Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z.


Go me! This is my second fan fiction! I didn't think that I would write another story for awhile after The Prince's Prize but I thought this idea was mildly decent so I'm going to test it.

Warning: This prologue is sad, but after it there won't be nearly as much sadness in the story. It's an AU, so don't hate me okay? Sorry if it's kind of confusing.

I'll stop my babbling and type.

Anyways, enjoy!


The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it! I'll get it!" Pan yelled over the music. Today was her sixteenth birthday and she was celebrating with her family and friends.

'This better be good for making me miss out on my favorite song.' She thought as she watched Bra dance to the music.

She jogged to the door, rubbing her pocket which held her newly earned driver's license.

Something uneasy had been brewing inside her for the last hour since her parents ki had dramatically dropped. She was a very bright girl and was skeptical when they went out for more 'ice cream'. She thought it was because they were just trying to hide their location.

She took a quick glance behind her at the 2 full containers of ice cream that were now melting. She smiled to herself when she thought about the fact that they were most likely getting her new car that she had been asking for forever.

The doorbell rang again which bought her out of her daydreams. She reached out, her fingers grabbing on to the icy cold doorknob and she twisted it, placing a welcoming, exciting smile on her adolescent face. Her smile quickly faded to a look of worry.

In front of her stood a man in the darkness of the night. He wore a dark navy blue uniform and had a badge that read 'Mount Pao Police'. He wore heavy boots and a coat that was over his outfit and sported a look a like badge that protected him from the winter cold. Pan looked behind his shoulder at the old police cruiser, searching for someone, or some people, but saw no one. The blue and red lights still spun and sparkled, shooting colors along the snow that laid untouched on her yard.

Pan looked up at the man's grim face and she felt her stomach drop to her feet.

"Is there any adults around young lady?" He asked his voice forcibly calm and husky.

"Umm." Was all Pan could manage as her mouth opened and closed, making her look like a fish.

"Is it them Pan?" She heard her Grandmother ChiChi's footsteps coming down the hall from the living room. When ChiChi had seen who it was she dropped her glass on the floor, the shatter of it sounding louder than the blaring music itself.

Pan turned her head sharply, she was feeling really panicky all of a sudden.

'Gr. Why am I reacting like this, I'm being stupid!' She thought.

"Officer… Akiroya" ChiChi pronounced his name looking over the man's name tag below his badge. She had ignored the broken glass on the floor and was now staring at the officer.

"I'm guessing your Mrs. Son?"


"Do you mind if we step outside?" He asked throwing a side glance at Pan.

"Sure, Pan could you clean that up for me?" ChiChi asked pointing at the broken glass on the floor.

Pan nodded.

The officer let ChiChi aside to pass and they now stood in the snowy front yard.

Pan picked up the glass starting at the biggest pieces. She watched through the open door as the officer took off his hat, placing it over his heart. Pan had stopped what she was doing immediately and ran to her grandmother when she saw she was on her knees, head in hands.

It had all seemed like a blur to Pan.

"What happened?" Pan asked her hysteric grandmother.

"They're gone." Was her simple reply.

"Who's gone? What are you talking about?" Pan tried to ask calmly but the hysteria was also rising in her voice.

"My baby is gone." Was all ChiChi could say.

"What happened!?!" Pan screamed at the officer who was stood there staring.

"Tonight at 6:57 pm Gohan and Videl Son's car was discovered off the side of the rode about 5 miles away from here. They were coming around a mountain curve and had hit a patch of black ice and their car was thrown over the mountain's side railing where the car flipped an unknown amount of times causing instant death."

"You're lying." Pan said.

"I'm sorry for your lose."

"How believable is that? Just…just SHUT UP! Go away! Their not dead if that's what your trying to tell me, their my parents for Dende's sake! Their some of the strongest people in the world and you're telling me that a little car wreck killed them! Just leave! NOW!" Pan was screaming at the top of her lungs and the anger and cold tears were overflowing. Sparks shot from Pan's body startling the cop. She searched for her parent's ki feeling nothing.

"What happened?" Goten asked directed towards the policeman, urgency in his voice. He was standing in the entryway and when he saw his niece and mother he ran, sliding on his knees, circling them in a huge embrace.

