A/N - OMG AN UPDATE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!??!??!??!?!?!!!111!?!?!
Yes, it's an update! After what? 10 months? :O
Ok, 10 months is kinda unforgivable *bows down deeply* It's kinda hard writing the last chapter of a story after that long of a gap but I tried. It's short so I apologize but I just had no real idea of what I was gonna write *forgot* Hopefully this is good enough.
Also, to explain my MAJOR absence from writing Lucky Star fanfiction. I've bascially moved on from Lucky Star and anime (although I still watch some anime every now and again and am hoping for a Lucky Star live concert) and I am now writing fanfiction for a Japanese girl gropu called Morning Musume (who I must add are AWESOME especially Kamei Eri and GakiKame) Anyways, that's basically why. My greatest thanks to everyone who's read this story and actually liked it. Again, my biggest apologies for my absence!!!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Lucky Star or Nanoha StrikerS!
It's Time
"Konata!" Shugo yelled, but it was too late.
Kagami stabbed Konata straight through the heart with Angelus.
Kagami froze at the sound of her name which was said in shock. Life come flooding back into her, her eyes returning to their usual colour.
"K-Konata," Kagami breathed out.
Her hand still lay on the hilt of her sword but her hand was trembling. Coughing out blood, Konata began to fall towards the ground.
"Kona-chan!" Tsukasa screamed.
Kagami shot down after Konata and caught her in her arms. Slowly lowering both of them to the ground, Kagami felt her eyes sting. Tears began to flow freely from her once lifeless eyes. Everyone rushed over to the two.
"Kagami, are you back to normal?!" Shugo demanded as he put his hands on her shoulders.
"I-I-I don't know. All I remember w-was watching myself s-stab-"
Kagami was cut off by her own sobs of grief.
'You killed her out of your own power!' Kagami's alternate self yelled at her. Kagami violently shook her head.
"No, I didn't kill Konata!" Kagami screamed.
'You KILLED your best friend!'
"O-Oi…" Konata voice gurgled out.
Kagami froze and looked at the dying girl in her arms.
"C-Could you….not be s-so loud…?" Konata joked as blood trickled out of her mouth.
Kagami could only stare at the girl and nod her head meekly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…!" Kagami apologized over and over.
"…I-It wasn't y-your fault…, Kagamin."
"Yes, it was! There's only one way for me to get rid of her…" Kagami trailed off as she gently placed Konata on the ground. Wielding Konata's sword, Kagami backed away from the group.
"Onee-chan, what are you doing?!" Tsukasa exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, everyone," Kagami said. She quickly lifted up Caelum and brought it down on herself. It speared right through her heart. Suddenly, a white light shot out from her. The light froze everyone and enveloped everything. With each step Kagami took, life sprung from underneath her. Reaching Konata, the only one apart from her not frozen in time, Kagami grabbed onto the sword which lay inside her. Grabbing it, she pulled it out from the girl.
"Kaga…min," Konata breathed out.
"I love you, Konata."
Kagami leaned down and captured Konata's lips with her own. Konata's eyes shot open and she immediately felt the life being pored into her. She felt her wound healing, all pain disappearing. Separating their lips, Kagami looked down at Konata.
"K-Kagami, I love you too," Konata confessed back.
Kagami smiled and a sparkling tear of joy fell. Kagami felt her body begin to change again. She was transforming to her true form. Her wings and clothes went white. She was becoming pure again.
"It's time," Kagami informed Konata.
"I must go and reset the world," she explained. Standing back up, Kagami slowly began to float away from Konata.
"I'm coming with you!" Konata exclaimed jumping after Kagami.
Catching the smaller girl in her arms, Kagami felt tear begin to well up in her eyes.
"You can't, this is something I have to do alone."
"No, I refuse to let you be by yourself again!" Konata protested.
"I want to be with you forever!"
Kagami pulled the girl in closer, hugging her with everything she had.
"So do I."
Looking at each other again, they kissed.
"Ready?" Kagami asked. Konata nodded.
"If I'm with you then I'm not scared of anything."
Suddenly time unfroze as the two girls flew closer to the orb of light in the sky. Everyone looked up at the two girls.
"Thank-you, everyone!" Kagami screamed with a smile on her face.
"Onee-chan!" Tsukasa exclaimed, "I love you!"
"I love you too, Tsukasa!"
"Kagami, Konata!" Shugo yelled. The two looked at him. "Good luck!"
They smiled at him. Kagami looked at Fate.
"Don't worry, Fate-san, when the world resets, Nanoha-san and Subaru-chan will be revived. I'm sorry for everything that I've done," Kagami said to the blonde who could only cry and nod.
Kagami began to beat her wings as she carried both her and Konata to the orb of light. Light beams began to fly out of the two as they began to disappear. All of their memories, thoughts, feelings, surged through these beams. They beams flew around, both of their memories flashing through everyone's minds. The beams wrapped around together and flew into the orb. Everything fell silent. The orb exploded and its waves of regeneration cascaded all across the world. The darkness was dissolved away by the pure white light. Life returned quickly. It was as if nothing had happened at all.
"Mornin', Kagamin!" Konata exclaimed happily as she saw the tsundere just like every other school day.
"Oh, Konata, good morning," Kagami replied.
"You seem awfully happy today, Konata-san," Nanoha commented as she saw the huge grin on the girl's face.
"Of course I am! Listen up everyone, I've got big news!" Konata announced to the group of her friends.
"Konata…" Kagami warned the girl.
"Me and Kagami are dating!" she announced.
Kagami felt her face explode with red.
"Konata! You weren't supposed to tell anyone!" Kagami squeaked in embarrassment.
"What? It's not like they have a problem with it, right?"
"Congratulations, Onee-chan!" Tsukasa congratulated her twin.
"Yeah, that's great you two!" Fate added.
More congratulations ringed about. Kagami felt like she could just die then and there.
"See, Kagami!" Konata exclaimed in victory.
Konata smirked before sliding next to Kagami.
"Ohh, I love seeing you all flustered!"
Kagami shot our of her chair and ran out of the room. You could hear her yelling, "Konata, you idiot!".
Everyone sweat dropped. It was just another day of an everyday life…