A random thought suddenly occurred to me. So I decided to write it since I'm not going to sleep anytime soon. It's 5:14 am, by the way.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, nor am I gaining any money for writing this story. I'm just letting my creative juices flow, which is pretty rare.
SLASH! Don't like, don't read. As simple as that sounds, some people cannot seem to grasp the idea.
On with the fic!
Draco found himself in a pickle; completely unable to move, trying not to stare at the person beside him and pretending that he was paying attention to the movie he's already watched a million times with Mother. Damn! This is all her fault. What is going to do now? Draco thought back on how it all even started, recalling the minute details perfectly. It happened a month ago…
Draco opened the door and looked up, rooted to the spot. This is all? He looked around, eyeing the furniture disdainfully. His new dorm was nothing compared to his room at the Manor, it was nothing compared to his bathroom. But it was going to be his home for the next 10 months, so he might as well get comfortable. Still, he cannot believe he has to live on his own and not even get to bring a driver or a personal maid, at the very least. He had to learn how to drive. Mother said he had to make contact with peasants eventually when he took over his grandfather's company, but he couldn't believe his Father actually agreed and put him in a university known for its business program, not for how rich, smart and influential the people and the people's families are; like Harvard or Yale or Brown or Princeton. Ugh, what would his friends say? One bright side, at least he got to go car shopping. Of course, he had to get clothes to match his new car, so he went shopping for a whole wardrobe as well. And shoes, and gadgets. He wouldn't have his stupid cronies to entertain him anymore, after all.
The worst part of it all, however, was the fact that he had to share the dorm with a roommate. Share a dorm, with a complete stranger as his fucking roommate. No matter how much money he had, there was no room anywhere else. Getting a single room was a matter of seniority, and Draco was a freshman. Students aren't allowed to live off-campus as well. By the time the list got to him, there were no more available single rooms. The room he got was at the lower price range, in fact. Only heaven knows what kind of deprived commoner he would have to share a room with. Luckily, he was there first, so he gets to choose which bed and probably make up some rules to dupe his roommate into doing the dirty work for him like laundry or, god forbid, the dishes.
As he reached the bedroom, he saw a tattered looking suitcase and a couple of boxes by the window. So, apparently he wasn't first. He saw a guy with shockingly red hair fixing the bed in the better side.
"That's my side." Draco drawled.
"Oh, hi! I didn't notice you come in. I'm Ron Weasley. Nice to meet you." He offered his hand for a handshake.
"Draco Malfoy." He didn't take the hand. "I believe you didn't hear me the first time. That side," said Draco, gesturing at the better side, "is mine."
"But I got here first." Ron said.
"How would you know? Take your stuff off my bed."
"Look, you don't get to tell me what to do, okay?" Ron walked up to Draco, towering over him
Draco remained unfazed. "Take. Your. Stuff. Off. My. Bed."
Ron's face turned as red as his hair. "You snotty brat I'll strangle-"
A head poked into the room. "Everything okay here? I'm the dorm leader, by the way. Oliver Wood. Just making my rounds." He offered his hand, and Draco shook it.
"I'm Draco Malfoy and yes, everything is fine. It's just that my roommate and I had a little misunderstanding." Draco motioned towards Ron. "He's setting up on my bed."
"It's not your bed, I got here first." Ron said through gritted teeth at Draco. "Ron Weasley," he added as an afterthought to Oliver.
Draco shot Oliver a frustrated look. "See what I'm dealing with here? I got here first, but I had to get a drink. When I came back, he was setting up on my side."
"Your stuff was never here! How can you prove that you were here first?" Ron countered.
"I took it with me because I don't trust people like you!" Draco shot back.
"Enough." Oliver put up his hands. He looked at Ron. "Heads or tails."
Ron ran a shaky hand through his red mop. "What?"
"Heads or tails? We're flipping a coin." Oliver sounded like this was the 50th case like it today. It probably was.
"That's not fair, how come he gets to pick?" Draco complained
"It doesn't matter. It's a 50-50 percent chance. Pick, Ron."
"Tails." Ron decided.
Oliver flipped the coin. "Heads. Draco gets the bed. No buts. Maybe you can switch next term, I don't know. But right now, Draco gets it and no more fighting."
Draco smiled smugly and proceeded to put his belongings in the better side. He didn't notice Oliver pulling Ron aside.
"You won, but trust me, you wouldn't want to get a fight with his kind." Oliver nodded towards an oblivious Draco. "They fight dirty. It's not worth it."
Ron sighed. "Yeah, I kind of figured."
"Good luck man. If you ever need to get out, my room number is 4996. I was good friends with your brothers before they got kicked out. I said I would take care of you." He gave Ron a final slap on the back. "Well," he said loudly and causing Draco to look up from his unpacking, "I'm off to do the rest of my rounds. I'll see you folks." He gave them a little wave and left.
Ron smiled at him and muttered, "Thanks Gred and Forge."
"Going crazy already? It hasn't even been 30 minutes." Draco smirked. "It's going to get a lot worse when the school load hits you."
"Let me tell you something. I'm not gonna take you insults like a wimp. I can throw you out the door easily. So if I were you, I would keep my mouth shut. Why is there a fucking princess in the cheap and all-male dorm anyway?" Ron growled.
"First of all, I'm not a fucking princess. I'm more of a man than you'll ever be. Second, I was forced to take this room because there weren't any others available. It's not my fault I was cruising the Caribbean this summer instead of lining up for a room, I can afford it unlike some people."
Ron chose to ignore that one. "Why didn't you get someone to line up for you?"
"I did, they said it was not allowed." Draco turned back to his unpacking. He had lots to do.
"Just don't ever come to me for help with your laundry, or expect me to do your dishes or do your vacuum duty when it's your turn."
Vacuum duty? That thought didn't even occur to Draco's mind. He gulped. "V-vacuum duty?"
Ron smirked a smirk that could rival one of Draco's very own. "Oh yeah."
"Fine. I propose a truce. You can do all my chores, just name your price."
"I don't care how much money you offer, I'd rather see you do dirty work." Ron chuckled.
"I don't even know how to do laundry!" Draco cried.
"I'll show you. Just once, then you have to do it yourself next time. But that one trip to the Laundromat is gonna cost you."
"We have to go to a Laundromat?" Just when Draco thought it couldn't get any worse…
Ron nodded, trying to stifle his mocking laugh.
Draco composed himself. "Fine. Will a hundred dollars be enough?"
Ron's eyebrows shot up. "I was thinking 20, but whatever floats your boat."
Draco rolled his eyes. "Just tell me when you're going."
Our boys got off on the wrong foot. But it's all gonna change soon. Please read and review:)