Wednesday 09/03/2008

Author's note: Hello everyone. Supposedly, the teachers were going on a strike today, that's why I remained at home but then, they cancelled it but still, I remained at home. What am I talking about? Yay! Finally, an update!I know that I was a little bit late. (innocent look) You can always vote for two of my stories that you seriously wish to see updated. Okay, I don't that I want to make you wait for any longer. Thank you everyone who had reviewed till now, keep going.This chapter here, is for you!

Disclaimer: Guess what! I still don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any of its characters and I'm going to sit for an important GCE O'Level Exams!

Chapter 5: Search going on.

"So, what did you find out about him?"

Arms crossed over his lavishly rich desk, on a freshly printed stack of papers, the owner of Kaiba Corporation looked over at his most devoted employee.

"Sir, we found out that Daniel Hayford is a highly qualified person in business though he never actually got into the lime light since he always let his father take all the credit."

Roland brought out a USB device from his breast pocket and handed it over to Seto, who took it and instantly placed the small pen-like device in his computer and started exploring the files. He came across different certificates owned by Daniel Hayford and several good, not to say excellent programs owned by Hayford Corporation and which mentioned the high contribution of the young son of the owner.

Seto frowned at all the qualities of his newly arrived rival. The latter was sure going to blame the young blue-eyed CEO for the current condition of his father and for Seto, wasting his time dealing with that spoilt brat was definitely not welcome.

"Anything else?"

Seto inquired as he saw Roland gulped down and cleared his throat.

"We also found out that Daniel Hayford already skipped two grades due to his very good potential in the business world and as well as his studies. There is no requirement for him to attend Domino High School."

Roland placed the documents about the graduation and the qualifications on Seto's desk leaving Seto to go through the details by himself.

"That's it?"

Seto mumbled under his breath, loud enough for Roland to hear. A very good indication that Seto was not pleased by what he was seeing.

"Ah y—yes, Sir."

"Then you may leave."

Seto simply said and continued rummaging through the papers in a very professional way

He definitely wants his revenge from me then.

Seto brought his hand in his soft hair.

That explains his presence in this school.

Combing his hair several times, he looked back at the photograph of Daniel in his biography details as being one new businessman.

I wonder who he is going to use against me. Who are his allies and his enemies? Well, enemies excluding me of course.

"Me? But what did I do?"

Téa asked careless of whatever her friend was saying. Téa looked at Serenity who was glaring daggers at her. The brunette did not really pay attention to the girl and simply continued to eat her muffin while reading her newly acquired book. She had come back from school and had seen Serenity pacing the floor. Being considerate as she was, Téa asked her what was wrong but instead, Serenity started to yell at her.

"It's all because of you. You think you are superior, huh, Téa?"

Serenity shouted. Téa had to block her ears to avoid a strain with that screeching voice of her co-tenant, well, actually, the one living with her. After all, only Téa paid for that apartment.

"…even Kaiba must be liking me secretly, I'm sure…"

While she took a glance at her friend, Téa thought whether or not Kaiba was right about Joey being a mutt, oh well, she did not mean that about Joey but Serenity definitely looked like an enraged she-mutt right then; Barking away all her thoughts.

"…that new boy, Daniel…it was fine enough that he was happy meeting me…"

She smiled at her own musings and frowned when she realised that she was somehow allying herself with Seto Kaiba in a process of degrading her friends but another look at Serenity made Téa lose that frown and replaced it with a smirk of her own.

"…I saw that boy first but you just had to go talk to him…"

Serenity continued her ranting and did not even see that Téa was no longer there. She turned around and saw Téa passing through the kitchen's door and she followed suit.

Téa removed a carton of juice from the fridge and pour herself a glass of the cold and refreshing orange liquid. She drank the whole glass and proceeded to pour another glass of the delicious juice when the carton was snatched from her. She followed the course of the carton and found Serenity standing a feet or something away.

"Give it back!"

