Edward and Bella

Chapter 1

Everything Twilight belongs to the great Stephenie Meyer!

Hey everyone!

This is my second fanfic, I decided to give it a try, as my first one didn't do so good. This idea is from lanna-misssunshine, so I give her the credit, although I have decided to edit it a little. Yeah, please review, it motivates me to type more!

I looked out the window at yet another rainy day. Well, this is what you get for living in Forks. Today was just not my day. My dad, Charlie, gave me another lecture on the cold ones.

I was so sick of listening to him babble on about them. He was always warning me about how they looked, talked, and even coughed, just to make sure my blood wasn't their dinner. I mean, how superstitious could you get?

That's the whole reason my mom divorced him. My mom, Renee, married him young because she thought he was both funny and serious at the same time. It was only after she was married that she found out how superstitious he was.

He would always tell her about the werewolves and the cold ones. Vampires, to be exact. My mom wouldn't believe him, but he just carried on. My mom lasted for a while, until I was born.

My dad's stories were scary, but my mom learned to ignore them, although she thought that they were too scary for me. She told my dad to stop, telling him that if he continues, I would be mentally scarred for life, but he just couldn't. "It's my life," he had told her.

"Yeah, well your life of telling scary stories is frightening my daughter…and me," she replied, and divorced him.

I stayed with my mom, her telling me I should never believe in ghosts, werewolves, or vampires. Once I reassured her I didn't, I would rotate between her and Charlie. I would go over to Forks, where my dad lived, during the summer, and come back to my mom when school started. But then my mom found another guy, Phil, and married him. They had wanted to move to Florida, and asked me if I wanted to come. I said no.

I saw that they were happy, and I didn't want interfere in any way. In the end, I had decided to move in with Charlie. Renee was against it, mostly because she thought I was going to get scared, but I convinced her I was too old for scary stories. She finally agreed.

And here I am now, in rainy Forks, where I have been stuck inside all day. School would start tomorrow at Forks High. I looked forward to tomorrow. Yeah right.

"And so, Bella. You should always run away from those that seem strange for any reason. It just might turn out that they're a cold one. Although running might be in vain, because they run faster than any human," Charlie was telling me. "Bella? Are you listening to at what I am saying? Bella! This is important! Your life may just be saved if you heed my warnings."

I snapped back to reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah dad. Totally. I will always be on the look-out for the cold ones." As if, I thought to myself.

Relieved, Charlie finished off the rest of the chicken I had cooked for him, and walked to the couch where a football game was on. I picked up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

Then I went up to the bathroom to take a shower and such, then crawled into my bed with a copy of Romeo and Juliet. I soon fell asleep, my book dropping on the floor.

I had no idea that it landed on the page when Romeo and Juliet had first met.


So, how did you like it? Please review and tell me. I don't mind if you hate it. I will write the second chapter if I please get at least 3 reviews...Please? Thanks so much!
