Chapter One

Edwards POV

It has been to long. To long since I've seen my Bella. Her blush, her smile, her warmth against my forever cold skin…. But I can't go back! I promised her that I'd never go back. And, I had meant it. Well, I had at the time. Now, I regret it with all my heart. I can't go on without my Bella.

And I wasn't planning to.

Tomorrow, I was going home. Back to Forks. Back to my Bella. I could only hope she would forgive me.

But, I couldn't worry about that. Of course she would forgive me. Well, when I finished explaining myself, that was. I really hope she did forgive me…. I couldn't live without my Bella any longer. Only the knowledge that I was going back soon saved me from going to Volterra. From going to visit the Volturi.

Just as that thought ran through my head, my phone gave off a shrill ring. Taking it out of my blue – well, more like brownish – jeans pocket (they badly needed to be washed) I checked the caller ID, and, seeing it I couldn't help but smile. Wow, I hadn't done that in a while….

"Hel-," I started to say, but Alice interrupted me. Gosh, such a shocker!

"EDWARD!!!" she screamed into the speaker. I had to hold the phone away from my ear. "IT'S ABOUT TIME! Do you know how long we've all wanted to go back?! Even Rosalie wants to! 'Specially Carlisle with him having a good job and everything! Oh, Edward! I can't believe how long it took you! I-"

"Alice!" I finally interrupted. Now, I was smiling. It was real! We were going back. "Alice, calm down, okay? I'm going to catch a flight back to Forks early tomorrow. Can you guys give me a few days' heads up though? I need to get things sorted out with Bella first." Alice was quiet. "Alice? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here." She sounded sad… Why would Alice be so happy one minute, then sad another? "Okay, we'll be there on Wednesday, okay?" Today was Saturday. That gave me a couple days to figure things out with my Bella.

"Okay Alice. Sounds good. Say hi to everyone for me in Denali, will you?" I asked her. I think now I was starting to resemble how Alice usually was – I was practically jumping, and my voice was laced with happiness.

"Yeah, okay. Just… just be careful, Edward, okay?" Alice asked. Then, she hung up.

Why would I need to be careful? That's… that's odd. Oh well. Tomorrow I was going to see my Bella again! Nothing, nothing, could compare to what I was feeling right now. I was so happy. But, a small part in me was also worried. Why had Alice acted like that? It couldn't be good… I was now kinda scared. A bit worried too.

But, I did what I did. I would have to take the consequences. And, if Bella didn't want me anymore… Well then, I don't think I'd be here anymore. I couldn't live – nah, exist – without my Bella. The last few months had been physical pain without my angel beside me, and I didn't want to have to go through it again.

True, I knew when I left that I wanted Bella to move on, to forget about me, and to find a new boyfriend. To live a safe life. But now I didn't. Well, I did want her to have a safe life, but I had to be with her. It was almost painful for me to just think about her. But I have been. That's all I've been doing for the last 4 months. Just thinking about my angel. I couldn't even be in the same house as Jasper, for the bitterness and sorrow that I felt every moment of everyday, so I moved away from them.

I think I'm in some attack of a store in Alabama…. Mobile Alabama, to be more exact. We own a house here somewhere, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I just wanted to see my Bella again.

And tomorrow, I would.

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