She said as she tried to retrieve the orange juice.

"Not before you answer my question, Téa!"

Serenity countered as she pried her hands away behind her back with the carton.

Frowning and decidedly not very pleased, Téa got next to Serenity and looked down at the smaller girl.

"Now there, Serenity, don't forget that you are living off me for the time being. Don't think that you can just weasel your way through my daily life and act so bossy with me. If anyone has that right, it will be me, alright? Whether you like it or not, I'm not going to take any kind of whatsoever order from you. I'm the mistress of myself, understand?"

Téa glared at the frightened girl before her. She then realised what she did and sighed.

"Now, will you give me back the juice or will I have to use some extreme measures?"

Téa cocked an eyebrow at the young girl and increased her tone to a level of pure ordering. She was inwardly partying for victory.

"T—T—Take i—it."

Serenity gave back the juice to Téa with shaking hands. Téa readily accepted and did not bother using a glass as she sipped down the liquid. She wiped her mouth and looked back at her horrified friend.

"Well, thank you. And if I did push it a little far, don't be offended but don't expect me to be sorry either, for you deserved it."

Serenity got back her attitude and frowned at Téa. She was about to say something when Téa raised her hand.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you. You know, not after, I've got an earful from a very menacing person."

Téa smirked.

"And also, I did not follow Daniel or anyone else. If he talked to me, I'm not to be blamed, OK? I'm not interested in that boy. You can have him all to yourself."

Téa took her book and made her way to her bedroom. On the middle of the way, she turned around and gave Serenity a cool look. She smirked.

"Now, it's another story if he is interested in me."

She laughed the rest of her way to her room, hearing the useless profanities that Serenity was launching at her. Téa threw her book on her bed and then she went to close the door to her room.

Turning the knob, opening the door and entering his father's room, Daniel's heart sank at the sight of his father. He approached the bed and sat himself next to his father holding the latter's hand in his.

"I met him today, dad."

The only response he got was the beeping sound of the machine that was currently keeping his father alive. Daniel let out a low chuckle.

"You should have seen his face. It sure wasn't very clearly seen but I'm sure that he was shocked to see me. I guess he never saw that coming."

He rubbed circles on the back of his father's almost cold hand, trying to warm it up a little. Daniel adjusted the blanket covering the form of the most precious person to him.

"Well dad, I think it's high time for me to bring my own corporation in the light since Seto Kaiba forcefully took yours."

Daniel let his father's hand go and formed a fist with his own hand.

"I'll make him regret the day he crossed swords with us."

Daniel got up and out of his father's room leaving the personal medic-caring maid to do her job attending Georges Hayford.

"Hey Seto, what are you still doing here?"

A mob of unruly jet-black hair popped out of the open door of Seto Kaiba's office. Seto knew he was coming so, he looked up from his desktop to his little brother.

"Hey there kid. I've got some work to finish."

He replied as Mokuba took a seat on the couch across Seto's desk.

"Always the same excuse!"

Mokuba mumbled under his breath. Seto got up from his desk to go sit down next to his small brother. He placed a comforting arm round the small frame of Mokuba.

"Mokuba, you do know that there's a lot of work which I left pending during the time when I was busy with the Battle City tournament. Nowadays, I've got to finish all of them."

Mokuba got away from his big brother and pouted.

"But that doesn't mean that you should skip sleeping hours continuously, does it?"

Seto reached out to him and turned him to face his caring blue eyes. Mokuba's own grey ones were full of concern and Seto smiled down at him.

"Only for this week, okay?"

Mokuba's eyes went huge like saucers. He then scrutinised Seto and poked him gently on his shoulder.

"You are not really telling me that you won't be sleeping for a whole week, are you?"

Seto let out a cool laugh and asked playfully.

"And what if I am?"

Mokuba faked a frown.

"Then I'm going to come here everyday and wreck up your work."

