Wolves are pathetic creatures.

Their stares are empty of intelligence.

Their howls are never ceasing.

Their brains are never thinking.

I happen to be one of them.


"Disappear?" Renji shook his head, frustrated at his own cluelessness. "What do you mean? What are you saying?"

"...There's something wrong here. In Sereitei." The man hadn't looked so tired before. Bags were under his slitted eyes and an unhealthy yellow sheen dominated his cheeks.

"What makes you so positive?" Renji's eyes narrowed, an inexplicable feeling was rising in his chest, thickening his tongue and making it hard to form words.

Byaukya's gaunt eyes turned away, then looked to the upper right as he moistened his lips.

"There's someone you should meet."


"O-SAN!!!!!! O-SAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O-SAN, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?" Ichigo called out to the murky skies.

No reply.

Frustrated, he scuffed his foot against the glass structure supporting him.

The window caved in, then returned to its original flatness when he pulled his leg out.

Ichigo knelt and brought palm to rest against the glass. It was a strange texture, rubbery yet tough.

He pushed weight into it experimentally.

And then he was falling.

Falling into black.


Black was what Rukia's eyes opened to.

"Am I blind?" She said aloud, to make sure she wasn't deaf.

She sat up, or at least in the direction she hoped was up.

"Hello?" Her voice echoed. "Is anyone there?"

After a few seconds's silence, she stood and walked forward, stretching her arms out in an awkward attempt to keep herself from bumping into a wall and feeling foolish.

"One dream into another..?" She wondered, her palm then touched something smooth and cool. It felt hard, like stone.

She stretched out both arms and pressed her small body against it, testing its strength and length. Then she found herself passing through the once solid area. She caught herself before landing buttfirst.

Now instead of black, everything was white.

White floors, white walls, white furniture.

A few white chairs littered the room, tables, and, strangely enough, a refridgorator (sp?).

Perhaps it carries cheeze whiz.... She thought.


"We've always been the same. I am a piece of him, a sliver of his personality, if you will." It puppetted Kurosaki-kun's body into standing, shoved his hands into the pockets. The sleazy grin had returned to his face. It paused, eyes narrowed in speculation. "You know, you are quite the hypocrite, Orihime-chan."

"What are you talking about?"

Orihime's eyes narrowed, teeth gritted.

It pursed his lips. "Well...... I dunno. Perhaps the fact that you claim to love a guy that you hardly know."

This thing had taken over Kurosaki-kun's body.

"You'll only get in the way of both me and Ichi-chan." Its voice was turning venomous. "A burden, an anchor pulling us down."

Her eyes trembled as she took in his form, mind falling back to images of Kurosaki-kun, of his head falling, eyes narrowed in agonized depression.

"We've almost broke the surface of this ocean, too." The thing licked his lips. "You need to disappear before anything gets too rough."

This thing was hurting Kurosaki-kun.

"I've got his best interests in mind, you know. I'm the one that knows him best."

She brought a hand to her cerulean hair clips, opened her mouth to call out.

Then his eyes flew down at her, a revolted expression full of passion dominating its face. "...Far better than you, at any rate."

This thing didn't deserve life.