A few have questioned the chapters- when I decided to do this story over again, I removed all the chapters, and am rewriting them. Thank you to the reviews. :]
Coleen took the final drag from her cigarette (an ultra-long one), and shoved the remainder of it out the wide open window. She turned the AC on full blast and hoped the smell of smoke would be gone by the time she was at Emily's. She had kept her smoking a secret from her friend for almost a year. She didn't want to see the disapproval in her eyes.
She drove slower than usual. It was a very foggy morning, though she knew the sunlight would burn the fog off before ten.
The smell disappeared just as she pulled up next to Emily's pretty little house. Her and Emily had an agreement, made at the end of their Sophomore year. Coleen would drive them to school every day, and Emily would drive them around on the weekends and whenever they had some place to go. Both were responsible for getting the money for their own gas.
Emily was already waiting as usual, her bag slung over her arm, Eclipse tucked tightly to her chest (Coleen had hers- both of them, though she didn't really know why- tucked into her backpack).
Emily considered Coleen to be a stereotypical rebel, even though neither of them really knew it. Coleen was a foster child to a pair of parents that were incapable of having children. She had been abandoned at birth, and finally, after being bumped around from home to home, found Jim and Carol. Nice people. Coleen said she liked them, they treated her better than some of the other foster parents had. Just a few more months until she said she would move out of there and into her own place. Emily envied her in her freedom and boldness.
"You haven't finished that yet? Gosh, I finished it around three," said Coleen.
"I went to bed at midnight. I wanted to have all my necessary brain functions when the day began."
"You're letting the person with questionable brain function drive?"
"You always have questionable brain function. Sleep wouldn't change that." Emily tapped Eclipse. "How's the ending?"
"Fucking sucked."
"Says you." Emily sounded offended.
"I thought you hadn't finished it!"
"I lied."
"I'm shocked. I never lie to you."
"Never," Coleen affirmed.
Emily inhaled purposely. "What's that smell? Winston? Pall Mall?"
"That smell is Westville," she lied, grinning. She should have known Emily could see straight through her. "You shouldn't talk so badly about our lovely little town."
Emily just laughed.
They pulled up into the school's student parking lot a little after seven. Virtually no one else was there, due to the fact that school didn't officially start until eight. Coleen and Emily usually came this early so Coleen could finish her homework, and to just get away from their houses an hour earlier.
"Silver Volvo!" Emily punched Coleen in the arm viciously. It was just something they had always done since their friendship commenced. When they would see Volvo's, they would call out the shade and hit each other as hard as possible. Both girls would come away with multiple bruises.
"Ow! Gosh!" Coleen punched Emily back. "You forgot to call no tag backs!"
Emily was squinting hard at the Volvo, rubbing her now injured arm. "Who's car is that?"
"His Volvo is black. Who is that?"
"I don't know. But they're in my spot." Coleen's eyes narrowed, and her foot edged towards the gas.
"Don't do something stupid, they have money and you don't," Emily warned.
"Emily, this parking lot is slick. I can't help it if-"
"Oh.. my gosh. Is that..?"
Coleen turned her head to spot the boy coming out of the drivers seat. There was a bronze blur as his hair, and his skin glinted he was so pale.
Coleen had taken her foot off the gas, and the car rolled to a slow stop as both girls turned to stare at each other.
"Fucking stupid."
Silence. Coleen stepped on the gas, her motive renewed, turning her eyes back to the parking lot and heading quickly towards the Volvo and it's occupant. Another boy had stepped out of the passengers side, a very short one, with longer black hair.
The closer they came, both girls realized it wasn't a boy, but just a very petite girl.
"No." Coleen refused to accept it, even though a part of her deep inside already had. "We have some grade A impersonators, but that's it. Wow, they're good."
"What kind of impersonators would come to our high school, at seven in the morning?" Emily asked. Coleen had a terrible feeling she knew why. What had she written last night? The Cullen's coming to Illinois. This was more than coincidence.
Finally, they could see each other. The boy and the girl had turned to stare Coleen and Emily in the eyes, and Coleen's heart sank even further. They were beautiful. Pale. Perfect.