"They're gone." His mother would'nt stop repeating, her voice already cold and lifeless.

"He's lying Goten! They're strong! They can't be dead!" Pan was crying into his shoulder. "They'll be back with my new car, I know it!" she continued.

"They'll prove you wrong!" She threw a dirty glare at the cop.

"I'm truly sorry, as of 6:57 pm Gohan and Videl Son have been pronounced dead." said the law enforcer.

"No." Goten had a look of disbelief.

"We need someone of the immediate family to identify the bodies."

"I will." Goten said in a faraway tone.

"God bless you all." And with that the police officer bowed his head and left.

Pan watched over Goten's broad shoulder, her eyes blurry with tears, as the police car drove away, the lights on the cruiser bouncing across the snow.

1 Week Later…

The realization had sunk in.

They were really gone. This is the longest she had ever been away from them and Pan didn't know if she could make it her whole life.

She played with the hem of her black dress, pulling at the thin loose strings. Everyone had left now from the funeral and all who remained where Goten, ChiChi and her, the only living occupants of the house.

She snuck a glance at her grandmother and uncle. They were all nestled in ChiChi's living room.

Her uncle was staring off in space as was her grandmother except tears were flowing steadily down her eyes onto her aged cheeks.

Pan turned back to Goten and felt sympathy. He had tried to be there for his grieving family at first but couldn't take it. His mother never stopped crying, mostly a statue.

Pan turned to her head to the side table, looking at her mother and father together smiling happily. "I love you." She whispered a tear slipping down as she ran her fingers over the glass frame.

Pan had felt like a burden every since they had left. She didn't want to cause anymore pain to her heartbroken grandmother and her silently grieving uncle.

She saw the sadness in their eyes when they looked at her, seeing the perfect face of Videl and the gorgeous dark eyes and hair of Gohan.

Her sympathy flew back to Goten as she thought of the countless hours he had spent training the past week and the sleepless, tearful nights he had endured. He bore light purple bags under his eyes to prove it.

'I can't stay here.' Pan thought glancing at her lost parents. 'This is too much. I know I'm being a coward by running away but I don't know what else to do.'

Pan was taking her newly inherited birthday car and money and leaving. She was going to the heart of Tokyo and give her family and herself time to heal. She was an exceptionally smart kid, already a senior with all the credits needed to graduate at the tender age of 16. Now all she needed to do was ask to graduate early.

She was ready to set her plans into action.

2 months later

She was going to have some serious mental problems if she didn't leave now. Pan now had a high school diploma and was ready.

She hated to admit it, but burying herself in school and work was the only way away from the empty, raw, pain. The busyness only subdued the pain because as soon as she was alone again, it would come back full force, leaving her aching and longing for her father's bear hugs and mother's loving kisses.

Her grandmother had only gotten worse with time, nothing now but a moving statue, even though now she had learned more than the 2 dreadful words 'They're Gone'. Chichi hadn't bothered to cook any longer just stared or slept.

Goten was hardly ever there, in spirit and in person. He was too busy sparring or drinking, his new habit. Either way they both knocked him out cold. When he was there he never talked just waved and gave the tiniest smile.

She hated her parents. If they hadn't left, she would have her outgoing, funny, dimwitted uncle and her slightly obnoxious grandmother. If they hadn't left she wouldn't be feeling this pain and emptiness that she was enduring.

Pan put the backpack carrying her money on her shoulder and wrote a quick note to her dysfunctional family.

Her grandmother was asleep and Goten was sparring.

'I love you boTh but I can't stay here, it toO hard. TaKe care both of You guys. I'll see yOu, when I see you.

Love, Pan'

With that Pan was out of the door and on the road, tears streaming down her face.

Was this the right thing to do?

Important A/N: Okay so basically the prologue is what happens and why Pan is in Tokyo.

If you didn't get it (Idk if it would have been confusing with the time skips) she leaves because she needs to get away, she feels like shes basically going to go crazy if she stays there with these depressing people.

Sorry if this seems kind of OOC but I had to make it like this for the sake of the story

Review with comments or questions.(No flames please : )

If no one likes it, I'll stop,

If you, do I'll keep going.

Like I said I 'm still working hard on The Prince's Prize and its pratically done.