Spirited Closer (Sequel of Spirited away)

A/N This is my first fanfiction so it might not be the best you've read. I'll try updating as regularly as possible.

Disclaimer: I do not own Spirited Away


Chapter 1: Her friend?

"Drat it! Another stupid fly!" Chihiro waved her arms in vain, trying to shoo away yet another buzzing fly. It was a hot stinking summer, and although chirping cicadas sang their beautiful songs, although the sun shone magnificently in the sky, although her holidays had begun, Chihiro wasn't happy.

A snigger erupted from Masaya's lips as he calmly watched Chihiro's valiant battle of the flies. Chihiro angrily turned to Masaya, feeling her cheeks blush a traitorous crimson.

"Why are you just standing and laughing?! You were the one who called me here to meet you in the first place!"

Masaya was one of Chihiro's friends at her new school. They always helped each other with hard tests and assignments and recently, Masaya had even confessed to Chihiro his love he felt for her. But she just couldn't accept, even after so many years, her heart still belonged to another, in her own special world. Masaya seemed to understand and told Chihiro that he wanted to remain friends with her.

"Then why did he call me here, to meet him in the middle of a forest?" Chihiro felt uneasy, she could feel an inevitable alarm ringing in the back of her mind telling her something wasn't right. "Wouldn't he just come to my house if he needed something?" Chihiro pondered to herself looking blankly at the trees never realising Masaya's closeness.

All too sudden, she glanced up and saw Masaya's face centimetres away from hers.

"Kyaa!" She screamed in surprise and leant as far away as she could to get away from his face.

Too far away.

She felt her balance leave her as she watched in horror to see the ground rushing up to meet her head. Suddenly she felt a strong hand close over her bony wrist and pull her to safety.

"Thanks Masa-" she began to say until he forced his lips harshly on her own.

"Mph!" Chihiro struggled to move away from him but he held her too tightly against himself. She felt him lick her bottom lip and as she opened her mouth in surprise, Masaya plunged his tongue into her mouth.

Chihiro felt so weak she didn't know what to do. After a few seconds her paralysed brain awoke. She bit hard on his tongue, feeling him yelp in pain and finally let her go.

"How dare you." Chihiro felt herself shiver in terror as she looked into his hungry eyes. He strode forward pushed her roughly to the rocky ground. She felt her bony frame shudder from the impact. She tried to roll away but he quickly grabbed a fistful of her hair with one hand and started to remove the buttons of her turquoise shirt with the other.

Chihiro screamed in pain as she felt a thousand pinpricks all over her skull. She had never felt so scared, so vulnerable, even when she was in the spirit world, trying to find her parents. She could feel his hands frantically popping open each of her buttons as she felt tears of shame trickle down her cheeks.

"One more try," she thought to herself in drowned panic. The situation couldn't get any worse then it already was. "One more try."

She lifted up her knee and kicked him as hard as she could on his groin. He howled in pain as he let her go momentarily and sank to onto Chihiro, in pain.

Chihiro wiggle and kicked his body off her and started to run as fast as she could, leaving behind the shrieks of pain that were gradually growing dimmer and dimmer. Trees whipped past her, as she felt more tears silently escaping her eyes, flying past her eyes as she ran and stumbled onward, tripping over roots and rocks.

"I thought he was my friend" she whispered to herself through her bruised lips. She winced at the memories that came flooding back to her, from the first day she had entered school how he stood up against her bullies that were pushing her around. "I thought he understood me." She could feel her heart trying to tear itself out of skin, through her confused emotions and feelings.

Suddenly she stopped. The forest had ended. She was here, where she had been 5 years ago. She started at the ancient statues, the entrance of her spirit filled world. The dusty ruins of the old temple stared back at her as she hesitantly took a step towards it.

And another.

And another.

She could feel her feet walking faster and faster, growing less hesitant and more sure. Finally she found herself sprinting into the archway, her hair whipping around her face her heartbeat racing, clenching her tiny hands into bawled fists.

And she never turned back to take even a glance behind her.