"So what are you going to where on your date tonight?" Lilly smirks at me, while walking on my left side to our next class.
"First off, it ain't a date… if my daddy's there, there's no way in hell it could even possibly be a date. And secondly, I was sort of hoping you could come home with me after school and help me pick something out?" I walk into the classroom, and see Mikayla sitting on Oliver's desk, and she playfully taps his nose with her pointer finger.
"Yeah, sure," Lilly says, distracted, she was watching the two of them flirt as well.
Oliver looks a bit upset, but Mikayla's laugh instantly makes him smile again, and they share a kiss. I feel my chest tighten as I watch this, and I turn away, not being able to bear the pain. I know I suggested that she still date him, but I can't be around them while they're together.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"What about this shirt?" Lilly laughs holding up a present I received from Mamaw two years ago. It was a fuzzy pink shirt and in blue lettering it says 'I don't dress up like a whore, cause my grandma dresses me.' Stupidest shirt I've ever gotten from her, she probably doesn't even know what whore means.
"No!" I shout and push Lilly, before bursting out in hysterical laughing.
"Try it on," Lilly says seriously, handing me the shirt.
"Hell to the no!" I bat it away.
"Please, please, please, please with sugar on top!"
"I'll be your best friend," Lilly grins, is she stupid or something?
"You're already my best friend, you dimwit," and I hit the shirt out of her hands so it falls on the floor.
"Fine, be that way," Lilly walks back into my closet, giving me the cold shoulder.
My cell phone begins buzzing against my wooden dresser, and I reach for it, "Hello?"
"Hey baby, we still on for tonight?" It's Mikayla, instantly a smile appears on my face, and I feel like I'm in a dream state.
"Yeah, of course," I breathe out; just hearing her voice makes my whole body feel weak.
"Good, I'll be there at seven sweetie."
"Bye," I close my phone and lean my back against my dresser.
My head is swirling, and I can't stop thinking about her. It's this weird spell that has come over me, when I think about her too much, I feel sad and happy at the same time. Depressed, because she isn't with me right now, and happy, because I know she's mine and I'll be seeing her soon anyways.
"How about this?" Lilly asks holding up a red halter top and low cut faded jeans.
"Perfect," I stand up and take the items from her, "should I try it on, just to make sure?"
"Hell yeah," she grins and sits down on my bed, "well go on, get changed," she points to my bathroom.
"I'm on it!" I giggle and run into my bathroom. My life is so perfect right now; I have an amazing best friend who really understands me, and an absolutely gorgeous girlfriend. What more could you ask for?
Pulling on the clothes Lilly picked out for me, I look in the mirror and smile, seeing which one looked the best with my outfit. The sexy smile? No. How about the goofy smile? Definitely no. The lustful smile? Maybe, it could work. The cute smile? Aw yeah, that's the one.
"Miley, you almost done?" Lilly shouts from the other side.
"Yeah," I respond, "I'm coming out now."
The second I walk out, Lilly's eyes seem to sparkle, and she's at loss for words. "Do I look okay?" I want to make sure her silence isn't because it looks bad.
"More than okay," she whispers, "you look fucking hot, Mikayla's going to want to be on you in five seconds."
"Not two?"
"Maybe a fraction of a second."
"Hopefully she won't though, daddy said he'd ground me if he found Mikayla and me 'wrestling' again," I motion for the fake quotation marks with my hands when I said 'wrestling.'
"Haha, sucks for," Lilly stands up, "well I should be on my way out. Have a wonderful evening," her smile is sad, and the whole atmosphere of the room changed to a depressing one.
"Lils, you okay?" I step closer to her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she smiles sadly again. What is with you Lilly?
"Well, I'll call you after the dinner, okay?"
"Alright," she begins to exit my room.
"You're not going to hug me goodbye?" I ask confused, this was the first time Lilly was going to leave without doing that.
"Oh right," she comes back to me, and hugs me for less than a second, and then leaves.
Lilly… you're not upset because you want to be with Mikayla, right? I hope not, I don't like it when you're not happy because of me. This is so hard, I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of two rocks, I really like Mikayla, but I want Lilly to happy too… and I want Oliver to stay happy as well. I care too much about other people; I wish I were more selfish… heh, that's a weird wish.
"Miley get your butt down here and help your old pops cook!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I got it!" I shout to my dad, who was standing right next to me.
"Okay!" he shouts right back.
I run over to the door, but come to a halt when I realize I have to primp myself a little. I pat down my hair, and brush hair off my shirt, and then I pull at the edges of my shirt to make it straighter—Ding-dong. Gosh, she's impatient.
I open the door, and Mikayla hands me a bouquet of flowers. Who doesn't love flowers? "Thanks," I notice she has another bouquet as well, "why did you get two bouquets?"
"One for the old man," oh she's good. She's real good.
She steps inside, and I let my eyes observe every part of her. She's wearing long black dressy pants, and nice vee-neck blue shirt. Her makeup is flawless, and her face is getting closer? Oh she wants a welcome kiss.
She pecks my lips, and we walk together into the kitchen, "Mr. Stewart, I brought you some flowers," she holds them out for him.
"Oh, thank you Mikayla!" he takes them, and begins searching for a vase, "you know the last time someone bought me flowers was all the way back when I had a mullet—"
"—No! No boring stories, dad!" I scold him, and he smiles sheepishly at me.
"So what'd you two make for dinner?" Mikayla takes my hand in hers, and laces our fingers.
"Pot roast chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, and string beans," daddy smiles, he's always proud of his cooking.
"Well, let's dig in!" Mikayla takes a seat at the table, and I follow suit. I love how she feels comfortable already in this house.
The rest of dinner went nicely, the more Mikayla talked, the more my daddy loved her, seriously there's not one thing he hates about her. Now we're both waiting by my front door, she's holding my hands swinging them back and forth, "tonight was great, now I can take you on as many dates as I want," she releases one of my hands to brush a strand of my hair out of my face, and tucks it behind my ear. She leaves her hand there, and I lean up for our goodnight kiss.
She leans down the rest of the way, and kisses me slowly, "Five Mississippi," shut up dad, you ruin good moments. She speeds up the kiss, knowing my dad is counting down now, "Four Mississippi."
I step forward so our bodies touch, "Three Mississippi."
She grabs my hip, "TIME'S UP!" he skips two and one, seeing Mikayla's bold move in front of him.
"Good night hun," she gives me one last peck.
I watch her leave, and trace my lips, discovering she left a residue of her lip-gloss on me, "Next time you won't get five seconds."
"I didn't even get five seconds this time," I argue playfully with my dad.
"Well maybe your girlfriend should keep her hands to herself," he smirks, and waves me off to bed.
"Night dad," I begin heading to my room.
"Night bud."