My Sister's Fiancé
by foreversnow


"Well, Sasuke-kun, my Prince Charming would come riding on his white
horse to whisk me away to become his princess so I
could live in a white castle and—"
"…you want me to wear tights?"

scene I.

"I'm fine. It's just a little cut, see?" Sakura pointed at her forehead, trying to calm down the hysterical blonde who stood before her.

"You have to get that checked, Sakura-chan! You're bleeding!"

"But I don't want to."

"Sakura-chan, you have to go to the NURSE!"

She sighed. "Look, if I say it's fine, it's fi—Eeeek!" Someone had just picked her up and flung her over their shoulder, starting to walk down the hall. When she realized who it was, she started pounding on his back, trying to get free. "Put me down, you evil…thing!"

The only response from him was to prop her up higher, his hand resting higher up on her legs, earning another scream from the now enraged Sakura.


After a few more minutes of cursing, earning weird looks from passing classmates, Sakura was still rambling on. Sasuke smirked. "Such a big mouth for such a little girl."

Sakura stopped yelling after this, her face heating up at his statement. She sighed. Oh well, if he was taking her to the nurse, then she couldn't do anything about it. He just wouldn't let go!

She had been staring at the floor, so she didn't notice they were outside school grounds until she heard cars passing by. Looking up, she saw the school, getting smaller and smaller behind them as Sasuke carried her like a dead body over his shoulder. WHAT IF HE'S SECRETELY PLANNING TO GET RID OF MY BODY? Teehee, Sakura, you're so silly, talking to yourself… "Hey, Uchiha, where are we going? You know this counts as ditching in school terms." Okay, so maybe I'm a little nervous about ditching.

"Ouch, that hurts, you know. 'Uchiha'? You haven't called me that in years. Since I met you in first grade." He pretended to look hurt, his free hand clutching his heart.

She frowned angrily. Even if she couldn't see him, she knew he had that same smug look on his face he always had when he teased her. "I hate you."

"I've heard that one somewhere before. Oh, right, you were yelling it out to the world a few minutes ago. Thanks, Saku-chan. Now everyone knows how much you love me, don't they?" She pounded furiously at his back again, making Sasuke smirk even more. "Saku-chan, that's not really nice, is it?"




Silence settled in, and they weren't even halfway to Sasuke's house yet.

"Hey, Sasuke-kun?" she said softly, "If one of Father's men see us, they'll report it to him, and he's not going to be very happy. It's not right for a Uchiha to be carrying his fiancée's sister."

He shrugged, the movement almost sending Sakura to the ground. She clutched onto his shirt tightly. "It's not right to leave my fiancée's sister untreated when she's hurt."

She always wondered why he sounded pained when he said that word; but really, who'd be happy if they had to marry someone they didn't love? "It's just a little cut. Besides, my sister won't like it either. She seems to really love you, Sasuke-kun." She was still speaking in a soft voice, her eyes staring out blankly at the streets. She tried to focus on the cars passing by, on the mothers with their small laughing children, but her thoughts were on something else.

"Then it's a one-sided love. Arranged marriages are for business purposes only. Love doesn't matter in these kind of things. The only reason I have to marry your older sister is because Father wants to unite companies, so he and your father will be on good terms."

"But she really wants you to like her, even just—"

"Haven't I told you this before? I don't love your sister; and that's not going to change. She knows that; I made sure she did."

"Ne, Sasuke-kun, that's really mean. You two will have to live together for the rest of your lives; you'll at least get to like her a little. And you'll be seeing each other more, because we're all going on vacation together, remember? You, me, Itachi-kun, and my sister."

"It's not so easy when you love someone else, Sakura."


"But I won't say anything else; your small brain might fry from all the information I just gave you."

"Wha-? Curse you, Sasuke-kun! You're the one with a small brain! I'm smart, so stop treating me like I'm stupid!"

"When have I ever treated you like your ideas were ludicrous, Saku-chan? Oh, excuse me, I bet you don't know what ludicrous means, do you, Saku-chan?"

"Of course I know what it means! You're calling me stupid again, you meanie! I'm smart enough to understand you're making fun of me again!" She was so caught up in trying to defend her sanity that she never noticed how Sasuke had changed the subject completely.

"Right. You're very smart."

"Are you making fun of me again? Ugh, you meanie!"

Sasuke opened the door to his family's mansion and stopped when someone called his name.

"Sasuke, sweetie, I need you to get—" She looked over his shoulder at Sakura, then said, "Oh, never mind, you brought her with you!"

He grabbed Sakura and placed her back on the floor, so she could stand up next to his mother, Mikoto. "What do you want to talk to Sakura about?"

Sakura tilted her head sideways, looking questioningly at Mikoto.

"Sakura-san, you father was just here. He was talking to Fugaku about Sasuke's marriage, and he decided it was time to marry off Itachi!"

"Oh, that's nice. What does that have to do with me, though, if you don't mind me asking?"

"They've decided to make you Itachi's fiancée! You'll be part of the Uchiha family soon!"

Her throat clenched, the words she was trying to say lost. After a moment of opening and closing her mouth, she said shakily, "I-I'm marring Itachi-kun?" She forced a smile onto her face. "That's…interesting." Something nagged at her insides, giving her a weird feeling. But she couldn't quite get what it was. I don't like this feeling…it hurts.

Sasuke could only stare at his mom. It was still settling in; Sakura was marrying Itachi, his older brother? Managing to make his voice sound uninterested, he asks, "So when are they getting…married?"

"Well, your father wanted it to be soon, so it'll most likely be when Sakura-san graduates from high school!" Clearly, Mikoto was beyond happy, the complete opposite of Sakura and Sasuke. She didn't even notice the change of atmosphere when she'd given them the news.

"B-But that's only a few months away!"

"Itachi's really glad to have you as his fiancée, Sakura! Oh, isn't this exciting! Sakura-chan, there's so many things we have to do!"

Another forced smile appeared on Sakura's face. "Yes…wonderful."

A/N: It's really short, but the next chapters will be longer, promise.

Feedback is my love. ;)

revised 06-20-10. Summer is the best time for everything, huh?