Seto's last barrier of protection went off and he seriously started to laugh. Mokuba watched his brother, amused and at the same time, happy at this behaviour of his brother. Much to Mokuba's distaste, Seto quickly got a grip of himself and retrieved his usual face.

"Anyway Mokuba, why are you here?"

He asked on a firm tone. Mokuba open his school bag and started to scatter all his things on the couch. He finally seemed to have found what he was looking for. Seto examined the content in Mokuba's hand. It was a glossy piece of paper, most precisely; a photograph.

"I was looking at the photographs of the Battle City tournaments taken by the different cameras we placed all round Domino and I got this."

Mokuba pointed to the photograph in his hand. He continued his talking.

"I know the guys are not here but…"

Seto did not listen further. He was dumbstruck or rather deaf-struck.

The guys? Please, tell me he is not talking about—

"…Joey was looking funny and all, you see with that T-shirt and then, there is Yugi…"

Mokuba went on.

Yes, he is definitely talking about them.

"…and Devlin…"

Someone make him stop as I don't want to scold my own blood right now.

"…and Tristan…"

At least, I don't wish to scold him because of those geeks.

"…and Mai…"

Pay attention to your brother, Seto Kaiba!

He ordered himself and finally got to hear the rest of his brother's talking which was only a single and annoying sentence.

"…and I think that you might give it to Téa since she is in your class or even better, we could go meet her and give it to her.

Seto gulped.

Even better? I don't think so.

"What say, Seto? Seto?"

Mokuba waved a hand at him.

"Y—Yeah. Okay. I mean, no. I don't have time to give it to her and most certainly, absolutely no time to go to her place in order to give it to her."

"But Seto—"

"I said, no."

Seto looked down at his brother and he knew he had just hurt his feelings.

"I've got an idea, why don't you go to her place and give it to her?"

Mokuba shot his head up and looked for any trace of a microscopic joke on his brother's face.

"You are serious, big brother?"

"Do I ever joke when I'm in the office?"

Mokuba nodded a 'no'.

"Then go to her place since I'm not going to be done with this work here before another couple of hours. I'll tell Roland to get you to Gardner's."

Mokuba threw his arms around his brother and hugged him really tightly.

"Oh thank you Seto, thank you so much! See you at home. Bye!"

He quickly got off his brother, off the couch and grabbing his school bag, Mokuba got out of Seto's office. Seto just looked at the door.

"What do you see in that girl anyway, Mokuba?"

Seto got back to his desk and flipped open his mobile phone.

"Roland, get Mokuba to Gardner's residence. I've got some research to attend."

He then switched on his laptop.

"Now Hayford, it's only the two of us."

Hearing the sound of the door bell, Serenity got up from her bed and dashed to the door to see who it was. She opened the cream door and saw nobody in front of her. Only when she looked a little lower that she realised that there was a hue of black.

Mokuba looked up, expecting to see Téa but instead, he found himself looking at a familiar red-head. His huge smile turned to a small one and he forced himself to say something.

"Oh, it's you."

"Nice to see you too, Mokuba!"

She smiled sweetly at him. She quickly ushered him inside the apartment.

"Sit down, please. Do you want me to get something for you?"

"Yes. I'd like an orange juice."

Mokuba said as he sat on the couch. Serenity on the other hand frowned at the mention of that drink. Mokuba examined Serenity's attire as she went away. She was wearing a tight pink top and some blue mini skirt.

"Who is it? Oh! Hey, Mokuba."

Mokuba turned around to see Téa coming from a small corridor.

"Hey Téa!"

He exclaimed as she sat next to him onto the couch.

"Oh sorry, where are my manners? Do you want something to eat or drink or both?"

Téa asked as she fiddled with the bottom of her navy blue dress. Mokuba smiled widely at her.

"I already asked Serenity to get something for me."

"Okay, good then. So, what brings you here?

She asked him as the latter made himself even more comfortable and then, he looked at her hopefully.

"You think we could go out, spend some fun time together without my brother knowing?"

