HEY GUYS!!! Another chap of Catch 22.

Sorry that I haven't updated A Different way, I swear I'm not abandoning it, I just don't have any inspiration for it right now…

So, hope you enjoy, and if you have any ideas for A Different Way, or this fic, then send me a message. I have the plot for A Different Way pretty much planned out in my head, just not the fine details. And I'm not getting any inspiration for the fic right now.

Also any idea's for jutsu or spells are appreciated, and I will give credit where it's due.


Sasuke Sarutobi (otherwise known as the Third Hokage) was heralded as the "Professor" for his mastery of over one thousand jutsu and his mastery of all the elements. He had mastered ninjutsu to a degree no other could even dream of.

His grandson would follow in his footsteps… only in his own way.

Konohamaru would learn with time how to use jutsu of all kind, never mastering all the elements to the same degree as his grandfather, but being able to use jutsu of any element.

He would also learn genjutsu well enough. Add taijutsu to that as well, as well as skills in armed combat.

He never mastered any of those, even once he made hokage. But, he was skilled enough in each of the ninja arts that he was next to unbeatable.

If you overpowered him with taijutsu? He'd trap you in a genjutsu to get some distance, then rain long range ninjutsu on you until you gave in or died.

If you started to beat him with ninjutsu? He'd trap you in a genjutsu, close the distance, and then pound you with taijutsu.

If you trapped him in genjutsu? He'd break free then rain long-range ninjutsu on you until he could close with you and pound you with taijutsu.

Use a fire jutsu on him? He'd counter with a water jutsu.

Use a wind jutsu on him? He'd counter with a rock jutsu.

Use a water jutsu on him? He'd counter with an ice jutsu.

You get the point, no mater what his enemies did he ALWAYS, yes always, had a counter.

That and he learned how to be a stubborn surprising brat from Konohana's number one stubborn, surprising brat, Naruto himself.


When Ebisu tried to take credit for Konohamaru's strength years later, only for Konohamaru to say it was Naruto who taught Konohamaru how to be strong Ebisu would feel like he was kicked in the nuts. Later that year Naruto would make hokage, his hands still covered in dried blood as he accepted the hat from Tsunade. Ebisu wouldn't feel so bad after that, after all how are you going to compete with the Hokage?

When the gennin team that Naruto trained prior to becoming hokage was nicknamed the "Neo Sannin" Ebisu finally realized that Naruto actually was a good teacher. Thankfully the "Neo Sannin" didn't go the same way as the first Sannin.

Unfortunately it wasn't for lack of trying…


The "genius" of Naruto's team went rouge a few years after Naruto started teaching him, thinking because he was from a clan he should be the best, ignoring that his sensei was hokage and wasn't from a clan, even if he had married into one.

Instead of the "dead last" hunting him down like the last Sannin, it was Naruto who hunted him down.

It was Naruto who killed him.

When he came back through the gates his hokage robes drenched with blood, Kakashi didn't need to ask if he had mastered his rasen-shuriken.

It was obvious, it was the only technique Naruto used that would cover him in that much blood from one person.

His student was a Hyuuga from the main branch, Hinata's child… it took years for the Hyuuga clan to trust him after that, even with Hinata becoming the clan head the year after, having forgiven Naruto.

Her exact words were, "He had better be glad it was you… and not me, I wouldn't have ended it quickly…"

Her husband, Shino, would agree with his wife, if with a few less tears.


What no one would realize is that if he could cry he would have had tears streaming down his face.

It was the only time he damned fate for birthing him as an Aburme, or hated his father for having him sign the contract with the destruction bugs as a child.


Neji and Lee became almost the second coming of Gai and Kakashi, in that they were the best of friends once Neji got his head out of his ass.

After bloody missions Neji would seek out Lee for a few laughs, even if he hid them behind a smirk and quiet coughs.

They had the same teamwork, and their styles meshed even better than Kakashi and Gai.

They became known as the "Twin Fists of Konohana", their combination of the gentle fists and iron fist next to unstoppable to most of their targets. It was to them that Konan, the only female member of the Akatsuki, fell. They both came out with a few wounds ("PAPER CUTS MY YOUTHFUL COMRADES!" Lee screamed when he and Neji were asked, Neji only nodded in agreement), but both of them had smiles and looked like brothers.

This was only made more amusing by the fact that Konan used paper to fight with.

It was Lee that Neji trusted to watch over his children.

It was Neji that Lee went to when he needed a place to crash for the night.

