The Shield Hero was on his knees in front of the king, his arms bound behind him. He was accused of rape by his companion, Myne. The Spear, Sword and Bow Hero also looked at him, with the Spear Hero glaring at him with disdain.
It was all a setup from the start, just a ploy to make him look like a criminal, to be reviled and hated.
They were even calling him the 'Shield Demon'.
Well, if that was the case, then he might as well show them what a real demon was like.
His head rose as he locked eyes with the king who suddenly felt fear.
"Your time has run out," the Shield Hero growled and that was when he summoned an ornate golden belt around his waist. The ropes binding his arms together also dissolved into nothing, much to the surprise of everyone in the throne room as he stood up.
"Guards! Guards, restrain him!" the King Aultrcray demanded. The knights drew their weapons and went to grab the Shield Hero but they were immediately repelled by a golden shockwave coming from him. They crashed against the wall and were knocked out.
The Shield Hero let out a scream of fury as the ground under him cracked to form a clock face. Then, all of a sudden, lava burst out of the ground and filled the cracks, creating a glowing clock face with the kanji for 'RIDER' in the middle.
Nobody moved, too awed and frightened by the sight.
"Henshin!" the Shield Hero roared as he slammed the two red buttons on his belt.
Spinning golden rings of power spun around the Shield Hero as he was covered in a golden aura. His body became encased in a familiar suit of armor before his visor lit up with the word 'RIDER' done in red kanji. His armor was the most regal gold and black with wing-shaped shoulder pads and a golden diagonal band that he wore like a sash over his chest. Black clock-like devices decorated his chest like badges. His black helmet covered his whole face like a mask with a gold ring surrounding the faceplate and golden antennae. Hanging from his back like a cape were a pair of metal clock hands. He still wore his shield on his left forearm, though, but now its appearance had changed to match his armor.
The other Cardinal Heroes were stunned. While they had come from Japans from different alternate worlds, they recognized the figure the Shield Hero had transformed into.
"No...no way..." the Spear Hero stammered.
"Ka...Kamen..." the Bow Hero started, eyes wide.
"Kamen Rider," the Sword Hero finished.
Myne was petrified as she saw the figure. She could feel his power as it filled the chamber. The king had landed on his throne, face pale.
"Who are you!?" he demanded. "What are you!?"
"You call me 'Shield Demon' but my name is Sougo Tokiwa," the Shield Hero introduced himself. "I am the Demon King of Time, Ohma Zi-O."
He really wished Woz was here. He would like his most loyal and favorite vassal to announce his appearance with a 'rejoice'.
"Demon King...?" Aultcray uttered.
This was the day this world would be introduced to Ohma Zi-O and learn to fear his great power. He could be their hero or he could be their ruler. Right now, they were brought face to face with the Demon King.
KRC: At the end of "Kamen Rider Zi-O", the future version of Sougo (Ohma Zi-O) is erased from existence. However, I decided to give him another chance as he is summoned to the world where "Rising of the Shield Hero" takes place. He is back in his young body, but he is mentally the same as he was before he vanished. He also possesses all his power so he's very OP. Now, this world will learn to fear him as he seeks to rule it with his power. Watch out King, Malty and Motoyasu. This Demon King ain't gonna take any shit.