Can't you see the girl that silently cries?

A/N: Hey everyone!! –waves arms frantically-

Chihiro: Hey…Lin…

Lin: Yeah?

Chihiro: Why didn't I ask for Haku?

Lin: …dunno…

Haku: Oi dork, hurry up with the story! We're all waiting.

Me: Do I get a please? XD

Disclaimer: I do not own Spirited Away. I wish I do, but I don't. It kinda sucks. =[


Chapter 8: Events

Sen slowly trudged after Lin down the corridors, trying to take note of the different rooms and doors they passed. She had to remember how to reach the room safely, which corridors to take and the ones to avoid. But as much as she tried, it didn't work. Her eyes couldn't seem to open properly, let alone take note of everything around her. Yawning and sighing at her own incompetence, Sen continued walking, without realising Lin's eyes quietly observing her.

Should I really ask her tonight? Lin pondered, as Sen let out another massive yawn and rubbed her eyes blearily. I'm risking my job for her. I think I do deserve to know the truth at least.

Lin silently entered the room, sat on her futon and stared at the opposite wall pensively. Sen didn't seem to notice her odd behaviour. She waspretty tired.

An uncomfortable silence engulfed Lin as she watched Sen listlessly change into her night garments. She rotated her injured wrist a few times and winced in pain and exhaustion. Slowly and carefully, she settled herself, turning away from Lin and falling asleep.

"Why didn't you ask for Haku?" Lin whispered softly, loud enough for Sen to hear.

No answer came.

Lin sighed angrily, and glowered furiously at Sen's back. Dammit, she did deserve to know!

As Lin started to repeat the question, she took in the girl's relaxed posture and deep breathing. Suddenly the answer dawned upon her and she smiled.

Almost amused with the conclusion as to Sen's silence, Lin crawled up to her and peered at her face. Indeed, Sen was already asleep.

She must be seriously tired, Lin smiled to herself as she went back to her own futon.

A small shadow flickered over her face and her smile faded, replaced with a sombre expression.

She can't escape tomorrow so easily though.


Wide, chocolate-brown eyes opened slowly, discarding the pretence of sleep.

I'm screwed, Sen cringed.


Haku stared at Yubaba wordlessly as his aquamarine eyes slowly widened.

She knew something.

She knewsomething.

Something about Chihiro.

Haku knew in these kinds of situations, he had to remain patient. No matter how much his brain demanded an answer, he had to remain silent and look impassive.

After all, patience was not one of Yubaba's strongest points. Sooner or later she always cracked.

So, he returned her mysterious smile with a cold emotionless stare. His jaw muscles clenched together painfully as he mustered all his will to not ask the question she waited for him to ask.

It was a battle of will. And boy it was hard.

But after a few seconds, just as he predicted, her smile slowly dissolved. She shot him a flaming glare, and sighed softly. She closed her eyes with her eyebrows furrowed as though she was in deep contemplation.

Haku inhaled slowly in relief and waited for her to talk.

"Assuming the 'she' you are talking about is Lin," Yubaba stated as she shifted her enormous bulk into a purple chair. "Why would she want you to stay?"

Haku frowned and unconsciously started pacing again, his mind clouding with loose memories and thoughts. It didn't make any sense. Why would Lin be reluctant?

"Think boy!" snarled Yubaba. "What is the one thing that would make you leave this place?"

Haku started. "If you're talking about Chihiro-"

"So then why would Lin make you stay?" interrupted Yubaba. "If your purpose is outside the spirit world?"

Haku closed his eyes. No, it definitely didn't make sense. Why would Lin suddenly want him to stay?

"Come on, it's not that hard!" Yubaba impatiently injected. "Lin's only reason for making you stay would be because you no longer need to go to the outside world. Your purpose perhaps is no longer in the outside world."

Emerald green eyes snapped open.

Yubaba's eyes twinkled. "So, it would be because…"

Haku stopped breathing.

It couldn't be…

"Chihiro is back," whispered Haku.


A/N: Wow, major cliffy! Man, am I evil! MWAHAHAHA!!!


Hullo peeps! First up, I want to thank those who have reviewed the story so far. People who have gone out of their way to come up with some criticism, I want to give you the largest GLOMPS. And readers… thanks for not clicking the back button when reading this fanfic.

I also want to apologise for my sheer laziness in not updating. No excuse can cover my lack for updating for months.

A warning to people who have this story on alert: I might edit some of my previous chapters again now that I've got the plot in full control. I'll try not to, but if it's really needed for the story to make sense I suppose I will have to.

IMPORTANT PART:: Now out of curiosity, I want to ask whether people prefer my writing in POVs or in third person?

Thanks everyone! =]