A/N This takes place in season 1 when Terry is still aound and Charlie has started consulting for the FBI.


Part 1

It had been a long and busy day and Terry Lake was glad to be home at last. She had just gotten settled on the couch with a take out salad and her favorite DVD ready to watch when the phone rang. "Better not be a telemarketer," she muttered as she set aside the remote and picked up her phone from the end table. A quick check of the caller ID showed that it was a name and number she instantly recognized. "Hello?"

"Terry, do you know where Don is? I need to reach Don," Charlie Eppes answered, his voice sounding strained and weak.

"He was leaving when I was so I assumed he went to his apartment," Terry answered.

"I tried there, tried his cell. He's not answering," Charlie answered, his voice becoming more strained.

"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation why," Terry said reassuringly. She thought for a moment. "Charlie, are you there alone??"

"Yeah. Dad's in San Diego. Don't want to bother him," the young man replied.

"Is there anything I can do?" Terry asked. She was already on her feet the salad in her free hand.

"Can you please bring me some ginger ale? I'm feeling really sick with this stomach bug," Charlie asked.

"I'll be right over with it," Terry promised. "Then I'll go find Don for you."

Please hurry," he replied somewhat breathlessly. Quickly ending the call, he dropped the phone and leaned over the edge of the bed to throw up in the bucket he'd placed by the side for just such a need.

Terry quickly slipped into her shoes and grabbing her purse, she gave the couch one last longing look, she headed for the door. The stomach flu had been making the rounds of both CalSci and the FBI office and she counted herself lucky to have evaded it so far. Apparently Charlie hadn't been so lucky she thought wryly.

Once the nausea had receded, Charlie lay back on the bed panting and moaning in pain. The cramping pain he'd felt earlier had was now developing into a sharp steady pain and he knew he had a fever. But the stomach flu usually ran its course in about 24 to 48 hours and he figured he could hold out that long. No use disturbing his father's long anticipated weekend with his best friends down in San Diego. Now if he could only get in touch with Don in case he needed anything else.

Terry drove quickly to the 24 four hour discount store she knew was on the way into Pasadena. From her own experience with the flu last year, she had a good idea what Charlie might need or want. Besides the ginger ale she quickly added to her cart a bottle of anti-nausea medicine, a pack of bottled water, some unsweetened frozen fruit bars, crackers, broth and a package of sugar free gelatin cups. Once the purchases were made, she was on her way again.

After a few minutes of just lying on the bed, Charlie decided that he'd better make sure the door was unlocked so Terry could let herself in. Putting a hand on his stomach, he slowly sat up and staggered down the hallway to the stairs. Clutching tightly to the railing, he slowly made his way down taking a step at a time. By the time he made it to the door, he was exhausted and didn't want to tackle the stairs again; climbing them would be like climbing Mount Everest, as weak as he felt. Stumbling over to the couch, he collapsed on it praying that he wouldn't be sick again as there was nothing handy to use.