Chapter Four: Getting a Page

Ryoma and the others dragged their tired bodies into the mess hall after a tiring day of training. They'd been practicing javelins, swords, bow and arrows, lance and combat formations on horses for hours and they could barely feel their legs underneath them. But it wasn't seemly for squires about to be placed under knights to look as though they were fresh belled so before walking into the mess hall they all straightened themselves out, fixing clothes and straightening their strides and backs before they walked inside and headed for their assigned tables. As food was brought out and passed down the tables by Page whose duty it was for the week, the group watched them and they couldn't help but remember their own days as Pages on mess duty and how awful it was after a long day of training or academics at LKA. They also remembered how they'd been bullied and picked on by the squires of their time, who were now knights off on border patrol. Even now some of the other squires who were back with their knights to report to the King were starting in on the new Pages. They didn't like it but they wouldn't say anything unless it was really rough, it was a silent rule to bare what you were given without complaint and to never tattle-tale on one another. One of the newest and smallest Pages would be their server and he was shacking from head to toe. When he leaned between Ryoma and Momo to lay down the basket of bread to go along with the broth soup and fruit, Ryoma noticed the kid's face was covered in sweat, eyes glazed and his face was red; moving slightly Ryoma brought the back of his hand against the arm of the kid to check for fever and sure enough the kid felt like a heater on high.

"What is your name Page?" Ryoma asked the kid, causing him to straighten at the sound of the order.

"P-Patrick, Squire Ryoma." The young boy answered, his voice was horse.

"Patrick, how long have you been a Page?" Ryoma didn't look at the Page; instead he concentrated on his roll, so as to not alert any of the other tables of this conversation.

"T-three weeks squire Ryoma." The Page squeaked out. Ryoma nodded.

"And have you found a representative?" Ryoma asked referring to the Representative Squire that every new Page was given on his arrival; most Pages were given a representative if they were not picked by a volunteer squire. Ryoma had been chosen by a loud and excessive talker by the name of Horio Bandares who was two years older than Ryoma and never let him forget it. But he'd been a nice and instructive teacher nonetheless and Ryoma had learned his fair amount from him even if he was a little obnoxious at times. But Ryoma had never been given or volunteered to take a Page on before, when most of the others already had one. Ryoma had always said that when he found the right Page to take on he would.

The startled Page shook his head, only to remember that Ryoma wouldn't be able to see that so he answered with a no. Ryoma nodded, finishing his soup with a scoop of bread he stood and turned and looked down at the shorter Page. "Well now you do. Report to your supervisor that you need the request forms for Squire Ryoma, then come to my rooms before 9 and I'll fill them out." Then with a pat on the Pages shoulder Ryoma turned to the group. "I'm heading for extra sword practice I'll see you tonight." Then without further goodbyes Ryoma walked towards the door and left. The Page watched him go in a bit of wondered astonishment, before turning to the group of squires who were smiling at the door and at the Page.

"Did he really just say that?" The Page asked. The group nodded, and it finally seemed to register to the Page that 9 o'clock was only a half hour away and he still needs to report to his Supervisor. Bowing to the squires Patrick smiled. "Excuse me, squires I have to leave." The kid turned and rushed down the stairs to the kitchen. The group smiled and continued eating.

"I can't believe Ryoma finally picked someone." Momo asked. Eiji agreed.

"Yeah he's always been so picky about everything, and I don't know how many Pages he turned down last year because he felt they didn't qualify." Eiji scooped up a cooked carrot and popped it into his mouth.

"Yes it is very sudden," Fuji stated, then his smiled grew a bit more serious and his eyes opened looking towards the kitchens the Page had disappeared into. "It just makes me more curious as to what he saw in that young Page that made him change his mind." Inui nodded.

"Maybe he just felt sorry for the kid because it's already his third week and he didn't look to well." Taka said. Tezuka shook his head catching the others attentions.

"No, Ryoma would not have chosen someone based on just that, he definitely noticed something we missed."

"Which is why his is going to be the next Caption of the Royal Guards and we are just going to be his friends in arms." Momo answered with a smile.

"But from my information that Page isn't very good at anything," Inui interjected, "From reports he has no particular talent at strategy and his fighting skills are next to nonexistent. He doesn't speak up in class and his shyness around others is creating problems with making friends among the other Pages." The other's nodded that they understood the difficulties in mentoring someone with so many problems but if Ryoma picked him there was a good reason behind it, and it was left at that.


Ryoma walked into his room five minutes before 9 o'clock, his arms feeling like lead after the extra 30 minutes of sword practice he'd put in after dinner. Pulling out cleaning supplies Ryoma began to prepare to clean his equipment, especially his rapier and broad sword. He was letting his mind clear of all the days' problems and stressors when there was a knock on his door, looking at the clock it was 10 minutes after 9. Setting his things down Ryoma walked to the door and opened it. Patrick stood there papers in hand as he looked towards the ground in embarrassment.

"You're late Page." Ryoma stated as he let the door open a little more, allowing the Page to walk into his room.

"Yes Page Ryoma; I'll do my best to not be again." The Page answered. Ryoma looked the Page over once more before pushing the door shut and headed back to the chair and his gear. The Page stood at attention, trying to keep his nervousness from showing. Ryoma didn't look at him and he was slightly confused as to what to do next so he continued standing. Ryoma continued with cleaning his gear and Patrick continued to watch. Finally Ryoma began to talk.

"How long have you been sick Patrick?" Patrick jerked from his concentration of Ryoma's technique when Ryoma spoke.

"Excuse me?" He said, Ryoma sighed but repeated the question. "Oh, I'm not sick." The young Page knew the silent rule, he would not complain about how sick he was feeling.

"You don't have to lie to me Page; I can see just from looking at you that you are very sick, just tell me how long." Ryoma continued to not look at the Page, but his voice was authoritative.

"3 days, squire."

"Call me Ryoma or squire Ryoma when we are around others."

"Yes Squire Ryoma." Ryoma nodded.

"And have you been taking anything for your sickness."

"No sir, it isn't bad enough to need assistance." The Page answered.

"That is not your decision page; the moment you began to feel ill you should have asked your supervisor to see the doctor. Since you would normally have gone to your representative the fact that you didn't have one until now has been a factor but now that you have one, we are going to go see the doctor right now. Then you're going go to bed and we'll talk tomorrow. Am I understood?" Ryoma finished polishing and set his sword back into the scabbard. Standing he faced the young page, who began nodding his head before answering.

"Yes sir." They turned together and headed out of Ryoma's room and down the hall. It took them about 10 minutes before they hit the medical ward. One of the medical personal heard them come in before actually seeing them so he moved around the bed he was currently fixing to greet them.

"How can I help you?" He asked Ryoma nodded his head to indicate the page.

"He is my page and it has come to my attention that he is sick and in need of medical attention." Ryoma answered. The medical person smiled kindly at the young boy.

"Ok then, why don't you wait on that bed there and I'll go get my medical bag." He nodded then turned to leave before turning away. "By the way my name is Doctor Henry if you need me." Then he turned away and moved out of sight. Ryoma and Patrick moved over to the indicated bed and Patrick sat down while Ryoma sat in the chair next to the bed.


Hey everyone I hope that you liked this chapter. I'm really, really sorry about not updating, truth be told I've been writing other stories for Kyo Kara Moah and I totally forgot to upload this chapter. It's been done for about a month. I'm sorry. But any-who I hoped you like, please review.

BlackDove of Blessings