When Gai looks at them, he sees a younger Kakashi and Gai. Then he smiles and rants about "FLAMING YOUTH!" while Kakashi "reads" his book, really trying to figure out (even after all these years) just what Gai means by that.


Tenten and Kankuro. When the rest of the Konohana Twelve (as the rookie nine and team Gai became known) heard the two were dating… well it made a bit of a stir.

Really the two thought it wasn't that surprising, after all they both specialized in long range combat, using tools.

Both had iron tight chakra control, as well as smaller than normal reserves.

Both made great use of seals.

They had a lot to talk about, and once they started sharing ideas both skyrocketed in strength. In fact it was Tenten's idea's for weaponry that helped shape Kankuro's puppets after Sasori destroyed his old ones.

Most of the weapons were ones her family forged as well.


Kankuro became on of the few puppet users to master using puppets with one finger after his brush with Sasori, realizing just how much further he had to go, he kept pushing himself until he did the act with ease.

To the end of his life he kept searching for a way to use multiple puppets with one finger.

One day he made an announcement that he had something amazing to show his brother and sister, saying he'd show them the next day.

He died of old age in his sleep that night.

He was just under 70 years old.

So we'll never know just what it was he had to show Gaara and Temari now will we?


Temari, a lily in the desert one man called her.

He ended up in the hospital later that day and didn't leave for a few weeks.

One thing her "suitors" never got was that she wasn't some flower to be pampered, she was a sword, sharp and deadly.

Only her brothers and Shikamaru got that, that's why even though he was a lazy good for nothing bum, she still ended up loving him, because he didn't want to pamper her. He didn't want to sit her in a chair wearing beautiful clothes that didn't let her move at all, no, he was fine letting her do what she wanted.

That's all she ever wanted out of a man. That's the one thing no man other than her brothers gave her until she met Shikamaru.

So years later when her daughter, an alarmingly lazy, yet hot tempered girl, asked her why she married daddy, Temari simply said, "He was the only one that gave me what I wanted."


Once Sasuke heard about Sakura dying in action, he thought it was on a stupid mission, due to her lack of skill.

When he heard she took down over 150 of Iwa's elite's with her… he nearly fainted.

Later that year when he tried to kill Naruto for the last time he realized he should have listened to the tales about him and how he slaughtered over 500 while the "last Uchiha" Sasuke himself was wasting his time killing the people that Orochimaru didn't need around any more.

This became all the more evident when Naruto attacked him with an incomplete jutsu, the first version of the rasen-shuriken. After he got away Sasuke prayed to every force out there that Naruto never mastered that jutsu.

He had barely survived the incomplete version and even then he was getting ready to faint from blood loss.

When Naruto found him fainted on the ground, just this side of the border with Rice country Naruto grinned widely and brought Sasuke home.


When Sasuke woke up in chains nearly a month later, he thought that the elder council would free him.

When he was taken to the council meeting to decide his fate… he was shocked.

None of the elder council he knew of were here, not even Danzo.

When he was informed that he would be executed and his sperm used to breed a new Uchiha clan he nearly fainted on the spot.

When he learned that he would be killed by Naruto's perfected jutsu, the rasen-shuriken, or more correctly the futonrasen-shuriken, the upgrade of the incomplete jutsu Naruto had used on him…

He shit himself in front of the whole council.


Once Naruto became the next in line for Hokage the Wave nation asked to be annexed into Konohana's borders.

Tsunade accepted with out hesitation.

This was what sparked the war with Kumo, which led to Iwa attacking, thinking Konohana would be caught off guard.

Unfortunately Naruto didn't take kindly to either nation's attack.

Shinobi from every village besides Konohana spent the next few years shitting themselves every time they saw blond hair.

Naruto knew this and it became wide spread for anbu to dye their hair blond.

When he sent Tsunade as his emissary before brining his team for the chuunin exam in Iwa it was all the Tsuchikage could do to keep his shinobi from deserting all together.


When a few decades later an 11 year old brat with blond hair and seriously weird eyes showed up, proclaiming he'd kick all their asses just like his dad did during the war every Iwa shinobi over 20 shit themselves, then ran away screaming.

It was all Konohamaru could do not to piss himself laughing when he heard about it from the new Tsuchikage.

Oddly the Tsuchikage, Orimo Genki, the general who lead the attack that Naruto stopped, didn't find it funny at all.


So, all the "read and review" goodness, and I'm hoping for some feedback on this.

Or some idea's for the next chap of ADW...

Ja ne.