Disclaimer: I don't own gundam seed. Not even a little bit.

Sorry for the wait guys! I just wanted to thank you all for being such awesome readers even though I suck so bad when it comes to updating. This isn't much of an update; not very long. It was originally longer but I cut off the next little bit because I liked this cliffhanger better than the other one I had. The next update shouldn't be too much longer from now, considering that it's practically half done already. Thank you all again for being so patient. *cookie shower*

Review and I'll give you a cookie?


Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Athrun was barely holding himself together. It felt like any moment he would collapse. His leg felt like there was fire burning through it, and the pain alone was making his vision warp and spin, without his head injury contributing to it as well. He couldn't really remember what had happened last. All he knew was that blood was dripping down his face, and that his hands were absolutely soaked in it. He was also aware that the blood wasn't all his. The weight in his other hand told him that he had also acquired a gun at some point.

Turn corner.

Grab railing.

Push forwards.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

He needed to find escape pods, back-up shuttles, mobile suits, mobile armors...anything that would allow him to get out of here and back to a Zaft ship safely. The major problem with that was that this was a new earth forces vessel; one that they didn't have any intelligence on. He had no idea where they might be keeping such things.

Turn corner.

Gun shots.

Aim weapon.

Fire weapon.

"There he go..AHHH."

"Shit! CATCH HIM!"

Everything was starting to get very strange. Athrun almost felt as though he was looking through an old glass telescope; where the edges of the lense were all blurry but the center was as clear as day. He knew that he was gliding across the floor very quickly, pushing himself off of walls and windows, and he knew that he was gaining distance; where to or from he couldn't say. His limbs felt strangely empty, and it almost felt as if he were just a passenger in his body, and wasn't the one controlling it.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

It was really only a matter of time before they caught him. And part of him knew that. He would even go so far to say as part of him accepted it. This was an incredibly stupid idea; there was no way that he could've hoped to escape in his condition. The only thing he gained from this venture was the knowledge that this vessel was huge.

Turn corner.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Footsteps heard; corridor to left.

Kneel down.



Kira held his breath as he watched Athrun pull his gun up to point in their direction. From what he could see, Athrun was breathing heavily, and several of his wounds had opened up and were now bleeding. Kira knew that Athrun wasn't going to last long in that condition; coordinator or not. He felt light-headed as he thought of the many ways his friend could die, right before his eyes.

The soldier in front of them was leaning up against the wall, his eyes strategically placed on Athrun, his gun resting just along the corner. The moment Athrun started to advance, Kira had no doubt that the soldier would fire, and that would be the end of everything.


Kira turned around to see Sai again, tugging on his sleeve and hissing through his teeth that they needed to get into the room. But it was like Kira wasn't actually hearing him, as if his mind were a million miles away, and his body had suddenly developed al life and goal of its own.

"Give me a moment." He heard his own voice and felt his mouth move, but couldn't really comprehend what he was doing. He watched as his legs carried him past Sai and up to the corner where the soldier was resting. He could still hear Sai whispering at him, but his mind was dismissing it as unimportant.

"Sir, would you please return to the room with the others. This coordinator is very dangerous, I don't want you to get injured."

Kira blinked as he turned to see the soldier tilting his head in his direction, gesturing to the room behind him. He felt his mouth move again.

"I am also a coordinator. I can deal with him."

The soldier looked at him in shock, but as he met Kira's gaze something changed. The soldier could have sworn that there was something different about this child now, something that he had not noticed before. He moved to the side, letting Kira pass him and make his way out into the open hallway.

Can't breathe.

Can't breathe.


Athrun felt his chest heaving up and down, as if he could force more air into his own body. There was a problem, and Athrun didn't doubt that it had something to do with the recent strain on his body mixed with damaged ribs. His senses were slowly fading from him, and soon all he could see was the tip of his gun; pointed in the direction of an unknown enemy.

Must breathe.

Can't breathe.


Oxygen...can't breathe

Can't breathe...

Can't breathe...



He blinked. There was someone standing at the end of the hallway with him.

Blue...uniform? Earth forces?



Trying to squint only made it harder to see, so Athrun had to make due with a blurry version of the person in front of him. His instincts were telling him that this person was unarmed, and that he should take immediate advantage of that. Options popped up in his mind; take hostage, kill, injure, threaten, among others. But something stirred in him. Something, in a tiny little voice was begging him not to harm this person. In his delirious state, it almost sounded like a child's voice.

He's a friend!!!

Athrun shook his head, trying in vain to clear the black spots hovering in the way. Sweat trickled down his forehead, making his already greasy hair stick to the sides of his face and stick up in odd directions. The strange person was slowly advancing, but Athrun could see no sign of a weapon in their hand. There was some low noise coming from their direction, but all Athrun could hear was quiet murmurs. He tensed, gun still pointed firmly.

I should shoot. I should shoot. Why aren't I shooting?!! Please pull the trigger, please, please...pull...trigger.

His thoughts were getting jumbled. His vision was getting worse. He had to fire the weapon, or it was likely that this person would kill him.

He's a friend!!!

His finger was on the trigger.

He's a friend!!!

He just had to pull it a little further.


Just a little more pressure. Just a little more pressure and he would be safe.

Just shoot!

What was stopping him?

Don't shoot!

His finger twitched.



A pair of arms grabbed him from behind.

He fired.