harmony and Song/Musa

Amy is not my character. She belongs to a wonderful author Zexion666 who wrote a story about Jazz. It's called "All that Jazz"

"Harmony! Where are you?" A slender red head went flying down the extensive hall of her family's mansion. She skidded to a stop in front of the first open door she came to. One of her older brothers was talking to their father. She ran in asking, "Dad, Eli, do you know where Harmony went?"

"She was following Jasper around a little while ago. Said they were meeting someone at the "clubhouse" whatever that meant," the older man shrugged.

"Thanks Dad," she pecked him on the cheek, "I know exactly where they are and who they are meeting." She ran out exclaiming, "How could I forget about THAT of all things! I must be going crazier than I thought." Her dad laughed as he watched her long cinnamon braid disappear.

He shook his head, "I can't believe she is my blood daughter."

His son laughed, "You know it's your own fault. You're the one who let Jasper take care of Anna's twins"

She arrived at the clubhouse, a tree house that Jasper built, out of breath and flushed with the exertion. "Iacon, Autobot headquarters, Firefox reporting," she called gasping as she put her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

"Report and enter lady Autobot," a husky male voice with a hint of a gangster accent called down following a long rope ladder.

As she climbed into the lavishly furnished room, she grinned at the slender black man sitting with a small red head with a short page haircut in his lap. "Hey, Jazz, Harmony. What's crackin'? And who is this?" she finally saw the blonde man and Asian girl sitting in the opposite corner from her brother.

"Nothin' much Mel. Dat's just Sean a friend of mine from da college and dat's Amy my girlfriend," his easy rollicking speech was easy to understand if you knew him. "Dey is goin' to help us when the twins and Jack get here. So what we gonna do?"

"I dunno. What we gonna do?" the little girl in his lap replied. "Hey Melody."

"Hey Harmony,"

"Iacon, Autobot headquarters, Wheeljack, Sunstreaker, and Sideswipe reporting" three light male voices carried up to the room.

"Report and enter Autobots," Jasper called formally tossing down the rope ladder again. Three boys climbed up, a blonde, a red headed, and a black haired boy, "We can now begin. First off, roll call. Sam." The red head rolled his eyes but raised his hand, "Steve." The blonde raised his hand grinning at his twin, "Jack." The black haired boy looked up from the gadget he was fiddling with, "Melody." She giggled and poked her twin who squeal and jumped. "Harmon… nevermind. Let's start planning. Oh dis is Sean and Amy by da way."

Some introductions are necessary-Oliver (Dad) -Optimus Prime Jasper-Jazz Eli-Ironhide Samuel- Sideswipe Stephen-Sunstreaker Jack-Wheeljack and Sean-Skyfire