Neither girl spoke.
They parked a few spots away from the Volvo. The two visitors were talking, and walking towards them. They didn't stumbled in the gravel, and they walked with purpose.
Coleen stepped out of the car, wondering if she would be able to get to the pocket knife her older brother had made her carry in time. It was in her trunk though. They would get to her first, no doubts about it. She glanced back at Emily, who hadn't gotten out of the car yet. Coleen locked the doors.
"Stay here, okay?"
Emily just gaped, awed.
"That won't be necessary," the boy said. His voice was like a melody, and it drove the thought deeper into her mind. These were no impersonators. She had a feeling that she was in trouble.
"Says who?" Coleen asked. She closed the car door harshly, threading her car keys between her fingers like woman were suppose to when they walked to their cars in the night. Subtly, and without even knowing it, she turned her side from which the book bag dangled away from them, to protect the defective Eclipse.
"Coleen, right?" The girl asked. She held out a white hand. "I don't think we need to introduce ourselves. Emily is safe to come out, we aren't going to hurt either of you."
They all heard the click as Emily unlocked the doors, and joined the three of them.
"What do you want?" Coleen asked. She wasn't sure why she was being so rude to Alice and Edward Cullen. They were her favorite fictional characters. But of course, the answer was staring her straight in the face. Fictional. That's really all she had ever imagined them to be, and now that they were standing in front of her, she was suspicious. She had written in the book last night out of fleeting fancy. Never would she have dreamed that-
"What book?" The boy (Edward, she supposed she should call him now) asked.
"What do you mean?" Coleen playing dumb.
"Your playing dumb," he said.
"No I'm not."
"What book?" Emily asked Edward. "We seriously don't know what you're talking about. We don't have any book for you."
"You don't," Edward said pointedly. "But we have reason to believe that your friend does."
"Reason? Reason like what?"
Edward hesitated, yes flashing to Alice and back so quickly they were a blur.
"They know, Edward. Everything," said Alice.
"But how?"
How did we know what? Coleen questioned silently. Them? Twilight.
"What's Twilight?"
"It's that time where the sun's just setting and-"
"Don't lie."
Don't think, is more like it.
"I heard that!"
"Heard what?"
Alice stepped in, looking like she was ready to play peacemaker. "We aren't going to get anywhere in this parking lot, at seven in the morning. Another student will be pulling up in less than a minute. I really don't this this conversation is fit for public, do you?"
It was Edward who answered her, even though the question was directed towards Emily and Coleen. Both vampires were already headed back towards the silver Volvo, this time, Alice towards the drivers seat. She called her commands over her shoulder to the two stunned girls.
"Be ready when the school bell rings. We'll find you."
They were exiting, just as Alvin Romo pulled his black Volvo into the parking lot. By the time he was in his parking slot, both girls were inside the school cafeteria (a place where they could reside until school began) discussing the events that had just occurred.
"I haven't been honest with you."
"You're never honest with me."
Coleen was hurt, because it was true. She dug through her book bag, overlooking the normal copy of Eclipse for the one at the bottom. The one she had piled her pencils and homework on top of. The one that seemed to have cause some trouble.
"The Eclipse you were writing in? That's what they want?"
"I think so."
"Why?" Emily questioned. Alvin Romo entered the cafeteria, and chose to sit at a table close by to theirs. Both girls leaned in closer, to speak in hushed whispers.
"I wrote in it, that the Cullen's would come to Illinois. And they did."
Emily looked skeptical. "Coleen, things like that don't happen. Things like that are fake. I mean, don't get me wrong, it'd be great if they happened, but they just... don't."
"Then explain them!" Coleen was speaking louder than normal.
"I can't!" Emily shouted back.
Emily had never yelled at her before in their entire friendship. Something had been crossed, and in that moment, their friendship had changed. In Coleen's opinion, it had grown stronger.
"Well, you know what we have to do, now." Emily grabbed the book out of Coleen's hands.
"Let's test this sonofabitch!"