"Of course we can!"

Serenity said as she came in from the kitchen, a glass in hand. She handed it over to Mokuba.

Serenity had one good idea in head. If she wanted to get close to the CEO, the ticket would be his little brother i.e. Mokuba. If she was nice to Mokuba, gets his attention and support, she would easily make herself a place in Kaiba's heart.

"Ugh…I think I want to vomit. Can you please show me the way to the bathroom…ugh"

Téa's eyes widened and she quickly picked up the boy and lead him to her own bathroom which was the nearest to them. Serenity watched in disgust. Boy, she did not want to be all messed up with the younger Kaiba throwing up on her. She would leave it all to Téa.

"Hang on, Mokuba." Téa said as she got to her bathroom.

"Here, you can let go now."

Mokuba was quite fine when he came then what happened to him sudd—?

Her thoughts were interrupted by giggles coming from another person. She looked down and instead of seeing a green Mokuba head bent over the sink; she saw a lively Mokuba smiling at her. She looked in the sink just to verify and saw nothing there.

"What's the meaning of all this, Mokuba?"

She asked, a little bit in a strict tone.

"I don't want her to come with us. I did not know how else to get her from not coming and then, I got this idea. We'll make as if you are taking me to the hospital and then, no more Serenity to accompany, truce?"

Mokuba held out his hand. Téa raised an eyebrow.

What a genius! He IS Seto Kaiba's brother…but lot cuter and lot funnier to be with.

"Let's do this!" She said shaking hands with Mokuba and both of them laughed.

"Let's get on with this."

I need to find anything. Anything helpful enough.

Daniel was on his computer working out on a new scheme for a project of his own company. He was also trying to figure out a cautious way of getting through Seto Kaiba. Any information about Seto Kaiba would not be futile for him.

Daniel looked through everything concerning Seto Kaiba; the tournaments' details, the participants, the persons close to Kaiba.

That was it.

The key to destroy Seto Kaiba was his little brother. Many have tried in the past but they all bit dust. No, Daniel was not going to use Mokuba as exchange money. Instead, he will find another weak chord to attain his objectives but surely, if that meant involving Mokuba, he would have to do it.

The young Hayford was not a cruel person but when it came to his father, he would do anything.

The search engine continued its job, displaying all sorts of information when Daniel saw the list of the persons present on the Kaiba Corp blimp during the Battle City Tournament.

It read: Yugi Moto, Joseph Wheeler, Ishizu Ishtar, Malik Ishtar, Mai Valentine, Tristan Taylor, Duke Devlin, Téa Gardner,...

Téa Gardner?

Daniel did not read any further. So, Seto Kaiba knew this girl. There was no way for which that a nice and friendly girl like her would appreciate Kaiba and then, she was friends with him now.

Since she was already against Seto Kaiba, he would use this fact to his advantage. He could almost feel remorse but in order to get closer to his motive of ruining Kaiba, he would have to use her to get additional information on his rival.

But then, he liked Téa. So, he was not really using her. He smiled.

At least, I'll get a good reason enough to be near her.

Seto Kaiba sat down in his chair and smirked victoriously. He h ad been searching for half an hour and he found much more that he wanted. But then, the CEO was never satisfied with whatever his employees brought to him. He liked it better when he did the job himself.

Apparently, Daniel Hayford had a company of his own named Forddan Corporation, most probably derived from his own name.

Pathetic way of naming a company!

The clash between these two companies was sure to come since Daniel was there to avenge his father's state but Seto Kaiba was no rookie in the business world. He knew what had to be done and he would do it.

He would save his company from that Daniel Hayford; let it take all that it takes.

End notes: Not much of a cliffhanger here but still, quite short chapter. You've got comments, complaints, constructive reviews, anything related to this chapter or story to say. Well, review and let me know. By the way, if you spot anything wrong, miss-spelling and all, do mention it, I'll do my best to comply.
