A/N: This story is dedicated to all those girls who are embarrassed to go to Walmart to buy their feminine things. I am one of those girls.

I obviously don't own Twilight or else Emily Browning would be Bella.


"NO! I would not and WILL NOT ever do that for you!"

"C'monnnnn, pleeeeaaassseeee!"

"I refuse to do it Isabella,"

"Then I refuse to marry you Edwardo,"

Edwards eyes widened a bit at what she had just said, but slowly realized she was kidding. He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt her lean forward and press small butterfly kisses on his smooth marble face. Each kiss pushing him closer and closer towards humiliation.

"You know that you are practically stabbing at my dignity asking me to do this." He told her, opening his eyes when he felt her kiss his lips and smile.

"Stab, stab, stab." She teased, poking his rock-hard chest. Edward faked a pained expression and clutched his heart.

"Women are so cruel." He said, over-dramatically as he trudged down stairs, Bella following him grinning like the Cheshire Cat and watched as he left the house.


"I'm sorry sir what did you say you needed?" The cashier asked, trying not to smile or break her fake sincerity when Edward rolled his eyes and groaned aloud.

"Listen," He looked at her name tag that was clipped on the left shirt pocket on her Walmart company t-shirt.

"Kendra. I need Tampons. TAM-PONS." He spoke loud and clearly for her to hear and get the message.

A smirk slowly creped on her face as she said. "Ohhh, you mean Tampons. Right down there in aisle three." She pointed over his shoulder.

"Thank you." He sighed and turned to grab his wife's 'things'.



The whole aisle was full of Tampons and pads and other women things.

Which one did she want?!

There were so many that Edward couldn't think. There was one brand named Kotex. It looked pretty. Didn't girls like pretty things? There was flowers on the box too. Bella liked flowers.

Maybe she wanted another brand, like Tampax Pearl. He'd seen a commercial once about it while Bella was watching another one of those Lifetime sob stories.

A man with a shopping cart laughed as he walked into the aisle and stood next to Edward.

"You new?" He asked, interrupting Edwards conversation with himself.

"Huh?" Was all he could say while he was still battling which brand to choose.

"At this, Tampon shopping." The man said and without hesitation picked out the boxed labeled Always and held it out to Edward. "Best brand ever. At least that's what my wife tells me."

Edward took the box and smiled. "Thank you. I just hope mine thinks the same way."

The man patted Edward on the shoulder and grinned. "Welcome to humiliation buddy."

He chuckled, put the same box in his cart and rolled away.

"Been married 35 years and I'm still Tampon shopping for her." The man mumbled to himself.

Edward silently prayed that would never have to Tampon shop ever again.


One month later


"Oh God no."


Poor Edward! Lmao :)

Sorry if I didn't portray the characters.

They were suppose to be a little OC. I apologize if this story offended you in any way.

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